

单词 irrelevant
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔COMPLETELY〕Whether you like her or not is utterly irrelevant. 你是否喜欢她完全不相干。朗文写作活用〔CONNECTED WITH/RELATED〕Chris continued to annoy her with questions on totally irrelevant subjects. 克里斯不停地问她一些毫不相干的问题,这使她很恼火。朗文写作活用〔CONNECTED WITH/RELATED〕To many young people, the church seems outdated and irrelevant to modern times. 在许多年轻人看来,教会已过时了,与现代社会格格不入。朗文写作活用〔INCREASE〕An increasing number of Australians see the link to the British monarchy as irrelevant. 越来越多的澳大利亚人把与英国君主政体之间的联系看成是无关的。朗文写作活用〔LIMIT〕Let's try to keep irrelevant comments to a minimum. 不相关的话,我们尽量少说。朗文写作活用〔MAIN〕Let's stop talking about irrelevant issues, and get to the heart of the matter. 我们别再谈论无关的话题了,谈事情的要点吧。朗文写作活用〔afield〕Irrelevant remarks carried us far afield.不相干的话使我们离题太远了。英汉大词典〔annoy〕Hecklers in the crowd asked irrelevant questions for the sole purpose of vexing the speaker.人群中的发问者们问了些不相干的问题,只是为了难住发言人。美国传统〔colored〕Distorted or biased, as by irrelevant or incorrect information.由于不相关或错误信息而被歪曲的,或带有偏见的美国传统〔colour〕He acknowledged that Mr Taylor's colour and ethnic origins were utterly irrelevant in the circumstances.他承认在这种情况下泰勒先生的肤色和种族出身完全无关紧要。柯林斯高阶〔colour〕He acknowledged that Mr Taylor's colour and ethnic origins were utterly irrelevant in the circumstances.他承认泰勒先生的肤色及种族渊源在此情况下毫不重要。外研社新世纪〔delete〕This involved the deletion of a great deal of irrelevant material.这包括删除很大一部分不相关的内容。柯林斯高阶〔dismiss〕She dismissed their arguments as irrelevant.她认为他们的论据毫不相关而不予考虑。牛津搭配〔diversion〕The author marred the story by a diversion into irrelevant material.作者由于偏离主题插入无关材料把那个故事写糟了。英汉大词典〔drag〕He seemed determined to drag in irrelevant details about my personal life.看来他执意要把有关我个人生活的不相关的细节扯进来。麦克米伦高阶〔encumbrance〕Magdalena considered the past an irrelevant encumbrance.玛格达莱娜把过去看作毫不相干的累赘。柯林斯高阶〔encumbrance〕Magdalena considered the past an irrelevant encumbrance.玛格达莱娜把过去视为无意义的累赘。外研社新世纪〔foreign〕Not germane; irrelevant.无关的;不相干的美国传统〔here〕Unimportant and irrelevant.无关紧要的或不相干的美国传统〔history〕Last year's report is ancient history and totally irrelevant to the current situation.去年的报告已经是老早以前的事了,与当前的情况毫无关系。剑桥高阶〔immaterial〕Of no importance or relevance; inconsequential or irrelevant.不重要的,不相关的;无关紧要的,离题的美国传统〔immaterial〕The fact that she is a woman is immaterial and irrelevant.她是个女人这一事实并不重要,也不相干。韦氏高阶〔interrupt〕It was all irrelevant, but I didn't dare interrupt him in mid-flow.他说的完全不相干,可是我不敢中途打断他。牛津搭配〔irrelative〕Irrelevant.没有联系的美国传统〔irrelevantly〕He said politics has become increasingly irrelevant to most Americans.他说政治对大多数美国人来说已经变得越来越不重要了。柯林斯高阶〔irrelevantly〕The choice of subject matter is irrelevant.题材的选择无关紧要。柯林斯高阶〔irrelevantly〕The government decided that their testimony would be irrelevant to the case.政府认定他们的证词与案件不相关。柯林斯高阶〔irrelevantly〕Their old hard-won skills were irrelevant.他们以往辛苦学得的技能没什么大用处。柯林斯高阶〔irrelevant〕He chose not to join his father's irrelevant business.他无意投身于父亲那无意义的生意中去。英汉大词典〔irrelevant〕He either ignored questions or gave irrelevant answers.他要么不回答问题, 要么给出不相关的答案。外研社新世纪〔irrelevant〕Her comments were irrelevant to our discussion.她的评论与我们的讨论毫不相干。韦氏高阶〔irrelevant〕Her statement is irrelevant to this case.她的陈述与本案无关。牛津搭配〔irrelevant〕His age is completely irrelevant if he can do the job.如果他能胜任这份工作,年龄完全不重要。朗文当代〔irrelevant〕His book is full of irrelevant information.他的书充满了不相干的资讯。文馨英汉〔irrelevant〕His comment is completely irrelevant.他的评论完全不切题。韦氏高阶〔irrelevant〕It's all irrelevant to me.这一切与我毫不相干。牛津搭配〔irrelevant〕Making a large profit is irrelevant to us - the important thing is to make the book available to the largest possible audience.赢得巨额利润对我们来说并不重要,重要的是要让尽可能多的读者读到这本书。剑桥高阶〔irrelevant〕Many people consider politics irrelevant to their lives.许多人认为政治与他们的生活不相干。牛津高阶〔irrelevant〕Many regarded Parliament as irrelevant.许多人认为议会可有可无。外研社新世纪〔irrelevant〕Not my favourite fellow, but that 's irrelevant.这小伙子不是我特别喜欢的那种, 但是这并不重要。外研社新世纪〔irrelevant〕Omit irrelevant details.省略掉不相干的细节。牛津同义词〔irrelevant〕Students viewed Latin as boring and irrelevant.学生认为拉丁语无趣且无关紧要。朗文当代〔irrelevant〕That evidence is irrelevant to the case.那条证据与本案无关。牛津高阶〔irrelevant〕The UN is becoming increasingly irrelevant.联合国正变得越来越无关紧要了。牛津搭配〔irrelevant〕The defendant's lawyer argued that his past offenses were irrelevant to this case.被告律师争辩说他过去的罪行和本案无关。朗文当代〔irrelevant〕The original date of the translation is irrelevant to its value as a historical source.译文的最初翻译时间与它作为历史资料的价值无关。麦克米伦高阶〔irrelevant〕These arguments were dismissed as irrelevant.这些论点被认为不相关而未被考虑。牛津搭配〔irrelevant〕These documents are largely irrelevant to the present investigation.这些文件与目前的调查大都不相干。剑桥高阶〔irrelevant〕These issues are largely irrelevant and distract us from attending to the real questions.这些问题大体上无关紧要,却转移了我们对真正问题的注意力。牛津搭配〔irrelevant〕This argument is entirely irrelevant to the question of who is right.这个论据与谁是谁非这个问题毫不相关。牛津搭配〔irrelevant〕We're focusing too much on irrelevant details.我们过于关注不相干的细节。朗文当代〔irrelevant〕What you say is irrelevant to the subject.你所说的和题目毫不相干。英汉大词典〔irrelevant〕Whether I believe you or not is irrelevant now.我是否相信你,现在已无关紧要了。牛津高阶〔irrelevant〕Your argument is completely irrelevant to the subject under discussion.你的议论与讨论中的题目完全无关。文馨英汉〔lace〕He laces his narrative with a great deal of irrelevant information.他在叙述中加了很多不相关的内容。朗文当代〔mark〕Beside the point; irrelevant.不切题;不相关美国传统〔may〕All these things, if I may say so, are entirely irrelevant.所有的这一切,我可以这么说的话,都毫不相关。朗文当代〔moot〕Of no practical importance; irrelevant.没有实际重要性的;不相关的美国传统〔moreover〕The source of the information is irrelevant. Moreover, the information need not be confidential.信息来源不重要,而且信息也不一定是机密的。朗文当代〔nitpicking〕A lot of nit-picking was going on about irrelevant things.对于毫不相干的事情进行大量吹毛求疵的批评。柯林斯高阶〔nitpicking〕A lot of nitpicking was going on about irrelevant things.吹毛求疵地大肆批评毫不相干的事情。外研社新世纪〔noise〕Computer Science Irrelevant or meaningless data generated by a computer along with desired data.【计算机科学】 无用数据:计算机产生的与所需数据不相干或无意义的数据美国传统〔operative〕Many old laws which are irrelevant to the modern world are still operative.许多不适合当今世界的旧法律仍在沿用中。英汉大词典〔pad〕Try not to pad your report out with irrelevant statistics.尽量不要用不相关的统计数据拉长你的报告。麦克米伦高阶〔particle〕A body whose spatial extent and internal motion and structure, if any, are irrelevant in a specific problem.质点:其空间延伸和内部的运动和结构(如果存在的话)与某个具体问题无关的物体美国传统〔pedantic〕Pedantic as it may sound, the warning is by no means irrelevant or superfluous.这个警告可能听上去迂腐,然而它决非无关紧要或多此一举。英汉大词典〔perspective〕From the perspective of anyone with children, it looks rather irrelevant.在任何一个有孩子的人看来,这好像毫不相干。麦克米伦高阶〔point〕Irrelevant to the matter at hand.和手头的事无关的美国传统〔prune〕He pruned my speech of what he thought was irrelevant.他把我的演讲稿中他认为不相关的部分删掉。文馨英汉〔purpose〕The details are, for the present purposes , irrelevant.目前情况下,这些细节是无关紧要的。朗文当代〔quibble〕A petty distinction or an irrelevant objection.牵强之词:微不足道的差别或不切中要点的异议美国传统〔sandwich〕When you write, avoid sandwiching the bad news between an irrelevant, indirect, or overly cushioned beginning and end.写作时, 要避免在毫不相关、拐弯抹角或过度铺垫的开头和结尾之间插入坏消息。外研社新世纪〔sandwich〕When you write, avoid sandwiching the bad news between an irrelevant, indirect, or overly cushioned beginning and end.在写文章时,不要把坏消息夹在毫不相关、拐弯抹角或过度铺垫的开头和结尾中间。柯林斯高阶〔surplusage〕Law Irrelevant matter in a pleading.【法律】 诉讼中无关紧要的事宜美国传统〔tangent〕Irrelevant.不相关的美国传统Gender is irrelevant to how well men or women will do the job.性别与男人或女人如何胜任工作没有多大关系。剑桥国际I get really annoyed when he airily (=without seriously thinking about it) dismisses anything I say as irrelevant.当他轻率地认为我说的任何话都毫不相干而不予考虑时,我真的恼火了。剑桥国际It's irrelevant what you say--nothing can change his attitude. 你说什么都没有意义,任何事都无法改变他的态度。剑桥国际Making a large profit is irrelevant to us--the important thing is to make the book available to the largest possible audience.赢得巨额利润对我们并不重要,重要的是要让尽可能多的读者买到这本书。剑桥国际Never pad out your essay with irrelevant details. 千万别用不相干的细节来拉长文章。译典通There were pages of information but the facts were virtually inextricable from irrelevant details.尽管资料有好几页,但不相关的细节和事实几乎完全纠缠在一起了。剑桥国际These documents are largely irrelevant to the present investigation.这些文件与目前的调查大都不相干。剑桥国际




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