

单词 夹心
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔-centred〕lemon-centered white chocolates. 柠檬夹心白巧克力柯林斯高阶〔-decker〕a triple-decker peanut butter and jelly sandwich. 三层的花生酱和果酱夹心三明治柯林斯高阶〔baguette〕a cheese baguette 奶酪夹心小面包棒牛津高阶〔bonbon〕chocolate bonbons 巧克力夹心软糖韦氏高阶〔burger〕a veggie burger 蔬菜夹心饼剑桥高阶〔celestial〕a chocolate cake with an apricot filling and celestial effect on the taste buds味道奇妙无比的杏仁夹心巧克力蛋糕外研社新世纪〔centered〕a soft-centered candy; a yellow-centered daisy. 软夹心糖果;黄心的雏菊美国传统〔center〕chocolates with soft centers. 具有松软夹心的巧克力美国传统〔centre〕chocolates with soft centres 软夹心巧克力朗文当代〔cream〕a chocolate candy with a vanilla cream center 香草奶油夹心巧克力糖韦氏高阶〔cream〕a chocolate/peppermint cream 巧克力╱薄荷奶油夹心糖牛津高阶〔cream〕chocolate/peppermint creams 巧克力/薄荷奶油夹心糖剑桥高阶〔paste〕a cake with an almond paste filling 杏仁酱夹心蛋糕韦氏高阶〔pocket〕a pocket sandwich filled with organic tofu一种有机豆腐夹心三明治外研社新世纪〔pocket〕pocket bread夹心面包外研社新世纪〔puff pastry〕a cake made from puff pastry and filled with cream用千层酥皮制成的奶油夹心蛋糕外研社新世纪〔sandwich〕a Victoria sandwich 维多利亚夹心饼剑桥高阶〔sandwich〕a jam and cream sandwich 果酱奶油夹心饼剑桥高阶〔sandwich〕a raspberry sponge sandwich 木莓果酱奶油夹心海绵蛋糕朗文当代〔swirl〕small swirls of chocolate cream. 小团螺旋形的奶油夹心巧克力柯林斯高阶〔variety〕a huge box of chocolates of the cream-filled variety 一大盒奶油夹心巧克力麦克米伦高阶




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