

单词 羽毛
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Brahma〕A large domestic fowl of a breed originating in Asia and having feathered legs and small wings and tail.婆罗摩鸡:一种原产于亚洲的大型家禽,腿上长有羽毛、翅和尾较小美国传统〔FIT/NOT FIT〕He's good at badminton but plays handball to keep in shape. 他很擅长打羽毛球,但他打手球以保持强健。朗文写作活用〔Mrs.〕Mrs. Badminton 羽毛球夫人英汉大词典〔TAKE PART/BE INVOLVED〕She was dropped from the badminton team because she missed practice too often. 她因为经常缺席训练,被羽毛球队除了名。朗文写作活用〔angel〕She wore a white costume with big furry angel wings.她穿着一件白色戏装,上面有天使羽毛状的大翅膀。牛津搭配〔axillar〕One of the feathers in the axilla of a bird's wing.腋下的羽毛:鸟腋羽下的一根羽毛美国传统〔badminton〕A sport played by volleying a shuttlecock back and forth over a high, narrow net by means of a light, long-handled racket.羽毛球:一种体育运动,在一定高度、宽度的网子范围内用一只轻的长柄球拍前后截击羽毛球美国传统〔barbicel〕One of the minute, hooked projections extending from and interlocking the barbules of a feather.羽纤支:从一根羽毛的羽小支上延伸或与羽小支交叉的细小钩状凸起之一美国传统〔barb〕One of a breed of domestic pigeons that is similar to the carrier and has dark plumage.巴巴里家鸽:家鸽的一种,类似信鸽,有暗黑的羽毛美国传统〔barb〕Zoology One of the parallel filaments projecting from the main shaft of a feather.【动物学】 羽支:一个羽毛的羽干上突出的平行丝之一美国传统〔blue heron〕Any of several varieties of heron with blue or blue-gray plumage.青鹭:鹭的一种,羽毛呈蓝色或蓝灰色美国传统〔body〕A bird's body is covered in feathers.鸟的身上长着羽毛。韦氏高阶〔concoction〕The hat was a fantastic concoction, all feathers and ribbons.这顶帽子是个奇形怪状的混合物,全是羽毛和丝带。麦克米伦高阶〔cornification〕The conversion of squamous epithelial cells into a keratinized, horny material, such as hair, nails, or feathers.角质化:鳞状的上皮组织转化为角质化,角质样的物质,例如毛发、指甲或羽毛美国传统〔downy〕Young penguins can drown while still in their downy state.羽毛未丰的小企鹅会淹死。英汉大词典〔down〕Fine, soft, fluffy feathers forming the first plumage of a young bird and underlying the contour feathers in certain adult birds.绒毛:雏鸟出生时全身羽毛的松软细密羽毛,某些成鸟的廓羽下的松软细密羽毛美国传统〔drop shot〕A shot in various racquet games in which a ball or shuttlecock drops quickly after crossing the net or hitting the wall.网前球:各种拍球游戏中球或羽毛球过网或击墙后迅速落地的一击美国传统〔eclipse plumage〕Dull or colorless plumage that certain birds, such as male ducks, acquire at the end of the breeding season.非婚羽:某些鸟类,如公鸭,在交配季节过后出现的暗淡不鲜艳的羽毛美国传统〔fan〕It squawked and fanned a tail missing two feathers.鸟嘎嘎地叫几声, 展开了少了两片羽毛的尾巴。外研社新世纪〔feather bed〕A bed having a feather mattress.安有羽毛褥垫的床美国传统〔feather duster〕A brush made of a bundle of long feathers fastened to the end of a stick, used for dusting delicate objects.羽毛掸:由长羽毛紧捆在棍端而制成的掸子,用于清扫细微物体美国传统〔feathered〕She likes to refer to birds as “our feathered friends.” 她喜欢把鸟儿称为“我们那些长着羽毛的朋友”。韦氏高阶〔filoplume〕A hairlike feather having few or no barbs, usually located between contour feathers.纤羽:具有少量或没有羽支的发状羽毛,通常处于外侧羽毛之间美国传统〔flash〕A jay emerged from the juniper bush in a flash of blue feathers.只见亮闪闪的蓝色羽毛一闪, 一只松鸦从刺柏从中钻了出来。外研社新世纪〔fletching〕The feathers on an arrow.翎:箭上的羽毛美国传统〔flight feather〕Any of the comparatively large, stiff feathers of a bird's wing or tail that are necessary for flight.飞羽:鸟翼或鸟尾上维持飞行所需的相对大且坚硬的羽毛之一美国传统〔fly〕A fishing lure simulating a fly, made by attaching materials such as feathers, tinsel, and colored thread to a fishhook.假蝇饵:一种把羽毛、金银丝和彩线粘在鱼钓上制成的伪装成苍蝇的鱼饵美国传统〔frill〕A ruff of hair or feathers about the neck of an animal or a bird.(动物)褶皱:动物或鸟脖子上覆叠的毛发或羽毛美国传统〔frontlet〕The forehead of a bird when of a different color or texture of plumage.(鸟的)额:有不同颜色或不同质地的前额羽毛的鸟的前额美国传统〔full-fledged〕Having fully developed adult plumage.羽毛长全的美国传统〔gaudy〕Peacocks have gaudy plumage.孔雀有鲜艳夺目的羽毛。文馨英汉〔hackle〕Any of the long, slender, often glossy feathers on the neck of a bird, especially a male domestic fowl.细长颈羽:颈上长有细长的,通常光滑的羽毛的鸟类,尤其是雄性家禽美国传统〔jacamar〕Any of various tropical American birds of the family Galbulidae, having iridescent plumage and a long bill.鹟鴷:一种热带美洲鹟鴷科的鸟类 ,有彩虹色的羽毛和长长的鸟嘴美国传统〔light〕The younger children are as light as a feather.轻若羽毛的;极轻的麦克米伦高阶〔like〕There's a big sports hall for tennis and badminton and such like.那里有一个可供网球、羽毛球等比赛用的大型体育馆。剑桥高阶〔loft〕The thickness of an item, such as a down comforter, that is filled with compressible insulating material.羽毛被的厚度:填满了压缩绝缘材料的某种物品的厚度,如尼龙被美国传统〔lure〕A bunch of feathers attached to a long cord, used in falconry to recall the hawk.鸟媒:系在长绳上的一束羽毛,在放鹰狩猎中用来召回猎鹰美国传统〔lustre〕Their feathers lustred in the moonlight as they passed.它们飞过时,羽毛在月光下熠熠闪光。英汉大词典〔marabou〕A hat or garment trimmed with the down of a stork or an imitation of it.羽毛装饰:饰有这种鹳毛或仿制品的帽子或衣服美国传统〔mate〕These birds have bright plumage to attract a mate.这些鸟以鲜艳的羽毛吸引配偶。牛津搭配〔mew〕To molt. Used of a hawk.换毛:换羽毛,用指鹰美国传统〔motmot〕Any of several tropical American birds of the family Momotidae, usually having green and blue plumage with long tail feathers that spread out at the tip.翠鴗:一种翠鴗科美洲热带鸟,通常长有绿色和蓝色的羽毛及直铺展至尾尖的长尾巴美国传统〔moult〕Finches start to moult at around twelve weeks of age.燕雀大约在12个星期大小的时候开始换羽毛。柯林斯高阶〔mustache〕Distinctive coloring or feathers near the beak of a bird.鸟眼附近具有明显不同的颜色或者羽毛美国传统〔nippy〕Barnaby may be 15, but he's nippy and suited to badminton.巴纳比或许只有15岁, 但是他非常灵巧, 很适合羽毛球运动。外研社新世纪〔osprey〕A plume formerly used to trim women's hats.装饰羽毛:用作装饰妇女女帽的羽毛美国传统〔overhead〕Sports A stroke in a game, such as tennis or badminton, that is made with a hard downward motion from above the head.【体育运动】 过顶扣球:如网球或羽毛球比赛中的一击,伴随着从头顶猛烈向下的动作美国传统〔pappus〕A modified calyx, composed of scales, bristles, or featherlike hairs, in plants of the composite family, such as the dandelion and the thistle.冠毛:在例如蒲公英和蓟等菊科植物中的一种由鳞叶、刺毛或羽毛状茸毛形成的修饰性花萼美国传统〔pinfeather〕A growing feather still enclosed in its horny sheath, especially one just emerging through the skin.(鸟类的)新生毛:一种裹在角鞘中的新生毛,特别是刚刚冒出皮肤外的羽毛美国传统〔pinnule〕Zoology A featherlike or plumelike organ or part, such as a small fin, or one of the appendages of a crinoid.【动物学】 小鳍,小鳍状物:一种象羽状或羽毛状的器官,如小鳍或海百合类的附属肢体之一美国传统〔plumage〕Male peacocks have beautiful plumage.雄孔雀有美丽的羽毛。剑桥高阶〔plumage〕The peacock has colorful plumage.孔雀有色彩斑斓的羽毛。韦氏高阶〔plumate〕Resembling a plume or feather.羽毛的:类似羽毛或羽毛的美国传统〔plumed〕Three plumed horses entered.进来了3匹饰有羽毛的马。柯林斯高阶〔plume〕Smoke plumed skyward after a night of heavy air raids.一夜猛烈空袭之后, 烟尘升向空中, 呈羽毛状散开。外研社新世纪〔plume〕The sparrow plumed itself after a mud bath.麻雀在泥浴后用喙整理羽毛。英汉大词典〔plume〕To smooth (feathers); preen.梳平(羽毛);梳理美国传统〔plumose〕Resembling a plume; feathery.羽毛状的:类似一支大羽毛的;羽毛般的美国传统〔pompon〕A tuft or ball of wool, feathers, or other material used as a decoration, especially on shoes, caps, and curtains.绒球,丝球:一簇或一团毛、羽毛或其它材料,尤用于鞋、帽和窗帘等的装饰物美国传统〔pteryla〕An area on the skin of a bird from which feathers grow.羽区:鸟皮肤上长羽毛的部位美国传统〔pull〕The feather must be removed with a straight, firm pull.拔羽毛必须干净利落。柯林斯高阶〔quill〕A writing pen made from the shaft of a feather.羽毛笔:一种由羽毛的羽干制成的书写笔美国传统〔quill〕Any of the larger wing or tail feathers of a bird.翮羽:鸟身上较大的翅膀或尾部的羽毛美国传统〔recognizable〕The bird is easily recognizable because of its bright red feathers.这种鸟有鲜红的羽毛,因此容易辨认。韦氏高阶〔ruffle〕She watched the parrot as it ruffled its feathers.她看到这只鹦鹉竖起了羽毛。外研社新世纪〔ruffle〕The bird ruffled (up) its feathers in anger.鸟怒竖羽毛。英汉大词典〔ruffle〕The bird's feathers ruffled at the sight of the fox.鸟一见到狐便羽毛直竖。英汉大词典〔ruffle〕The caged bird ruffled its throat feathers and sang.那只笼中的鸟竖起喉部的羽毛,唱起歌来。麦克米伦高阶〔ruff〕A distinctive collarlike projection around the neck, as of feathers on a bird or of fur on a mammal.翎颌:围在脖子上的领状明显突出物,如鸟的羽毛或哺乳动物的毛美国传统〔rupture〕Whilst playing badminton, I ruptured my Achilles tendon.打羽毛球时,我的跟腱撕裂了。柯林斯高阶〔serve〕Sports To put (a ball or shuttlecock) in play, as in tennis, badminton, or jai alai.【体育运动】 发球:在游戏中发(球或羽毛球),如网球,羽毛球或回力球美国传统〔shed〕A duck's feathers shed water.鸭子的羽毛不沾水。英汉大词典〔shuttlecock〕To throw or send back and forth like a shuttlecock.往返递送:象打羽毛球一样扔出或来回递送美国传统〔slaughter〕Thousands of birds were slaughtered for their feathers.人们为得到羽毛捕杀了数以千计的鸟。牛津搭配〔specific〕Feathers are a feature specific to birds.羽毛是鸟类特有的特征。英汉大词典〔stuff〕We made felt animals and stuffed them with feathers.我们做了毛毡动物玩偶, 里面填充了羽毛。外研社新世纪〔tag〕Sports A bright piece of feather, floss, or tinsel surrounding the shank of the hook on a fishing fly.【体育运动】 钓钩上的羽毛,金属丝:围绕着钓钩柄部的一块颜色鲜艳的羽毛、绣花线或金属箔片美国传统〔tam-o'-shanter〕A tight-fitting Scottish cap or braided bonnet, sometimes having a pompon, tassel, or feather in the center.苏格兰宽顶无檐圆帽:一种头形紧合的苏格兰便帽或编织的女帽,有时帽中央会饰有一个绒球、流苏或羽毛美国传统〔tape〕I taped the base of the feather onto the velvet.我用胶带把羽毛的根部粘在了天鹅绒上。柯林斯高阶〔toucan〕Any of various tropical American birds of the family Ramphastidae, having brightly colored plumage and a very large bill and feeding mainly on small fruits.巨嘴鸟:一种产于热带美洲的鵎鵼鸟,具有鲜艳多彩的羽毛,喙非常巨大,主要以食用小型果类为生美国传统〔touraco〕Any of various weak-flying, cuckoolike African birds of the family Musophagidae, many of which have brightly colored plumage and long tails.蕉鹃:蕉鹃科非洲鸟类,不善飞行,似杜鹃,许多有鲜艳色彩的羽毛和毛尾美国传统〔trumpeter〕A variety of domestic pigeon having a shell-shaped crest and heavily feathered feet.帚鸽:各种家鸽,有贝壳状羽冠及羽毛厚密的足美国传统〔tuft〕The bird has a tuft of feathers on top of its head.这鸟头顶有一簇羽毛。英汉大词典〔turn〕Even a feather will turn a delicate scale.一台精密的天平能称出即使是一片羽毛的重量美国传统〔tussock〕A tuft of hair or feathers.丛簇:一绺头发或一撮羽毛美国传统〔underlap〕The feathers of a bird's wing underlap each other.鸟翅的羽毛是部分相互重叠而搭接着的。英汉大词典〔unfledged〕Not having the feathers necessary to fly. Used of a young bird.羽毛未丰的:没有需要飞行的羽毛。用于幼鸟美国传统〔vane〕The flattened, weblike part of a feather, consisting of a series of barbs on either side of the shaft.箭翎:羽毛的压平的网状部分,由箭杆任一侧的一系列倒钩组成美国传统Badminton is an indoor game. 羽毛球是一种室内运动。译典通Birds’bodies are streamlined with a smooth covering of short overlapping feathers.鸟的身体因覆盖着一层光滑而重叠的短羽毛而更具流线型。剑桥国际He wrote with a quill. 他用羽毛笔写字。译典通Its plumage had turned grey. 它的羽毛变成了灰色。译典通The bird fluffed out its feathers. 这鸟抖开牠的羽毛。译典通The bird ruffled up its feathers. 鸟儿竖起了羽毛。译典通The knight plumed his helmet with brilliant red feathers. 骑士用鲜红的羽毛装饰他的头盔。译典通The pigeons were too busy preening to notice the bread that had been scattered on the ground for them.鸽子们忙于用嘴整理羽毛了,没看到给它们撒在地上的面包。剑桥国际There was a feather on the rock, proclaiming that a bird had been there. 岩石上有一根羽毛,说明有鸟到过那儿。译典通To combat cold weather, birds ruffle their feathers, trapping layers of warm air to insulate their bodies.为了抵御寒冷天气,鸟儿们竖起羽毛,裹住一层层的暖气,使身体与外界隔绝。剑桥国际With all its feathers puffed out the bird looked twice its normal size.那只鸟的羽毛都蓬了起来,使它看上去有正常大小的两倍。剑桥国际Young women in the 1920s often wore feather boas.二十世纪二十年代的年轻妇女经常戴羽毛长围巾。剑桥国际




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