

单词 夹子
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ADMIRE〕Morrow's new production of ‘The Nutcracker’ has been greatly admired. 莫罗全新制作的《胡桃夹子》大受赞赏。朗文写作活用〔ALL/EVERYTHING〕I left my purse with my cheque book and car keys on the kitchen table and thieves broke in and stole the lot. 我把皮夹子、支票簿和汽车钥匙都放在厨房的桌子上,小偷进来把它们统统偷走了。朗文写作活用〔PURPOSE〕The police opened the package and found not a bomb, but a wallet meant to be someone's gift. 警方打开包裹,看到的不是炸弹而是一个皮夹子,该是某人的礼物。朗文写作活用〔THIN〕In her pocket was a thin leather wallet containing six ten dollar bills. 她口袋里有一只薄薄的皮夹子,里面有六张十美元的钞票。朗文写作活用〔alligator〕A tool or fastener having strong, adjustable, often toothed jaws.鳄口钳:一种工具或夹子,有坚固可调的,通常为齿状的钳口美国传统〔back〕The rabbit had one of its back legs caught in a trap.兔子有一条后腿被夹子夹住了。朗文当代〔barrette〕A small clasp used by women and girls for holding the hair in place.发夹:一种小夹子,被妇女和女孩用来夹住头发美国传统〔beware〕Beware your pocketbook when he is around.他在近旁时你得注意自己的皮夹子。英汉大词典〔billfold〕A folding pocket-sized case for carrying paper money, small personal documents, and sometimes change.钱夹:一种用来放钞票、私人小文件和一些零钱的可折叠的便于携带的夹子美国传统〔binder〕A notebook cover with rings or clamps for holding sheets of paper.活页封面:带有环状物或夹子用于固定纸张的封面美国传统〔bite〕We need a clamp to bite the wood while the glue dries.我们得用个夹子夹紧木头,等胶水干透。英汉大词典〔brace〕A device that holds or fastens two or more parts together or in place; a clamp.铁钳,夹子:将两个或两个以上部分夹在或扣在一起的装置;钳子美国传统〔carabiner〕An oblong metal ring with a spring clip, used in mountaineering to attach a running rope to a piton or similar device.铁锁:一种登山时使用的带弹簧夹子的长方形铁环,把滑动的绳子固定在岩钉或类似装置上美国传统〔chuck〕A clamp that holds a tool or the material being worked in a machine such as a lathe.夹盘:用以夹住机器上运作的工具或工作物件的夹子(如车床上的夹子)美国传统〔clamp〕Carefully tighten the clamp until it firmly supports the pipette in a vertical position.小心翼翼地把夹子夹紧,直到能把吸液管牢牢地垂直固定住为止。剑桥高阶〔clinch〕Something, such as a clamp, that clinches.钳子,夹子:敲弯用的某物,如夹钳美国传统〔clip〕A piece of jewelry that fastens with a clasp or clip; a brooch.胸针:用夹子或别针固定的一件首饰;胸针美国传统〔clip〕Any of various devices for gripping or holding things together; a clasp or fastener.夹子,扣钩:一种把物品夹在一起的设备;夹子或扣钩美国传统〔clip〕The wire is held on with a metal clip.电线用金属夹子固定住。朗文当代〔clip〕The wires were fastened together with a plastic clip.这些电线用一个塑料夹子扣在一起。剑桥高阶〔clip〕To fasten with or as if with a clip; hold tightly.夹牢,夹紧:用或好象用夹子固定;紧紧抓住美国传统〔clip〕You can always tell a real bow tie from one that clips on.真领结和用夹子别上的领结总是能区分开来的。剑桥高阶〔clothespin〕A clip of wood or plastic for fastening clothes to a clothesline.晒衣用衣夹:木制或塑料制的夹子,用于把衣服固定在晒衣绳子美国传统〔cramp〕To hold together with a cramp.用夹子夹紧美国传统〔fat〕He took out his fat wallet and peeled off some notes.他拿出鼓鼓的皮夹子, 抽出几张钞票。外研社新世纪〔find〕I found a purse in the street.我在大街上捡到一只皮夹子。朗文当代〔forceps〕An instrument resembling a pair of pincers or tongs, used for grasping, manipulating, or extracting, especially such an instrument used by a surgeon.钳子,镊子:象钳子或夹子的一种器械,用来夹、操纵或抽取,尤其指外科医生用的这样的器具美国传统〔hold〕Her hair was held back by two clips.她的头发用两个小夹子往后夹了起来。麦克米伦高阶〔leave〕I think I might have left my wallet behind.我可能把皮夹子遗忘了。朗文当代〔mangle〕The trap closed round her leg, badly mangling her ankle.夹子夹住了她的腿,重伤了她的脚踝。朗文当代〔mousetrap〕A trap for catching mice.捕鼠器:用于捉老鼠的夹子美国传统〔peg〕I'll peg out the clothes before I go to work.我会在上班之前把衣服用夹子晾在晾衣绳上的。剑桥高阶〔pin curl〕A usually damp, coiled strand of hair secured with a bobby pin or clip and combed into a wave or curl when dry.发卷:用小发夹或夹子固定的一缕通常是湿的卷曲的头发,干后可梳成波浪式或卷发美国传统〔pinchcock〕A clamp used to regulate or close a flexible tube, especially in laboratory apparatus.弹簧铗:用来调整或关闭柔软管道的夹子,尤指实验室设备美国传统〔pocketbook〕A pocket-sized folder or case used to hold money and papers; a billfold.皮夹子,钱包:用来装钱和纸张的口袋大小的夹子或盒子;钱夹美国传统〔rats〕Rats! I left my pocketbook in the car.真糟糕!我把皮夹子落在车里了。韦氏高阶〔rip ... off〕Someone ripped off my wallet.有人偷了我的钱夹子。21世纪英汉〔roach clip〕A device used to hold the butt of a marijuana cigarette.大麻卷烟烟蒂夹子:一种用来固定住大麻卷烟烟蒂的装置美国传统〔safety pin〕A pin in the form of a clasp, having a sheath to cover and hold the point.安全别针:夹子形状别针,有盖住和掐住尖端的鞘美国传统〔set〕To apply equipment, such as curlers and clips, to (hair) in order to style.美发:用工具(如卷发器或夹子)使(头发)符合时尚美国传统〔snap〕The trap snapped shut.夹子啪的一声合上了。韦氏高阶〔spanner〕A wrench having a hook, hole, or pin at the end for meshing with a related device on another object.扳手:一头带钩、孔或夹子以和另一物体上的相对应的装置相啮合的工具美国传统〔stroke down〕He unpinned her hair, stroking it down over her shoulders.他取下她头发上的夹子, 用手捋顺使其披在她肩膀上。外研社新世纪〔suggest〕This onomatopoeic word suggests to me the sound a mousetrap makes when it snaps shut.这个拟声词让我想起捕鼠夹子突然合上时的声音。柯林斯高阶〔tongs〕The waiter lifted rolls with a pair of silver tongs.服务员用一把银夹子夹起面包卷。外研社新世纪〔trap〕The fox got its foot caught in a trap.狐狸的一只脚被夹子夹住了。剑桥高阶〔trap〕They set traps to catch the mice.他们放了捕鼠夹子捉老鼠。韦氏高阶〔undo〕Some clamps that had held the device together came undone.用来将装置夹在一起的一些夹子松开了。柯林斯高阶〔wallet〕A flat pocket-sized folding case, usually made of leather, for holding paper money, cards, or photographs; a billfold.皮夹子:口袋大小的平的折叠小包,常以皮革制成,用来装纸钱、卡片或像片等;钱包美国传统〔yoke〕A clamp or vise that holds a machine part in place or controls its movement or that holds two such parts together.钳,夹:夹子或老虎钳,用来固定机器部件到位、或控制其运动或把两个该种机件连接起来美国传统Carefully tighten the clamp until it firmly supports the pipette in a vertical position.把夹子仔细夹紧, 直到它把吸量管牢牢地固定在垂直的位置上。剑桥国际Fasten the two pieces of wood together with a clamp while the glue is drying.在等胶水干时把两片木头用夹子夹紧。剑桥国际Tchaikovsky's ‘Nutcracker Suite’ 柴可夫斯基的《胡桃夹子组曲》剑桥国际The lady put her wallet in her purse. 那位女士将皮夹子放在手提包内。译典通The wires were fastened together with a plastic clip.电线是用一个塑料夹子扣在一起的。剑桥国际You can always tell a real bow tie from one that clips on (=fastens with a clip).你总能把用夹子夹上的蝶形领结和真的蝶形领结分辨开来。剑桥国际You'll get a clip round the lughole if you're not careful.一不小心,耳朵就会被夹上个夹子。剑桥国际You're supposed to use the tongs for putting ice in the drinks -- not your fingers! 你该用夹子把冰块放到饮料中去----不是用你的手指!剑桥国际




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