

单词 实实
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔all〕all of ten miles 实实足足的十英里英汉大词典〔breeze〕muffle oneself against the freezing sea breeze 把自己裹得严严实实抵御彻骨的海风英汉大词典〔bundle〕spectators bundled up against the cold 为御寒而裹得严严实实的观众朗文当代〔close〕a close carriage 封得严严实实的马车英汉大词典〔cold〕a cold five thousand dollars 实实足足5000美元英汉大词典〔compact〕a compact bundle/mass 密密实实的一捆/一堆麦克米伦高阶〔compact〕a compact piece of luggage 一件结结实实的行李英汉大词典〔concrete〕a disconcerting mixture of the fantastical and the concrete异想天开的事物和实实在在的事物之间令人困惑的混合外研社新世纪〔cork〕cork the wine securely 将酒封得严严实实英汉大词典〔curtained〕heavily curtained windows. 窗帘挂得严严实实的窗户柯林斯高阶〔flush〕knocked out by a flush blow to the jaw. 下巴上结结实实地挨了一拳而被打昏了美国传统〔morally〕be morally sure 确确实实地肯定英汉大词典〔muffle〕muffle oneself up well 把自己裹得严严实实英汉大词典〔neck〕tie sb. neck and crop 把某人结结实实捆起来 英汉大词典〔secure〕keep a prisoner secure 把犯人严严实实监禁着英汉大词典〔solidity〕a solid wall of multicoloured trees. 五彩缤纷、密密实实的林带柯林斯高阶〔solid〕a solid wall of multicoloured trees五彩缤纷、密密实实的林带外研社新世纪〔straightforward〕a straightforward business transaction 一笔老老实实的交易英汉大词典〔take〕really took him down during the debate. 在辩论中实实在在地煞了他的威风美国传统〔tangible〕tangibly real 真真实实的韦氏高阶〔tightly〕a tightly packed crowd of tourists 挤得严严实实的旅游人群牛津高阶〔up〕drank it up in a gulp; fastened up the coat. 一饮而尽;把外衣扣得严严实实美国传统〔yeoman〕give yeoman help 踏踏实实提供帮助英汉大词典




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