

单词 under pressure
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BUSY/NOT BUSY〕Some people don't work well under pressure. 有些人在压力下就不能把工作做好。朗文写作活用〔alone〕The Swedes are not alone in finding their language under pressure from the spread of English.感受到自己国家的母语面临着英语广泛使用压力的不仅仅是瑞典人。剑桥高阶〔best〕They work best under pressure.他们在压力之下干得最出色。韦氏高阶〔bottled gas〕Gas, such as butane or propane, stored under pressure in portable tanks.瓶装煤气:储存于高压下的可移动容器中的气体,如瓶装丁烷或丙烷美国传统〔come under〕The school is coming under pressure to change its policies.学校正承受着改变政策的压力。韦氏高阶〔come〕President Bush has come under pressure to step up the sanctions.布什总统面临要求加快制裁的压力。麦克米伦高阶〔competitively〕They worked hard together, competitively and under pressure.他们都被迫你追我赶拼命工作。外研社新世纪〔defender〕The Brazilian attack put France's defenders under pressure.巴西队的进攻给法国队的后卫施加了很大的压力。剑桥高阶〔diving bell〕A large vessel for underwater work, open on the bottom and supplied with air under pressure.潜水钟:水下作业的大容器,底部开口并可提供压力下的空气美国传统〔female〕They are under pressure to negate their femaleness.她们承受着否认自己女性身份的压力。柯林斯高阶〔gracefully〕He was charming, cheerful, and graceful under pressure.他在重压之下依然开朗迷人,风度优雅。柯林斯高阶〔graceful〕He is graceful under pressure.他在压力之下仍保持风度。外研社新世纪〔grease gun〕A hand-powered pump used to force grease under pressure into bearings.滑脂枪,黄油枪:一种用压力将滑脂压入轴承的手动泵美国传统〔hydrostatics〕The branch of physics that deals with fluids at rest and under pressure.流体静力学:物理学的一个分支,研究静止压力下的液体美国传统〔jet〕A high-velocity fluid stream forced under pressure out of a small-diameter opening or nozzle.喷射流体:在压力迫使下从小喷嘴或小孔中喷出的高速流体美国传统〔mark〕The ability to perform well under pressure is the mark of a true champion.在巨大压力下仍能表现良好是真正冠军的品质。朗文当代〔moderate〕He's coming under pressure from moderates in the party.他正承受着来自党内温和派的压力。朗文当代〔open〕The wound opened under pressure.伤口受到挤压绽开了。英汉大词典〔place〕The government is being placed under pressure to give financial help to farmers.政府正面对为农民提供经济援助的压力。朗文当代〔plus〕You have to be well-organized and able to work under pressure. Plus, you will have a sense of humour.你必须要有条理, 还要能够承受工作压力。另外, 你还要有幽默感。外研社新世纪〔pressure〕Under pressure from France, Germany has finally dropped its proposals.在法国的压力下,德国最终放弃了提案。麦克米伦高阶〔pressure〕Analysts expect the pound to come under pressure .分析家预期英镑将面临压力。朗文当代〔pressure〕He works best under pressure.他在有压力的情况下工作得最为出色。英汉大词典〔pressure〕Hospital staff are coming under pressure to work longer hours.医院的工作人员正面临延长工作时间的压力。牛津搭配〔pressure〕Its government is under pressure from the European Commission.该国政府面临着来自欧洲委员会的压力。外研社新世纪〔pressure〕She changed her mind under pressure from others.她是被逼改变主意的。英汉大词典〔pressure〕The Labour government came under pressure from the trade unions.工党政府受到了来自工会的压力。朗文当代〔rushed〕At no time did I feel rushed or under pressure.我任何时候都不会觉得仓促或者有压力。柯林斯高阶〔school〕I have schooled myself to remain calm under pressure.我练就一副在压力之下保持镇静的本领。牛津高阶〔sedate〕He remained sedate under pressure.他在压力之下保持着平静。韦氏高阶〔snap〕The sudden release of something held under pressure or tension.突然释放:把在压力或张力之下的东西突然释放出来美国传统〔solvent〕Many insurance companies are under pressure to increase premiums to stay solvent.很多保险公司面临压力,要增加保险费以保证偿付能力。剑桥高阶〔spot〕Under pressure or attention; in a pressed position.有压力的:在注意下或压力下;在有压力位置上美国传统〔stay〕My number one rule is to stay calm under pressure.我的第一原则是在压力下保持平静。麦克米伦高阶〔take〕Lindsay was fired twice but both times taken back under pressure from the union.林赛两次被解雇,但两次都在工会对资方施加压力之后复职。英汉大词典〔trade〕Companies are under pressure to trade off price stability for short-term gains.各公司都迫于无奈,要牺牲价格的稳定来换取短期的利益。朗文当代〔well〕Simon doesn't work well under pressure.有压力西蒙就工作不好。朗文当代〔workforce〕Companies are under pressure to hire a more diverse workforce.公司被迫要雇用更多能力不同的员工。牛津搭配〔yield〕The President is now under pressure to yield power to the republics.总统现在面临着让权给各个共和国的压力。外研社新世纪Candidates must have the ability to work in a team under pressure.候选人必须具备面对压力时仍能和别人合作无间的能力。牛津商务Gases liquefy under pressure.气体受压液化。剑桥国际Management is under pressure to drive down costs.管理层迫于压力要降低成本。牛津商务Now that the deadline is approaching we all feel under pressure.截止期限就要到了, 我们都感觉到了压力。剑桥国际Revenues have been put under pressure because the market in general is receding.由于整体上市场正逐渐萎缩,收入一直面临压力。牛津商务She doesn't usually shout -- she must be under pressure.她一般不会大声嚷嚷----她一定是压力太大了。剑桥国际She only wrote the letter under pressure (from her sister).她是被迫写这封信的。剑桥国际The Brazilian attack put France's defenders under pressure.巴西队的进攻对法国队的防守队员施加了压力。剑桥国际The Swedes are not alone in finding their language under pressure from the spread of English.不单是瑞典人发现他们的语言处于英语扩张的压力下。剑桥国际The company is under pressure to deleverage.这公司正面临降低债务杠杆的压力。牛津商务The gas is stored under pressure (= in a container which keeps it at a higher pressure than it would usually have).该气体是加压储存。剑桥国际




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