

单词 子音
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔MIDI〕Software that conforms to this standard, used for composing and editing electronic music.乐器数字接口软件:符合此标准的软件,用以创作及编辑电子音乐美国传统〔author〕Jill Phillips, author of the book 'Give Your Child Music'.吉尔·菲利普斯,《给孩子音乐》一书的作者柯林斯高阶〔child〕Electronic music is a child of the 20th century.电子音乐是二十世纪的产物。文馨英汉〔electronic music〕Music produced or altered by electronic means, as by a tape recorder or synthesizer.电子音乐:用(录音机或合成器等)电子手段制作或整形的音乐美国传统〔history〕Annie's decided to write a history of electronic music.安妮已经决定写一本关于电子音乐历史的书。剑桥高阶〔lenite〕To cause (a consonant sound) to lenite.声音增强,声音减弱:使(子音)发音增强或减弱美国传统〔lenite〕To undergo an increase in sonority or become lenis. Said of consonant sounds, as when (p) changes to (b), (b) to (v), or (v) to (w).声音增强,声音减弱:经历声音增强或变弱。发子音时,如(p)发成(b)、(b)发成(v) 或(v)发成(w)美国传统〔musique concrète〕Electronic music composed of instrumental and natural sounds often altered or distorted in the recording process.具体音乐:用弦乐的声音和自然的声音组成的电子音乐,这些声音在录制过程中常被改变或失真美国传统〔sight〕Electronic music has lost sight of the significance of human involvement in music.电子音乐忽略了人介入音乐的重要性。英汉大词典〔sound〕The Moog synthesizer created a whole new sound.穆格电子音响合成器创造出一种全新的音乐风格。牛津搭配〔unplugged〕Everyone got a bit tired of electronic clutter and went unplugged and acoustic.大家都有点厌倦电子音乐的嘈杂声, 所以回到了不插电的原声状态。外研社新世纪Annie's decided to write a history (=a book about the development) of electronic music.安妮决定写一部电子音乐发展史。剑桥国际B, c, d, f, etc. are consonants. b, c, d, f等都是子音字母。译典通House music first appeared in the late 1980s.电子音乐于80年代末首次出现。剑桥国际Martha somehow rounded up a Moog synthesizer and two guitars. 玛莎不知道那里找来一个慕格电子音响合成器和两把吉他。译典通Ryudo Uzaki's music is a haunting mix of guitar, synthesizer, Oriental gongs and bells.宇崎隆道的音乐是由吉他,电子音响合成器以及东方的锣和钟的声音混合而成。剑桥国际




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