

单词 告密
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔TELL〕An informer had warned police about the bombing. 告密者通知了警方会发生炸弹爆炸案。朗文写作活用〔TELL〕He was shot because he knew too much and was about to blow the whistle. 他遭枪杀,因为他知道得太多,而且还打算去告密。朗文写作活用〔TELL〕I wouldn't inform on you -- I'm no grass. 我不会告发你的一我绝不会当告密者。朗文写作活用〔TELL〕I wouldn't trust that new guy - I think he's a narc. 我可不信任那个新来的家伙,我觉得他是个告密者。朗文写作活用〔TELL〕Somebody must have tipped off the police. They were already waiting at the house. 肯定有人向警察告密了,他们已经在房子前等候了。朗文写作活用〔TELL〕The alert was started by another inmate who tipped off prison staff. 另一名向监狱工作人员告密的囚犯按响了警报器。朗文写作活用〔TELL〕When we got there the cops were waiting for us. Somebody must have squealed. 我们到那儿时,警察正在等我们。一定有人告密了。朗文写作活用〔allege〕An informer alleged that Samuel was a spy.一名告密者声称塞缪尔是个间谍。外研社新世纪〔betray to〕The informer betrayed them to the police.告密者把他们出卖给了警察。21世纪英汉〔betrayer〕The group were informers, and they betrayed the plan to the Germans.这帮人是告密者,他们把计划泄露给了德国人。柯林斯高阶〔betray〕The group were informers, and they betrayed the plan to the Germans.这帮人是告密者, 他们把计划泄露给了德国人。外研社新世纪〔blab〕Someone must have blabbed to the police.一定有人向警方告密了。牛津高阶〔canary〕An informer; a stool pigeon.告密者;密探美国传统〔dirt〕The informer has done me dirt.告密者说了我的坏话。英汉大词典〔fink〕An informer.告密者美国传统〔fink〕To inform against another person.告密美国传统〔go〕The police went over the informer's story in detail.警方仔细研究了告密者说的情况。英汉大词典〔grass〕He was repeatedly attacked by other inmates, who accused him of grassing.他屡遭指责他告密的其他囚犯的殴打。外研社新世纪〔grass〕He was repeatedly attacked by other inmates, who accused him of grassing.他屡遭指责他告密的其他囚犯的殴打。柯林斯高阶〔grass〕They accused him of being a grass.他们指责他告密。外研社新世纪〔informant〕Most often, when informants rang offering the 'true facts', it was because they had an axe to grind.在大多数情况下, 当告密者打电话提供“真相”时, 那是因为他们别有企图。外研社新世纪〔informant〕One who informs against others; an informer.告密者:检举他人的人;告密的人美国传统〔informer〕An informant, especially one who informs against others, often for compensation.通知者:告密者,尤指告密反对他人者,其目的通常是为了得到回报美国传统〔informer〕An informer told the police that the store was selling stolen goods.一个告密者向警方告发那家铺子在销售赃物。英汉大词典〔informer〕One of the gang members had turned informer.一个团伙成员后来变成了告密者。牛津搭配〔lead〕A lead from an informer enabled the police to make several arrests.根据告密者提供的线索,警察逮捕了几个人。剑桥高阶〔mouth〕Tell him we'll shut his mouth (for him) if he talks to the police.告诉他,要是他向警方告密的话,我们就要他的命。 英汉大词典〔nark〕An informer, especially a police informer.告密者:告密者,尤指警方告密者美国传统〔nark〕He was narked to steal his neighbour's pet.有人告密说,他偷了邻居的宠物。21世纪英汉〔nark〕To be an informer.成为告密者美国传统〔pimp〕He stole, lied, deceived and pimped his way out of poverty.他通过偷窃、撒谎、欺诈和告密使自己摆脱了贫困。外研社新世纪〔plot〕Prosecutors in the trial allege the defendants plotted to overthrow the government.检方在审判中指称被告密谋推翻政府。柯林斯高阶〔rat〕The teacher knows what we did, which means that somebody ratted.老师知道了我们干的事,说明有人告密了。韦氏高阶〔silent treatment〕The rest of the class gave the tattletale the silent treatment.班里的其它人都不理睬那个告密者美国传统〔sing〕David sang like a canary when confronted by a News of the World reporter.面对《世界新闻报》记者的质问, 戴维像个告密者似的把事情一五一十地全说了。外研社新世纪〔sing〕Slang To give information or evidence against someone.【俚语】 告密:提供针对某人的消息或证据美国传统〔sneak〕That boy is a sneak — he told the teacher what I had done.那男生是个告密生——他把我做的事向老师打了小报告。英汉大词典〔sneak〕You told Mrs Cooper that it was me who tipped the paint over, didn't you - you nasty little sneak! 是你告诉了库珀夫人我打翻了油漆,对吗——你这卑鄙的告密者!剑桥高阶〔snitch〕An informer.告密者美国传统〔snitch〕He didn't want to be a snitch, and besides, Kevin was his friend.他不想当告密者,再说凯文是他的朋友。朗文当代〔snitch〕He snitched to my boss that I'd been making long-distance calls at work! 他向老板告密,说我上班时打长途电话!剑桥高阶〔snitch〕Someone must have snitched to the police.一定有人向警方告密了。韦氏高阶〔snitch〕You little snitch! I'll never tell you anything again! 你这家伙就爱告密!以后我什么话都不跟你说了!牛津高阶〔split on〕If I'd wanted to tell, I'd have split on you before now.我要是想告密, 之前就告发你了。外研社新世纪〔spy〕The informer was a spy for the police.告密者是警方的密探。英汉大词典〔squeak〕Slang To turn informer.【俚语】 告密美国传统〔squeal〕Slang To turn informer; betray an accomplice or a secret.【俚语】 告密;出卖伙伴或泄露秘密美国传统〔stable〕A detective is nothing without his stable of informers.侦探没有手下一帮子人告密就无技可施。英汉大词典〔stool pigeon〕Slang A person acting as a decoy or as an informer, especially one who is a spy for the police.【俚语】 眼线,卧底:引诱或告密的人,尤指警方的眼线美国传统〔supply〕An informer supplied the police with the names of those involved in the crime.有告密者向警方提供了涉案人员的名字。朗文当代〔taleteller〕A talebearer; a tattletale.散布流言蜚语的人;告密者美国传统〔tattletale〕One who tattles on others; an informer or a talebearer.说别人闲话的人;告密者或散布流言蜚语的人美国传统〔telltale〕One who informs on another; a talebearer.告密者:告诉另外一个人的人;搬弄是非的人美国传统〔tip-off〕The police received a tip-off about the robbery from an informer.警方从告密者那里获得关于那起抢劫案的密报。韦氏高阶〔tipster〕One who sells tips or information, as to bettors or speculators.告密者:向赌徒或投机者等贩卖内部情报或消息的人美国传统〔tip〕The police got a tip about the suspect from an informer.警方从告密者那里获得了关于嫌疑犯的秘密消息。韦氏高阶A lead from an informer enabled the police to make several arrests.警方根据告密者提供的情报逮捕了几个人。剑桥国际A network of police informers and secret service agents has kept the government in touch with the growing demands for reform.警方告密者和特工人员网络使政府对改革要求日益高涨的情况了如指掌。剑桥国际He has a whole stable of informers working for him. 他有一群告密者为他效劳。译典通He snitched to my boss that I'd been making long-distance calls on her phone after she had left the office! 他向老板告密,说我趁她不在时用她的电话打长途。剑桥国际His friends had begun to suspect that he was a grass.他的朋友开始怀疑他是告密的人。剑桥国际If somebody squeaked, he was quickly smothered and gagged. 如果有人告密,马上就被扼杀,从此堵上嘴巴。译典通Martha's such a fink --she's gone and told Mom I was smoking again.玛莎是个讨厌的告密者----她去告诉妈妈我又吸烟了。剑桥国际No one likes a malicious telltale. 人们痛恨恶毒的告密者。译典通Sykes had turned informer and told the police where to find his fellow gang members.赛科斯已经成为告密者, 他告诉警察到哪儿去找他的帮派同伙。剑桥国际They suspected that he was the informant. 他们怀疑他是告密者。译典通Through a series of surreptitious meetings with an informer, the journalists Woodward and Bernstein found out about Watergate.与告密者进行多次秘密会谈之后,新闻记者伍德沃德和伯恩斯坦查明了水门事件的始末。剑桥国际You told Mrs Cooper that it was me who tipped the paint over, didn't you--you nasty little sneak! 是你告诉库珀夫人我打翻了油漆,对吗----你这卑鄙的小告密者!剑桥国际




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