

单词 城市的
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔Kremlin〕kremlin The citadel of a Russian city. kremlin 俄国城市的城堡美国传统〔activity〕the noise and activity of the city 城市的喧嚣和忙碌朗文当代〔anonymity〕the bustle and anonymity of a big city(=where people do not know each other) 大城市的繁忙和人们相互间的陌生麦克米伦高阶〔area〕the business area of a town 城市的商业区英汉大词典〔a〕the attractions of a Boston or a Cleveland 波士顿或克利夫兰这类城市的景点韦氏高阶〔beautification〕the beautification of the city 城市的美化韦氏高阶〔big-city〕a big-city school/hospital 大城市的学校/医院:韦氏高阶〔big-city〕big-city cops/mayors 大城市的警察/市长韦氏高阶〔blight〕the blight of poverty in the city 城市的贫穷问题韦氏高阶〔boom〕the city's boom years 城市的繁荣年韦氏高阶〔bustle〕the hustle and bustle of the city 城市的熙攘喧闹英汉大词典〔corpse〕the corpse of a city 城市的废址英汉大词典〔decay〕tooth decay; urban decay. 蛀牙;城市的衰落美国传统〔deity〕a shrine to the patron deity of the city 供奉这座城市的守护神的圣坛牛津搭配〔devious〕a devious route through the city 穿过城市的一条迂回的路线麦克米伦高阶〔drift〕an urban drift away from the land 离开土地向城市的转移英汉大词典〔drift〕the population drift to the cities 人口向城市的流动麦克米伦高阶〔green〕projects for greening the cities 绿化城市的方案牛津高阶〔heart〕the heart of a city 城市的中心 英汉大词典〔impoverished〕the impoverished areas of the city 这个城市的贫民区牛津高阶〔metropolitan〕a dozen major metropolitan hospitals. 大城市的12家大医院柯林斯高阶〔metropolitan〕metropolitan newspapers 大城市的报纸英汉大词典〔neon〕neon slogans which light up the city by night. 夜晚照亮整个城市的霓虹灯广告柯林斯高阶〔new-comer〕a new-comer to that city 新到那城市的人英汉大词典〔nuclear〕the suburban fringe and the nuclear metropolis 城市的边缘郊区和中心区英汉大词典〔nucleation〕the nucleation of communities in villages and cities 社区在乡村和城市的集成英汉大词典〔open enrollment〕the city's open enrollment policy 这个城市的开放式招生制度韦氏高阶〔perennially〕the perennial urban problems of drugs and homelessness. 毒品和无家可归这两个一直困扰城市的问题柯林斯高阶〔peripheral〕the city's peripheral suburbs 这座城市的市郊朗文当代〔prowl〕prowled the alleys of the city after dark. 天黑后在城市的巷子里游荡美国传统〔rectilinear〕the rectilinear skyline/architecture of a modern city 现代城市的直线空中轮廓线/直线风格的建筑韦氏高阶〔retool〕had to retool the city's economy. 不得不改革城市的经济体制美国传统〔setup〕rebuild the city's entire setup 改造这座城市的整个结构英汉大词典〔signpost〕to signpost the main roads to the city在通往城市的主道上设置路标21世纪英汉〔skirt〕skirts The edge, as of a town; the outskirts. skirts 郊区:边缘,如城市的;郊区美国传统〔smog〕a layer of smog over the city 笼罩着城市的一层烟雾牛津搭配〔thin〕thin down the population of a city 使一个城市的人口减少英汉大词典〔thousandth〕the city's thousandth anniversary 这座城市的一千周年纪念牛津高阶〔thrill〕the thrill of visiting a new city 游览新城市的兴奋之情麦克米伦高阶〔transit〕the city's mass/public transit system 城市的公共交通运输系统牛津高阶




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