

单词 垂直
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Ferris wheel〕An amusement ride consisting of a large upright, rotating wheel having suspended seats that remain in a horizontal position as the wheel revolves.摩天轮:一种在垂直转动的巨轮上挂有悬着的在轮子旋转时保持水平的座位的娱乐设施美国传统〔Greek cross〕A cross formed by two bars of equal length crossing in the middle at right angles to each other.希腊式十字架:两横竖相等并互相在中点呈垂直交叉的十字架美国传统〔Magnus effect〕The force perpendicular to the forward motion on a spinning object moving through a fluid or gas, as that responsible for the curve on a curve ball.马格纳斯效应:当旋转物体通过液体或气体时,其所受到的垂直上举的力,而这也就是曲球会曲行的原因美国传统〔T-square〕A rule having a short, sometimes sliding, perpendicular crosspiece at one end, used by drafters for establishing and drawing parallel lines.丁字尺:尾端装有可滑动的垂直短横档的尺子,绘图员用它来设制或画平行线美国传统〔VERTICAL〕The wallpaper has vertical pink and white stripes. 墙纸上是粉红和白色相间的垂直条纹。朗文写作活用〔altazimuth〕A mounting for astronomical telescopes that permits both horizontal and vertical rotation.经纬仪:天文望远镜的底座,可以使望远镜水平和垂直旋转美国传统〔angle〕The vertical line makes an angle with the horizontal line.垂直线和水平线形成一个角。牛津搭配〔apothem〕The perpendicular distance from the center of a regular polygon to any of its sides.边心距:正多边形中心到其任意一条边的垂直距离美国传统〔attach〕The gadget can be attached to any vertical surface.这小玩意儿可以粘在任何垂直表面上。柯林斯高阶〔axis〕A line through the optical center of a lens that is perpendicular to both its surfaces.光轴:通过透镜的中心垂直于物体两面的线美国传统〔backboard〕Basketball The elevated vertical board from which the basket projects.【篮球】 篮板:抬高的用于投篮的垂直板美国传统〔bedpost〕A vertical post at the corner of a bed.底柱:床角的垂直柱子美国传统〔bi-level〕A dwelling that is divided vertically into two ground-floor levels.双层住宅:垂直分成两层的住宅美国传统〔cant〕Angular deviation from a vertical or horizontal plane or surface; an inclination or a slope.倾斜:从一个垂直或水平面发生的倾斜;倾斜或斜面美国传统〔catboat〕A broad-beamed sailboat carrying a single sail on a mast stepped well forward and often fitted with a centerboard.独桅艇:在其前桅杆上仅挂一面帆的宽舷船,通常备有垂直升降板美国传统〔chimney〕The usually vertical structure containing a chimney.烟囱:通常为垂直的容纳烟道的结构美国传统〔cleft lip〕A congenital deformity characterized by a vertical cleft or pair of clefts in the upper lip, with or without involvement of the palate.唇腭裂,兔唇:为先天的畸形。其特色为上唇有一个垂直裂缝或一对裂缝,有或没有涉及到颚美国传统〔convertiplane〕An airplane built to fly vertically as well as forward.垂直升降飞机:一种既可向前飞亦可垂直飞行的飞机美国传统〔corbeling〕An overlapping arrangement of bricks or stones in which each course extends farther out from the vertical of the wall than the course below.梁托结构:每一层比底下一层从垂直面凸出更多的一种砖或石的重叠结构美国传统〔core〕A cylindrical mass drilled vertically into the earth and removed from it to determine composition or presence of oil or gas.钻心:圆柱形物质,用于垂直地钻入地下然后取出以测定石油或天然气的组成或存在美国传统〔crosscut saw〕A saw for cutting wood across the grain.横割锯:用于沿木纹垂直方向切割的锯子美国传统〔current density〕Physics The number of subatomic particles per unit time crossing a unit area in a designated plane perpendicular to the direction of movement of the particles.【物理学】 粒子流密度:在与粒子的移动方向垂直的指定平面上每单位时间内通过每单位面积的亚原子粒子的数量美国传统〔deadwood〕Nautical The vertical planking between the keel of a vessel and the sternpost, serving as a reinforcement.【航海】 龙骨邦木,呆木:船的龙骨和艉柱之间的垂直板材,用来加固美国传统〔degree〕The two lines meet at a 90° angle.这两条线垂直相交。麦克米伦高阶〔dive〕A nearly vertical descent at an accelerated speed through the air.垂直落下:从空中近似垂直的加速下落美国传统〔dormer〕A window set vertically into a small gable projecting from a sloping roof.屋顶窗,老虎窗:被垂直置于小三角墙上的窗户,小三角墙从倾斜的屋顶伸出美国传统〔dropping〕There was a sheer drop just outside my window.我的窗外就是垂直深渊。柯林斯高阶〔erect〕Vertical.垂直的美国传统〔fagoting〕A method of decorating cloth by pulling out horizontal threads and tying the remaining vertical threads into hourglass-shaped bunches.抽纱法:将线沿着水平方向拉直并将剩余的垂直线扎成沙漏状的一种刺绣方法美国传统〔fall〕To lose an upright or erect position suddenly.突然倒下:突然失去垂直的或笔直的位置美国传统〔froe〕A cleaving tool having a heavy blade set at right angles to the handle.劈板斧:有垂直于斧柄的厚刃的劈东西的工具美国传统〔gyroplane〕An aircraft, such as a helicopter or autogyro, equipped with wings that rotate about an approximately vertical axis.旋翼机:一种飞行器,如直升机和旋翼机,装有绕一个近似垂直的轴旋转的机翼美国传统〔hade〕The angle of inclination from the vertical of a vein, fault, or lode.倾斜余角:因矿脉,断层或矿井倾斜而与垂直面形成的角度美国传统〔harrow〕A farm implement consisting of a heavy frame with sharp teeth or upright disks, used to break up and even off plowed ground.耙:一种由一个沉重的框架和尖齿或垂直向上的耙片构成的用于打碎并摊平犁过的泥土的农具美国传统〔headlong〕Archaic Steep; sheer.【古语】 陡峭的;垂直的美国传统〔helix〕Mathematics A three-dimensional curve that lies on a cylinder or cone, so that its angle to a plane perpendicular to the axis is constant.【数学】 螺旋线:附着于圆柱体或圆锥体之上的三维曲线,其垂直于中轴线的平面角是一个恒量美国传统〔hoist〕The height or vertical dimension of a flag or of any square sail other than a course.降下桁木横帆之外的横帆或旗的高度或垂直距离美国传统〔intersect〕The lines intersect at right angles.线条垂直相交。牛津高阶〔jackstay〕A rope or rod running vertically on the forward side of the mast on which the yard moves.帆桅支索,纵竖索杆:在桅杆前面垂直运动的绳或杆,帆桁在此上移动美国传统〔jigsaw〕A usually power-driven saw with a narrow vertical blade, used to cut sharp curves.坚锯:一种具有垂直的窄小刀片的电锯,用于切割较尖的弯曲美国传统〔kakemono〕A vertical Japanese scroll painting.字轴,画轴,长轴:一种垂直(悬挂)的日本卷轴画美国传统〔lean〕A tilt or an inclination away from the vertical.倾斜:偏离垂直位置的倾斜或斜坡美国传统〔lean〕To bend or slant away from the vertical.斜:从垂直的位置弯曲或倾斜美国传统〔metaphase plate〕An imaginary plane perpendicular to the spindle fibers of a dividing cell, along which chromosomes align during metaphase.中期板:一个与分裂细胞的纺缍体纤维组织垂直的假想平面,染色体在中期期间内在这个平面上定向排列美国传统〔nadir〕Astronomy A point on the celestial sphere directly below the observer, diametrically opposite the zenith.【天文学】 天底:天球上,在观测者垂直向下的一点,与天顶完全相对美国传统〔nit〕A unit of illuminative brightness equal to one candle per square meter, measured perpendicular to the rays of the source.尼特:照明亮度单位,相当于每平方米烛光。与光源发出的光垂直来测量美国传统〔normal〕Mathematics A perpendicular, especially a perpendicular to a line tangent to a plane curve or to a plane tangent to a space curve.【数学】 正交:一条垂直线,尤指一条相对一条平面曲线的切线垂直线或一条相对一条空间曲线的平面切线垂直线美国传统〔oblique〕Mathematics Designating geometric lines or planes that are neither parallel nor perpendicular.【数学】 斜的,倾斜的,偏斜的:由既不平行也不垂直的几何直线或平面表示的美国传统〔offset〕A short distance measured perpendicularly from the main line in surveying, used to help in calculating the area of an irregular plot.支距:在测量中,从主线垂直测得的一个短的距离,用以帮(辅)助计算一不规则的小块土地之面积美国传统〔orthogonal〕Relating to or composed of right angles.垂直的:与直角有关的或由其组成的美国传统〔orthographic〕Mathematics Having perpendicular lines.【数学】 垂直线的美国传统〔orthorhombic〕Of or relating to a crystalline structure of three mutually perpendicular axes of different length.正交的:属于、关于不同长度的三条相互垂直的轴线所组成的晶体结构的美国传统〔overhand〕Sewn with close, vertical stitches drawing two edges together, with each stitch passing over the seam formed by the edges.平式缝接的:把两个边拉在一起用垂直而细密的针脚缝接的,缝纫时每一针都经过两道边形成的缝口美国传统〔pale〕Heraldry A wide vertical band in the center of an escutcheon.【纹章学】 垂直宽条:在一个饰有纹章的盾的中心部分的一条较广的垂直嵌条美国传统〔paly〕Divided into several equal parts by perpendicular lines. Used of a field.等分的:被垂直线条分成几个相等的部分。用来描述田地美国传统〔parbuckle〕A sling for raising or lowering an object vertically.起重索套:一种用于垂直提升或放下物体的绳索美国传统〔perpendicular〕A vertical or nearly vertical line or plane.垂直线,垂直面:垂直或近似垂直的线或平面美国传统〔perpendicular〕Are the lines perpend icular to each other? 这些直线相互垂直吗?牛津高阶〔perpendicular〕Mathematics Intersecting at or forming right angles.【数学】 成直角的,垂直的:交叉成直角的,或形成直角的美国传统〔perpendicular〕The left wing was perpendicular to the ground.左翼垂直于地面。外研社新世纪〔perpendicular〕The sides of the loch are almost perpendicular.湖岸几乎都是垂直的。柯林斯高阶〔perpendicular〕The two lines of bones are set perpendicular to one another.这两排骨头相互垂直。外研社新世纪〔perpendicular〕The wheel rotates around an axis that is perpendicular to the plane.轮子绕着一个与平面垂直的轴旋转。剑桥高阶〔pillar〕A slender, freestanding, vertical support; a column.柱子,支柱:细长、独撑的垂直支撑物;柱子美国传统〔plumb line〕A line from which a weight is suspended to determine verticality or depth.铅垂线;垂直线:悬挂一重物来测定垂直度或深度的一根线美国传统〔plumb rule〕A narrow strip of wood with a plumb line and bob attached, used to test verticality.垂规:带有一段铅锤线和铅锤的一条狭窄的木条,用来检验垂直度美国传统〔plumb〕To test the verticality or alignment of with a plumb.测量垂直度:用锤铊来检查垂直度或是否在一条直线上美国传统〔quadrant〕The plane area bounded by such an arc and two perpendicular radii.四分之一圆,扇形体:由九十度弧与两条垂直的半径围成的平面图形美国传统〔rectangular〕Designating a geometric coordinate system with mutually perpendicular axes.直角坐标的:表明是具有相互垂直的轴的几何坐标体系的美国传统〔rill〕A long, narrow, straight valley on the moon's surface.(月面)谷,沟纹:月球表面上狭长而垂直的峡谷美国传统〔rotorcraft〕An aircraft, especially a helicopter, that is kept partially or completely airborne by airfoils rotating around a vertical axis.旋翼机,旋翼飞行器:尤指直升机等飞机通过旋翼绕一垂直的轴旋转以使其可以部分或完全停留在空中美国传统〔rudder〕A larger tailplane, fin and rudder were fitted.安装了一个更大的水平尾翼, 还装了垂直尾翼和方向舵。外研社新世纪〔seine〕A large fishing net made to hang vertically in the water by weights at the lower edge and floats at the top.围网:一种垂直悬立在水中的,下缘装有沉子上缘装有浮子的大型鱼网美国传统〔sensible horizon〕The plane intersecting an observer's position perpendicular to the line formed by the observer's nadir and zenith.感觉地平圈:在观察者的位置上与由观察者的天底和天顶形成的直线垂直交叉的平面美国传统〔shaft〕A vertical passage housing an elevator.电梯的垂直升降机井美国传统〔side〕The part within an object or area to the left or right of the observer or of its vertical axis.侧部:在观测者或物体垂直轴左边或右边的物体部分或区域美国传统〔sill〕The horizontal member that bears the upright portion of a frame, especially the horizontal member that forms the base of a window.底框梁:框架中支撑垂直部份的水平部件,尤指构成窗台底基的水平部件美国传统〔springform pan〕A cake pan having an upright rim that can be unclamped and detached from the bottom of the pan.弹簧扣平底锅:一种平底或底部有模子的烤盘,四周有垂直高边,用夹头或弹簧扣固定在底并可卸下美国传统〔stack〕A vertical exhaust pipe, as on a ship or locomotive.烟突:在轮船上或机车上垂直的排气管美国传统〔stilted〕Architecture Having some vertical length between the impost and the beginning of the curve. Used of an arch.【建筑学】 用支柱撑搞的:拱墩和起拱点间有一定垂直距离的。用于拱形物美国传统〔strict〕Botany Stiff, narrow, and upright.【植物学】 笔直的:直的,狭窄的和垂直的美国传统〔surveyor's level〕An instrument having a telescope and attached spirit level mounted on a tripod and rotating around a vertical axis.测量水准器:带有望远镜以及装在三脚架上的气泡水准仪并能绕一垂直中轴旋转的仪器美国传统〔tetrad〕A group of four chromatids formed from each of a pair of homologous chromosomes that split longitudinally during the prophase of meiosis.四分体:一组来自减数分裂中相互垂直分裂的一对同源染色体的四个染色单体美国传统〔toenail〕A nail driven obliquely, as to join vertical and horizontal beams.斜钉:一个斜钉的钉子,如用于连接垂直或水平木梁的钉子美国传统〔toe〕The part of a vertical shaft that turns in a bearing.轴踵:轴承中能旋转的垂直的轴美国传统〔trestle〕A framework consisting of vertical, slanted supports and horizontal crosspieces supporting a bridge.支撑架:一种由垂直、倾斜的支撑物和水平的横梁组成的柜架,用于支撑桥梁美国传统〔twist〕A complete rotation of the body around its vertical axis, as in diving and gymnastics.转体动作:身体绕垂直轴心完整地绕一圈,如在跳水或体操中美国传统〔upright piano〕A piano having the strings mounted vertically in a rectangular case with the keyboard at a right angle to the case.立式钢琴:一种钢琴,弦垂直地装在长方形音箱中,键盘与音箱成直角美国传统〔upright〕A perpendicular position; verticality.竖立;垂直美国传统〔verge〕The spindle of a balance wheel in a clock or watch, especially such a spindle in a clock with vertical escapement.摆轮心轴:钟表内的平衡轮的心轴,尤指带有垂直擒纵轮的钟内摆轮心轴美国传统〔vertical circle〕A great circle on the celestial sphere that passes through the zenith and the nadir and thus is perpendicular to the horizon.平经圈:与水平线垂直的宇宙天体范围内的大圈,它经过天顶和地点美国传统〔vertically〕As long as the verticals align, the design will look regular.只要所有垂直面在一条线上,图案看起来就会很整齐。柯林斯高阶〔whip〕Nautical To hoist by means of a rope passing through an overhead pulley.【航海】 将…拽起:通过经过垂直于其上的滑轮的绳子将…吊起来美国传统〔window box〕One of the vertical grooves on the inner sides of a window frame for the weights that counterbalance the sash.窗锤箱:在窗框内侧的垂直沟槽,用于放置平衡窗框的吊索和吊窗锤美国传统For a computer company, vertical integration might mean doing everything from manufacturing chips to running computer shops.对一个电脑公司而言,垂直一体化可以指从生产芯片到开办电脑商店什么都干。剑桥国际In tin mining today, workers excavate tunnels horizontally from a vertical shaft.在现今的锡矿开采中,工人从垂直的竖坑里水平地挖隧道。剑桥国际Move the machine in an upright position. 垂直地移动机器。译典通The Osprey helicopters are capable of vertical takeoff and landing, and they are strongly powered. 鱼鹰直升机可以垂直起降,而且马力强大。译典通The human brain is divided vertically down the middle into two hemispheres. 人脑从中央垂直地分为两半球。译典通The northern side of the mountain is almost vertical. 这座山的北侧几乎是垂直的。译典通




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