

单词 喇叭
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔alongside〕stood with a bodyguard alongside; honked and drove up alongside. 保镖站在旁边;按喇叭后沿着边向前开车美国传统〔attach〕a small battery attached to a little loudspeaker 装在小喇叭上的一节小电池朗文当代〔beep〕the beep of a car horn 汽车喇叭的嘟嘟声韦氏高阶〔bell-bottomed〕their bell-bottomed trousers 他们的喇叭裤文馨英汉〔bell-bottoms〕bell-bottom trousers. 喇叭裤柯林斯高阶〔bell-bottom〕those bell-bottomed young men那些穿喇叭裤的年轻人21世纪英汉〔bell〕bell sleeves 喇叭袖口英汉大词典〔blare〕giant loudspeakers which blare out patriotic music and the speeches of their leader. 高声播放着爱国乐曲和领导人讲话的大喇叭柯林斯高阶〔blast out〕loudspeakers blasting out essential tourist facts in every language known to man. 喇叭里用人们知道的每一种语言大声播放着基本旅游信息柯林斯高阶〔blasting〕drivers who do not blast their horns. 不按喇叭的司机柯林斯高阶〔blast〕gave a blast on his trumpet. 他让喇叭发出尖响美国传统〔blast〕the loud blast of a horn喇叭的大声鸣响外研社新世纪〔blow〕the sound of trumpets blowing 吹喇叭的声音牛津高阶〔bright〕the bright sound of the trumpet section. 喇叭吹奏部分高亢的声音美国传统〔bullhorn〕bullhorn protesters off the campus 用电子喇叭筒要求抗议者离开校园英汉大词典〔cacophony〕heard a cacophony of horns during the traffic jam. 交通阻塞时,听到一片不和谐的喇叭声美国传统〔clarion〕the clarion sound of a trumpet 嘹亮的喇叭声英汉大词典〔dirty〕a dirty trumpet 声音刺耳的喇叭英汉大词典〔exaggerated〕tourists in exaggerated bell-bottom pants 穿着裤管过大的喇叭裤的旅游者英汉大词典〔flared〕flared trousers 喇叭裤剑桥高阶〔flare〕a skirt with a slight flare 喇叭裙麦克米伦高阶〔flare〕flared jeans 喇叭牛仔裤朗文当代〔flaring〕a flaring skirt 喇叭裙英汉大词典〔gramophone〕a wind-up gramophone with a big horn带一个大喇叭的手摇式留声机外研社新世纪〔honk〕honk pedestrians out of the way 按汽车喇叭命行人让开英汉大词典〔honk〕honking taxis 喇叭声大作的出租车牛津高阶〔honk〕to honk the crowd off按汽车喇叭让人群让开21世纪英汉〔hoot〕a hooting horn 鸣响的喇叭韦氏高阶〔horn〕to honk your car horn 按响汽车喇叭牛津高阶〔mean〕play a mean trumpet 喇叭吹得极好英汉大词典〔megaphone〕yell through a megaphone 用喇叭筒大声喊英汉大词典〔mounted〕music blasting from wall-mounted speakers 从装在墙上的喇叭里传出的响亮的音乐声朗文当代〔peep〕the peep of a car horn 汽车喇叭的嘟嘟声英汉大词典〔sound〕sound a trumpet 吹喇叭韦氏高阶〔throaty〕the throaty notes of a horn 喇叭低沉洪亮的音调英汉大词典〔tootle〕tootle a horn 嘟嘟地轻按喇叭英汉大词典〔tootle〕tootle on the horn 嘟嘟地连续按喇叭英汉大词典〔toot〕the sound of horns tooting 鸣喇叭的声音牛津高阶〔trumpet〕the trumpet of a flower 喇叭形花朵韦氏高阶〔wind〕wind a horn (trumpet) 吹号角 (喇叭)英汉大词典




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