

单词 在战争时期
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔intern〕To confine, especially in wartime.拘留,特别是在战争时期美国传统〔outdo〕Each man was trying to outdo the other in boasts of his wartime exploits.每个男人都试图把自己在战争时期的事迹吹嘘得比别人更英勇。外研社新世纪〔ration〕People were rationed to a quart of milk a week during the war.在战争时期,大家每人每周配给1夸脱牛奶。英汉大词典〔rise〕During the war years he had risen to the rank of major.在战争时期他晋升到少校军衔。麦克米伦高阶〔slacker〕One that shirks work or responsibility, especially one that tries to evade military service in wartime.逃避兵役者,规避责任者:逃避工作或责任的人,尤指在战争时期试图逃避兵役的人美国传统〔wartime〕Even in wartime some people held concerts.即使是在战争时期也有人举行音乐会。朗文当代Sweden and Switzerland were neutrals during the war.瑞典和瑞士在战争时期是中立国。剑桥国际The movie is a mirror of daily life in wartime Britain.这部影片是在战争时期英国的日常生活的写照。剑桥国际They profiteered enormously during the war. 他们在战争时期大发不义之财。译典通They're on trial for committing hundreds of war-time atrocities (=cruel and shocking acts) against the civilian population.他们因在战争时期对平民犯有成百上千次暴行而受到审判。剑桥国际




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