

单词 困难时
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Hard times〕She's stuck with them through all the hard times.在困难时期,她始终和他们在一起。韦氏高阶〔STAND〕The people in this country have endured almost a decade of economic hardship. 该国人民忍受了差不多十年的经济困难时期。朗文写作活用〔SUFFER〕In the throes of the Great Depression, Franklin Roosevelt developed the economic plan called ‘The New Deal’. 在大萧条这个困难时期,富兰克林·罗斯福推行了名为“新政”的经济计划。朗文写作活用〔TIME〕The team aren't doing so well at the moment are they? They seem to have hit a bad patch. 该队目前表现不佳,是不是?他们好像正处于一段困难时期。朗文写作活用〔Te〕In Confucianism, the virtuous moral strength embodied in wise people, upon which they rely in times of distress.德:在儒家中,智者身上体现的高尚的道德力量,智者在困难时期依赖这一力量美国传统〔ahead〕There are difficult times ahead.今后还会有困难时期。外研社新世纪〔apart from〕It was a difficult time. Apart from everything else, we had financial problems.当时是困难时期。别的一切都不说,我们财政上也有问题。牛津高阶〔badness〕We have been going through a bad time.我们正经历一段困难时期。柯林斯高阶〔be there for sb〕Best friends are always there for each other in times of trouble.在困难时最好的朋友总会伴随身边。剑桥高阶〔bear ... out〕We bore her out when she was in difficulty.她在困难时我们支持了她。21世纪英汉〔bear〕These verbs are compared in the sense of withstanding or sustaining what is difficult or painful to undergo.用于承受痛苦,经历困难时,把这些动词进行比较:美国传统〔blessing〕We ask God's blessing on Joan at this difficult time.在这个困难时刻我们祈求上帝保佑琼。剑桥高阶〔buckle〕But these were difficult times and a lesser man would have buckled under the strain.但当时是困难时期,脆弱的人肯定会被压力压垮。剑桥高阶〔carry through〕The warmth and strength of their relationship carried them through difficult times.他们之间友好稳固的关系使他们渡过了困难时期。外研社新世纪〔catastrophize〕When it comes to dealing with daily obstacles, people have a tendency toward catastrophizing.在处理日常遇到的困难时,人们往往倾向于把小问题看得过于严重。21世纪英汉〔centred〕I'm trying to be more centred, and not fall apart when I go through difficult things.我在努力做到更加沉稳自信, 这样遇到困难时才不至于崩溃。外研社新世纪〔cling together〕We should cling together in times of trouble.困难时我们要团结一致。21世纪英汉〔cling〕Members of a family should cling together in times of trouble.一家人在困难时要一条心。英汉大词典〔count on/upon〕I am counting on you to help me through this difficult time.我指望你帮我度过这段困难时期。韦氏高阶〔crunch time〕He plays well without pressure, but can he produce at crunch time? 他在没有压力的情况下打得很好,可是在困难时刻还能表现得同样好吗?剑桥高阶〔crunch〕A period of financial difficulty characterized by tight money and unavailability of credit.经济收缩:以贷钱困难和信用无效为特征的财政困难时期美国传统〔difficult〕We're living in difficult times.我们正处在困难时期。柯林斯高阶〔difficult〕We're living in difficult times.我们生活在困难时期。外研社新世纪〔disguise〕There's no disguising the fact that these are difficult times economically.现在是经济困难时期, 这是无法掩盖的事实。外研社新世纪〔end〕We had a hard time making ends meet.我们曾有过一段勉强维持生计的困难时期。韦氏高阶〔esprit de corps〕His leadership kept the team's esprit de corps intact during difficult periods.他的领导使得这个团队在困难时期仍保持团队精神。剑桥高阶〔faith〕Even in the bad times she never lost her faith.即使在困难时期,她也从未丧失信仰。剑桥高阶〔forbearance〕He thanked his employees for the forbearance (that) they had shown during the company's difficult times.他感谢员工们在公司的困难时期所表现出的耐心和宽容。剑桥高阶〔front〕Demeanor or bearing, especially in the presence of danger or difficulty.举止,态度:尤指面对危险或困难时的行为或举止美国传统〔get〕It was their love that got me through those first difficult months.是他们的关爱帮助我熬过开头几个月的困难时期。朗文当代〔going〕He is the man I can depend on when the going gets rough.他是在我碰上困难时可以依靠的人。英汉大词典〔going〕When the going gets tough, he just gives up.当遇到困难时, 他干脆放弃了。外研社新世纪〔hardship〕In times of economic hardship, companies cut back on training.在经济困难时期,公司纷纷削减培训支出。牛津搭配〔hardship〕The city has been experiencing a period of financial/economic hardship.市政府一直处在财政/经济困难时期。韦氏高阶〔hesitate〕Don't hesitate to speak to me when you have any difficuties.你有困难时尽管照直给我讲。21世纪英汉〔he〕The teacher should encourage the child to proceed as far as he can, and when he is stuck, ask for help.老师应该鼓励孩子尽量自己去做,遇到困难时,寻求帮助。柯林斯高阶〔hot seat〕When the company ran into financial trouble, it was the accountant who found herself in the hot seat.这家公司陷入财政困难时,公司女会计发现自己有麻烦了。韦氏高阶〔hour〕He recalled her devotion to her husband during his hour of need.他忆起了她在她丈夫困难时刻对他所付出的一切。外研社新世纪〔neck〕He stuck his neck out for me when I was in trouble.我处境困难时他不顾一切帮了我。英汉大词典〔pair〕The pair admitted that their three-year-old marriage was going through 'a difficult time'.那对夫妻承认他们三年的婚姻正经历“一段困难时期”。外研社新世纪〔patch〕The company I work for went through a rough patch.我工作的公司经历过一段困难时期。外研社新世纪〔patch〕The company I work for went through a rough patch.我所在的公司经历了一段困难时期。柯林斯高阶〔phase〕She's going through a difficult phase.她正处于困难时期。牛津高阶〔poise〕She showed great poise during that difficult time.她在困难时刻显得非常泰然。英汉大词典〔pull through〕I'm sure that the company will pull through, just as it has in difficult times in the past.我确信公司会渡过难关,就像它过去在困难时期做到的一样。韦氏高阶〔rock bottom〕Until they reach rock bottom, people cannot get financial help.未到极度困难时, 人们是得不到经济帮助的。外研社新世纪〔rough〕It's been a rough ride for us, both financially and emotionally.困难时期麦克米伦高阶〔rough〕They were going through a rough patch in their relationship.困难时期麦克米伦高阶〔ski boot〕A stiff padded plastic or leather boot that is fastened to the foot with strong buckles or laces and locked into place in a ski binding.滑雪靴:一种坚硬的有衬垫的塑料或皮革的靴子,用结实的扣子或鞋带缚在脚上并能在滑雪遇到困难时紧急停住美国传统〔solace〕Her poetry has always been a solace to me in times of unusual stress.她的诗歌在我异常困难时一直是对我的一种安慰。英汉大词典〔stay〕She was her husband's stay in all his troubles.她是她丈夫遭到任何困难时的主心骨。英汉大词典〔stick〕We had a tough time for a few years, but we stuck with it.我们曾经有过几年困难时期,但我们坚持下来了。麦克米伦高阶〔support〕You've been a great support to my mum in this difficult time.您在这个困难时期给了我妈妈巨大的精神支持。剑桥高阶〔tact〕He showed tact in dealing with their embarrassment.他处理他们的困难时显得很得体。牛津同义词〔throughout〕His supporters remained loyal throughout his difficulties.他的支持者在他整个困难时期始终忠贞不渝。韦氏高阶〔tough〕The company is going through a tough time at the moment.公司现在正值困难时期。剑桥高阶〔trot sb out〕Whenever the president is in trouble, her spokesman is trotted out to face the press.每当总统处境困难时,她的发言人就被推出来面对新闻界。剑桥高阶〔trouble〕In times of trouble she always turns to her mother.遇到困难时她总是求助于妈妈。牛津搭配〔turn〕It was a difficult time, but eventually things turned out all right.那是个困难时期,不过最后还是好起来了。朗文当代〔walk〕When the business started to have problems, it was very tempting to walk away.生意中遇到困难时,很容易就想放弃。朗文当代〔wayside〕Amateurs fall by the wayside when the going gets tough.业余爱好者遇到困难时往往半途而废。柯林斯高阶〔well〕It was a difficult time, but all's well that ends well.那是一段困难时期,但结果好就一切都好。麦克米伦高阶〔when〕I knew him when.我是在当年困难时结识他的。英汉大词典A faithful friend helps in times of trouble. 一个忠实的朋友在困难时刻会帮助你。译典通Best friends are (always) there for each other (= available to provide help or support) in times of trouble.最好的朋友在困难时总会伸出援助之手。剑桥国际During this difficult time, his friendship made life supportable to me. 在这困难时期,他的友谊使我的生活变得可忍耐。译典通Everyone in my family tries to help each other when times are hard.困难时,我们家的每个人总是设法彼此帮助。剑桥国际He thanked his employees for the forbearance (that) they had shown during the company's difficult times. [+ (that) clause] 他感谢员工们在公司困难时期所表现出来的宽容。剑桥国际He would rap at the desk when he had difficulty working out a math problem. 他做数学题遇到困难时往往要敲书桌。译典通His leadership kept the team's esprit de corps intact during difficult periods.他的领导使队员在困难时期保持团结。剑桥国际Our relationship is going through a difficult stage at the moment.我们的关系现在正经历着一个困难时期。剑桥国际The company is going through a sticky patch at the moment.这公司正经历着一个困难时期。剑桥国际The survey showed that consumers are unwilling to trade down to cheaper cosmetics when times are hard.此项调查显示,困难时期消费者也不愿意转而购买较低档的化妆品。牛津商务We lean on our friends when we are in trouble. 我们遇到困难时依靠朋友帮助。译典通When I am in difficulty, I always turn to him for help. 我有困难时总是找他帮忙。译典通When I was in difficulty he kindly came to my assistance. 我遇到困难时,他好心地来帮助我。译典通Whenever she was in a spot she turned to him for help. 每当她遇到困难时,就找他帮忙。译典通




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