

单词 坏的
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔LIKE OR SIMILAR|像|相似〕similar and equally good or bad 差不多的,一样好或一样坏的朗文写作活用〔SPOIL〕an unspoiled fishing village on the Mediterranean coast 地中海沿岸一个未受破坏的渔村朗文写作活用〔black〕a moralist to whom everything is either black or white 认为凡事不是绝对的好便是绝对的坏的道德家英汉大词典〔blasted〕a blasted city 遭受破坏的城市英汉大词典〔boom〕the cycle of boom and bust which has damaged us for 40 years. 40年来给我们造成巨大破坏的经济繁荣与萧条的交替循环柯林斯高阶〔caprice〕the caprices of a spoilt child 一个被宠坏的孩子喜怒无常的性格朗文当代〔churn〕a muddy field churned up by farm vehicles 被农用车轧坏的泥地麦克米伦高阶〔coastline〕long stretches of unspoilt coastline 绵延不断、未遭破坏的海岸线牛津搭配〔corrupt〕music that corrupts the morals of children 使孩子道德败坏的音乐韦氏高阶〔depraved〕a disturbing and depraved film. 令人不安、道德败坏的影片柯林斯高阶〔despoil〕a landscape despoiled by coal-mining and heavy industry. 遭到煤矿开采和重工业破坏的景观柯林斯高阶〔destruction〕a scene of destruction 破坏的一幕韦氏高阶〔exceptional〕an exceptional stroke of bad luck.特别坏的运气。牛津同义词〔exchange〕exchange merchandise damaged in delivery 更换在运送中损坏的商品英汉大词典〔fear〕fear the worst 担心会发生最坏的情况英汉大词典〔fiendish〕fiendish weather 极坏的天气英汉大词典〔gutted〕the shell of a gutted warehouse 被严重毁坏的仓库的外壳麦克米伦高阶〔homicidal〕an explosion of homicidal rage. 气急败坏的杀人情绪爆发柯林斯高阶〔incursion〕homes damaged by the incursion of floodwater. 被侵入的洪水破坏的房屋美国传统〔integrity〕concerns that data integrity has been compromised 对数据完整性已遭到损坏的担忧牛津搭配〔irrefrangible〕irrefrangible cooking ware. 摔不坏的炊具美国传统〔leak〕a damaged reactor leaking radioactivity into the atmosphere. 一座损坏的反应堆向大气中泄露出发射性物质美国传统〔mala fide〕malā [feminine ablative of] malus [bad] malā malus的阴性夺格词 [坏的] 美国传统〔marauding〕marauding street gangs 四处破坏的街头痞子朗文当代〔moth-eaten〕a moth-eaten sweater 蛀坏的羊毛衫朗文当代〔phrasing〕certain features that make a performance good or bad - the timing, the phrasing, and so on造成演奏好坏的某些特征——时机的掌握、乐句的划分等外研社新世纪〔prepare〕prepare for the worst 作最坏的准备英汉大词典〔rebuild〕rebuild a war-torn city 重建被战争破坏的城市英汉大词典〔repair〕to repair a damaged car.修理损坏的汽车。牛津同义词〔rotten〕a rotten society 道德败坏的社会 英汉大词典〔ruined〕ruined buildings 被毁坏的建筑韦氏高阶〔scenario〕a nightmare scenario 最坏的可能牛津高阶〔scuffed〕scuffed brown shoes. 几双磨坏的棕色鞋柯林斯高阶〔so-so〕a so-so movie/performance 不好不坏的电影/演出韦氏高阶〔so-so〕a so-so performance; feeling so-so. 不好不坏的表演;感觉一般美国传统〔storm〕a boat battered by the storm 被暴风雨毁坏的小船牛津搭配〔tempered〕sweet-tempered; ill-tempered. 脾气温和的;脾气很坏的美国传统〔transit〕goods damaged in transit.在运送途中损坏的货物。牛津同义词〔turpitude〕acts/crimes of moral turpitude 道德败坏的行为/罪行剑桥高阶〔uneven〕an uneven performance(= with some good parts and some bad parts) 时好时坏的表现牛津高阶




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