

单词 和平
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔Herculean〕his herculean efforts to bring peace to our troubled island他为给我们这个纷争不断的岛屿带来和平所作出的艰苦努力外研社新世纪〔acceptable〕a peace formula that is acceptable to Moscow莫斯科可以接受的和平方案外研社新世纪〔agreement〕a peace agreement 和平协议韦氏高阶〔assemble〕the right of the people peaceably to assemble 人民和平集会的权利英汉大词典〔conclude〕conclude a peace treaty. 订立和平条约美国传统〔demonstration〕a peaceful/violent demonstration 和平╱暴力示威牛津高阶〔era〕a new era of world peace 世界和平的新时代朗文当代〔golden opportunity〕a golden opportunity for peace争取和平的大好时机外研社新世纪〔inchmeal〕the inchmeal progress from war toward peace 从战争走向和平的缓慢进程英汉大词典〔infant〕the infant peace process刚刚起步的和平进程外研社新世纪〔initiative〕launch a new peace initiative 提出一项新的和平倡议英汉大词典〔jeopardize〕large-scale military offensives which could jeopardize the UN peace process 可能会破坏联合国和平进程的大规模军事进攻朗文当代〔labour〕to labour for the peace of the world为争取世界和平而努力21世纪英汉〔march〕a peace/protest march 和平/抗议游行麦克米伦高阶〔obstruct〕terrorists attempting to obstruct the peace process 企图阻碍和平进程的恐怖分子牛津高阶〔pacific〕a pacific people 爱好和平的民族韦氏高阶〔peaceful〕talks aimed at finding a peaceful solution to the crisis 旨在寻求和平方式解决危机的谈判麦克米伦高阶〔peacetime〕the highest military award given in peacetime 和平时期授予的最高军事荣誉朗文当代〔peace〕a lasting peace 持久和平韦氏高阶〔peace〕a peace conference/initiative 和平会议/倡议剑桥高阶〔possible〕the moral duty to uphold peace if at all possible尽可能维护和平的道德责任外研社新世纪〔prayer〕a prayer for peace 祈求和平的祷告牛津搭配〔preach〕preached tolerance and peaceful coexistence. 宣扬容忍及和平共处美国传统〔preservation〕the preservation of peace/public order 维持和平/公共秩序麦克米伦高阶〔press〕press for a peaceful solution 竭力主张和平解决英汉大词典〔promote〕new efforts to promote the cause of world peace 促进世界和平大业的新尝试朗文当代〔protest〕a peaceful/violent protest 和平/暴力的抗议活动剑桥高阶〔resolution〕a peaceful resolution to the crisis针对危机的一种和平解决方式外研社新世纪〔settlement〕a lasting and comprehensive peace settlement 永久全面的和平协议牛津搭配〔solution〕achieve a peace solution 达成和平解决英汉大词典〔sovereign〕live in sovereign peace 在不折不扣的和平环境中生活英汉大词典〔spokeswoman〕a spokeswoman for the environmental group Greenpeace 环保组织“绿色和平”的女发言人剑桥高阶〔steam up〕to steam up peace of the world促进世界和平21世纪英汉〔talk〕the next round of Middle East peace talks. 下一轮中东和平谈判柯林斯高阶〔treaty〕a peace treaty 和平协定牛津高阶〔treaty〕a treaty of peace and friendship 和平友好条约英汉大词典〔trilateral〕a trilateral peace agreement 三方和平协议韦氏高阶〔unabridged〕the unabridged version of 'War and Peace'《战争与和平》的未删节版外研社新世纪〔unsteady〕an unsteady peace 暂时的和平朗文当代〔untiring〕his untiring efforts to promote peace他为促进和平做出的不懈努力外研社新世纪




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