

单词 地位
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔afraid〕be afraid for one's position 担心自己的地位英汉大词典〔anomalous〕the anomalous position of the free Negro in the slave states 蓄奴各州中自由黑人名不副实的地位英汉大词典〔ascendant〕an ascendant political party 处于支配地位的政党麦克米伦高阶〔battler〕a macho battle for supremacy. 男性为争取支配地位而进行的斗争柯林斯高阶〔below〕be below sb. in social standing 在社会地位方面低于某人英汉大词典〔change〕to change places.交换地位。牛津同义词〔disdainful〕be disdainful of riches (place-seekers) 鄙夷财宝(追求地位的人)英汉大词典〔dominant〕a change which would maintain his party's dominant position in Scotland. 将使他的政党在苏格兰继续占据支配地位的变化柯林斯高阶〔domination〕male domination in the workplace 男子在职场的统治地位麦克米伦高阶〔exposition〕a clear and detailed exposition of their legal position 对他们的法律地位清楚而详尽的说明牛津高阶〔hub〕a campaign to secure Heathrow's place as Europe's main international hub. 旨在稳固希思罗机场作为欧洲主要航空枢纽地位的宣传活动柯林斯高阶〔leadership〕the leadership of the Conservative party 保守党的领导地位朗文当代〔leadership〕the opportunity to strengthen our market leadership 巩固我们在市场上的领导地位的机会牛津搭配〔locational〕be at a locational disadvantage 在地理位置上居于不利的地位英汉大词典〔lustre〕take a lot of the lustre off the president's status 使总统的地位黯然失色英汉大词典〔mobility〕upward (downward) social mobility 社会地位方面的上向(下向)流动英汉大词典〔neck〕save one's political neck 保全自己的政治地位 英汉大词典〔politico-〕the old politico-military struggle for supremacy. 为争夺霸权地位而进行的由来已久的政治军事斗争柯林斯高阶〔position〕the position of women in society 妇女在社会中的地位朗文当代〔power〕the father's position of power and influence in the home 父亲在家中的支配地位与影响力牛津搭配〔predominance〕a group of young reformers who have gained/won predominance within the government 一批已在政府部门取得/赢得主导地位的年轻改革者韦氏高阶〔privileged〕sb.'s privileged status 某人的特权地位英汉大词典〔rank〕people of high rank 地位高的人麦克米伦高阶〔recognition〕a country that has long sought recognition as a major power 长期以来寻求承认其主要强国地位的国家牛津搭配〔redeem〕redeem one's honour (position, rights) 用弥补的办法恢复名誉(地位,权利)英汉大词典〔reflect〕reflects on her country's place in history. 思考她的国家在历史上的地位美国传统〔reign〕the reign of reason. 理智的主宰地位美国传统〔resume〕resume one's place in society 恢复原先的社会地位 英汉大词典〔scrubby〕a scrubby clerk 地位低微的小办事员英汉大词典〔second-class〕a second-class citizen (地位低下的)二等公民英汉大词典〔spot〕two teams battling for top spot 争夺冠军地位的两个队牛津高阶〔stand〕stand alone in the world, condemned by everyone 在世界上处于人人谴责的孤立地位 英汉大词典〔station〕be educated above one's station 受到高于本人地位的教育英汉大词典〔superior〕superior status 更高的地位牛津高阶〔supremacy〕the battle for supremacy in the world economic markets 世界经济市场霸主地位的争夺牛津搭配〔top〕the top rung 梯子的最上面一级;成功的颠峰;最重要的地位,首位文馨英汉〔unbending〕an unbending will to dominate. 占据主宰地位的坚定意志美国传统〔unequal〕a society of unequals 由地位不同的人组成的社会英汉大词典〔vis-à-vis〕the position of workers vis-à-vis management工人相对于管理层的地位外研社新世纪〔write〕write down the legal position of 降低…的法律地位英汉大词典




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