

单词 基督教会
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔Christian〕the Christian church 基督教会朗文当代〔Christian〕the Christian church 基督教会英汉大词典〔apologia〕an apologia for the Christian church 为基督教会的辩护朗文当代〔brother〕pl. Often brethren A fellow member of the Christian church. 【复数】 常作 brethren 教友:基督教会友美国传统〔christian〕the Christian Church/faith/religion 基督教会;基督教的信仰;基督教牛津高阶〔congregation〕people attending the congregation where she and her family worship 去她和她的家人做礼拜的基督教会的人牛津搭配〔criticism〕criticisms against the Church 对基督教会的批评牛津搭配〔disendow〕to disendow the Church剥夺一个基督教会的捐款21世纪英汉〔enmity〕his enmity towards / toward the Church 他对基督教会的敌对情绪牛津搭配〔hour〕hours Ecclesiastical The canonical hours. hours 【基督教会】 祷告时间美国传统〔schismatize〕to schismatize against the Christian church分裂基督教会21世纪英汉〔undivided〕the goal of an undivided Church建立统一的基督教会的目标外研社新世纪




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