

单词 在好莱坞
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔EFFECT/AFFECT〕Foster's early experiences in Hollywood colored his views of the entire film industry. 福斯特早期在好莱坞的经历影响了他对整个电影业的看法。朗文写作活用〔SENSIBLE〕Anyone who can raise three such normal kids in Hollywood must have their head screwed on right. 谁能在好莱坞培养出三个这么正常的孩子来,一定是个聪明人。朗文写作活用〔SUCCEED/SUCCESSFUL〕Many actors move to America, hoping to make it big in Hollywood. 许多演员到美国去,希望能在好莱坞闯出名堂。朗文写作活用〔UNFAIR〕Nepotism is an old story in Hollywood circles. 裙带关系在好莱坞圈子里是老掉牙的故事了。朗文写作活用〔WORD/PHRASE/SENTENCE〕In Hollywood, white stars are adopting black idioms, dress styles and manners. 在好莱坞,白人明星也采用了黑人的惯用语、衣着打扮和行为方式。朗文写作活用〔ascendant〕He's very much in the ascendant in Hollywood.他在好莱坞的事业蒸蒸日上。剑桥高阶〔big〕After years as a small-time actor, he suddenly made it big (=became very successful) in Hollywood.演了多年的小角色之后,他在好莱坞一举成名。朗文当代〔binge〕Brando's ice-cream binges were legendary in Hollywood.白兰度嗜食冰激凌在好莱坞是出了名的。外研社新世纪〔breed〕A new breed of film-maker has taken over Hollywood.新一代电影导演在好莱坞占据了主导地位。剑桥高阶〔buzz〕The film is getting a lot of good buzz(=people are saying good things about it) in Hollywood.据说这部影片在好莱坞获得很多好评。麦克米伦高阶〔catch a glimpse〕While you're in Hollywood, you might catch a glimpse of some movie stars.在好莱坞有可能一睹某些电影明星的风采。韦氏高阶〔clout〕This movie is an opportunity to increase his clout in Hollywood.这部电影是提升他在好莱坞影响力的一个机会。牛津搭配〔conquer〕She has conquered Hollywood and now has her sights set on Broadway.她在好莱坞已取得成功,现在的目标是进军百老汇。韦氏高阶〔contrast〕The poverty of her childhood stands in total contrast to her life in Hollywood.她孩提时的贫困处境与她在好莱坞的生活有着天壤之别。牛津高阶〔downtime〕Downtime in Hollywood can cost a lot of money.在好莱坞停工会损失许多钱。外研社新世纪〔downtime〕Downtime in Hollywood can cost a lot of money.在好莱坞停工会损失许多钱。柯林斯高阶〔edge〕He seemed to be poised on the edge of Hollywood success.他好像马上就要在好莱坞立足扬名了。麦克米伦高阶〔his〕He spent a large part of his career in Hollywood.他的职业生涯中有很长一段时间是在好莱坞度过的。柯林斯高阶〔influence〕His years in Hollywood were artistically a very destructive influence on his films.他在好莱坞的那几年对他电影的艺术造诣产生了毁灭性的影响。麦克米伦高阶〔light year〕Her life in Hollywood was light years away from her childhood in the East End of London.她在好莱坞的生活与她童年时在伦敦东区的生活有着天壤之别。麦克米伦高阶〔live〕She's now in Hollywood living a life of luxury .她现在在好莱坞,过着奢侈的生活。朗文当代〔look〕He borrowed $10,000 to start his Hollywood restaurant and never looked back.他借了1万美元在好莱坞办起一家饭店,从此发达起来。英汉大词典〔lunch〕But, even in Hollywood, there is no such thing as a free lunch.但即使是在好莱坞也没有免费的午餐。柯林斯高阶〔lunch〕But, even in Hollywood, there is no such thing as a free lunch.然而, 即使是在好莱坞, 也没有免费的午餐。外研社新世纪〔mainstream〕This is the director's first mainstream Hollywood film.这是该导演在好莱坞的首部主流影片。剑桥高阶〔make〕Everyone wants to make it big in Hollywood these days.现在谁都想在好莱坞大获成功。麦克米伦高阶〔meatball〕Only in Hollywood could a meatball make so much gravy.只有在好莱坞笨蛋才能轻易赚到这么多钱。外研社新世纪〔open〕His marriage has certainly opened doors for him in Hollywood.他的婚姻无疑已经为他在好莱坞的发展敞开了大门。麦克米伦高阶〔outsider〕Outsiders have a glamorized idea of what it is like to work in Hollywood.外人把在好莱坞工作想象得无比美好。剑桥高阶〔penny〕Leggy blondes are two a penny in Hollywood.在好莱坞, 长腿金发的女郎遍地都是。外研社新世纪〔penny〕Leggy blondes are two a penny in Hollywood.在好莱坞,长腿金发美女遍地都是。柯林斯高阶〔pocket〕They were well out of pocket – they had spent far more in Hollywood than he had earned.他们非常缺钱——他们在好莱坞的花费已经远远超出了他的收入。外研社新世纪〔pocket〕They were well out of pocket — they had spent far more in Hollywood than he had earned.他们非常缺钱——他们在好莱坞的花费已经远远超出了他的收入。柯林斯高阶〔possible〕In Hollywood, anything is possible (=anything can happen, even though it may seem very unlikely) .在好莱坞什么事都有可能发生。朗文当代〔precedent〕There are plenty of precedents in Hollywood for letting people out of contracts.在好莱坞, 允许影视人员解除合同的先例有很多。外研社新世纪〔precedent〕There are plenty of precedents in Hollywood for letting people out of contracts.在好莱坞,允许影视人员解除合同的先例有很多。柯林斯高阶〔record〕The performance was recorded live at the Hollywood Bowl.这次表演已在好莱坞露天音乐剧场做了实况录制。麦克米伦高阶〔species〕Women film directors in Hollywood are a rare species.女性电影导演在好莱坞属于稀有物种。剑桥高阶〔uncongenial〕Hollywood was an uncongenial place to work.在好莱坞工作并不舒心。外研社新世纪As a director, he is currently in the ascendant (=has an important or increasing influence) in Hollywood.作为一个导演,他目前在好莱坞正红极一时。剑桥国际Her fame and (good) looks did not lead to a Hollywood career.她的名声和相貌并没有使她能在好莱坞闯一番事业。剑桥国际Over the past few months, she has been busily trying to resurrect (= start again) her career in Hollywood.在过去的几个月中,她一直忙于重新开始自己在好莱坞的生涯。剑桥国际The French film ‘Trois Hommes et un Bebe was remade in Hollywood as ‘Three Men and a Baby’.法国影片《3个男人和1个婴儿》在好莱坞被重新摄制。剑桥国际The film grossed over $100 million, making her the first woman to direct a smash hit in Hollywood.该电影总共收入一亿多美元,使她成为第一个在好莱坞导演轰动之作的女性。剑桥国际There are many would-be actors and actresses in Hollywood. 在好莱坞有许多想要成为男女演员的人。译典通With his good looks and charm he usually played the lady-killer in Hollywood films.因为长相英俊、富于魅力,他经常在好莱坞影片中扮演勾引女人的角色。剑桥国际




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