

单词 因为你
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ANSWER〕The answer to your question is very simple: you failed the exam because you didn't do any work. 你的问题答案很简单:你考试不及格是因为你不做功课。朗文写作活用〔CARELESS〕Anna is lying in the hospital, and all because of your carelessness. 安娜现正躺在医院里,这都是因为你的疏忽大意。朗文写作活用〔IGNORE〕It's because you didn't listen to Roger that you are in this trouble now. 因为你不肯听罗杰的话,所以才惹下了现在的麻烦。朗文写作活用〔Lord〕They didn't fire you for drinking, did they?—Lord, no!他们不是因为你喝酒而开除你的吧?——天哪, 当然不是!外研社新世纪〔REASON〕Just because you know she cheats, that doesn't make it right for you to do the same. 就因为你知道她在作弊,并不能说你作弊也是正当的。朗文写作活用〔RISK〕Using humor in a job interview is a dangerous thing - you never know how the interviewer will react. 在求职面试时运用幽默是很危险的事,因为你预料不到主持面试者会如何反应。朗文写作活用〔SHOW OFF〕He doesn't usually drive as fast as this. He's just showing off because you're here. 他一般不开这么快,他只是在表现自己,因为你在这儿。朗文写作活用〔STAND〕Well, you put up with the danger and bad conditions, because you need to feed your family. 嗯,你得忍受危险和恶劣的工作条件,因为你要养家糊口。朗文写作活用〔account〕He has an account to settle with you for calling him a thief.因为你骂他是贼,他要跟你算账。英汉大词典〔advantage〕You have an advantage over her, because you are stronger.你比她有优势, 因为你更强壮。外研社新世纪〔age〕At her age, she might be expected to take things easy.因为你/他/她等的年纪麦克米伦高阶〔all〕Now we're going to be late, and it's all because of you.现在我们要迟到了,全都是因为你。麦克米伦高阶〔answer〕It's not worth guessing the answer, as you may lose points.不值得猜答案,因为你可能会丢分。牛津搭配〔as〕You can go first as you're the oldest.你可以第一个去,因为你年纪最大。剑桥高阶〔balls〕You can't blackmail me, because you're involved too. I've got you by the balls.你可敲诈不了我, 因为你也牵涉其中。我有你的把柄在手。外研社新世纪〔be an apology for sth〕You're not coming out because you're tired? That's an apology for an excuse! 你不出门是因为你累了?这个借口也太没水平了!剑桥高阶〔because〕I did not see the movie because you told me to.我不是因为你对我说了才去看这部影片的。英汉大词典〔because〕We spent three hours waiting in the rain because of you! 因为你,我们在雨里等了 3 个小时!朗文当代〔belittle〕Don't belittle her piano playing just because you're jealous.不要仅仅因为你忌妒而贬低她的钢琴弹奏。21世纪英汉〔bide〕Is it because you think you're too grand to bide in your own home with your own kind?是不是因为你认为自己很了不起, 无法和家人一起住在自己家里?外研社新世纪〔bite〕Whenever possible, suggest she talks about it but be aware she may bite your head off for your trouble.找机会建议她谈谈这事儿,但是小心她可能会因为你多事儿而大发雷霆。柯林斯高阶〔bother〕All this has happened because you couldn't be bothered to give me the message.就是因为你嫌麻烦没通知我,才出了这事。牛津高阶〔can〕One can hardly blame you for being upset.没有人会因为你受挫而责怪你美国传统〔cash in〕Avoid cashing in a policy early as you could lose out heavily.要避免提早兑现保单, 因为你可能会损失惨重。外研社新世纪〔come from〕I'm not surprised that you don't feel well. That's what comes from not eating the right kinds of food.你感觉不舒服我并不觉得意外。因为你吃了不该吃的食物。韦氏高阶〔dot〕Your handwriting is hard to read because you don't dot your i's.你的笔迹很难辨认,因为你在字母 I 上面不加点。剑桥高阶〔editor〕Your role as editor is important, for you can look at a piece of writing objectively.你作为审校者作用重大, 因为你能够客观地审视作品。外研社新世纪〔editor〕Your role as editor is important, for you can look at a piece of writing objectively.你的编辑角色很重要,因为你能够客观地审视作品。柯林斯高阶〔evil eye〕She is giving you the evil eye because you look better than she does.她正恶狠狠地看着你, 因为你看起来比她美。外研社新世纪〔fact〕I'm not angry that you took my car - it's just the fact that you didn't ask me first.我生气并不是因为你用了我的车,而是你事先没征得我同意。剑桥高阶〔fair〕Fair's fair—you can't expect them to cancel everything just because you can't make it.彼此都要公平,不可能就因为你不能出席就指望他们取消一切。牛津高阶〔fat〕Because you're not burning calories, everything you eat turns to fat.因为你没有消耗热量, 吃进去的东西都变成了脂肪组织。外研社新世纪〔fat〕The dog is getting fat because you feed him too much.那只狗越来越胖,因为你给它喂得太多了。韦氏高阶〔finesse〕You're good at finessing situations so that people don't boil over.正因为你擅长巧妙处理事务, 所以人们才相安无事。外研社新世纪〔fling〕Don't start flinging accusations just because you're upset.不要仅仅因为你心烦就开始指责别人。麦克米伦高阶〔head start〕You've got a head start over/on others trying to get the job because you've got relevant work experience.你比其他求职者有优势,因为你有相关的工作经验。剑桥高阶〔helpless〕You feel so helpless because there's nothing you can do to make the child better.你觉得如此无助是因为你没有办法让那个孩子病情好转。剑桥高阶〔if〕I would have been at rest if it hadn't been for you.要不是因为你,我早就休息了。英汉大词典〔just〕Just because you're older than me, it doesn't mean you can tell me what to do.不能因为你岁数比我大,就可以把我呼来喝去的。朗文当代〔lack〕Perhaps you simply lack the intelligence to realize just how serious this is? 或许只是因为你缺乏智慧,才认识不到情况有多严重吧?牛津搭配〔light〕Why didn't somebody come and tell me?—Because you were out like a light.为什么没有人来告诉我?——因为你很快就睡着了。外研社新世纪〔mark down〕If you mark each other's work, they don't mark you down because then you can mark them down.如果大家互相批改作业, 别人便不会给你打低分, 因为你之后也能给他们打低分。外研社新世纪〔mark down〕If you mark each other's work, they don't mark you down because then you can mark them down.如果大家互相批改作业,别人便不会给你扣分,因为你随后也能给他们扣分。柯林斯高阶〔mark〕They'll mark you down for poor spelling.他们会因为你拼写很糟糕而扣你的分。麦克米伦高阶〔melt away〕The negative feelings should then melt away because you know you can succeed in your real goals.负面的情绪应该会消失, 因为你知道自己能够实现自己真正的目标。外研社新世纪〔merely〕Merely because you believe a thing is right, it isn't automatically so.不是说仅仅因为你相信一件事是正确的, 它就一定是正确的。外研社新世纪〔merely〕Merely because you believe a thing is right, it isn't automatically so.事情不会仅仅因为你相信它是对的,就会必然如此。柯林斯高阶〔objection〕I no longer have any objection to your going to see her.我不会再因为你去见她而不高兴。柯林斯高阶〔overload〕Your fuse has blown because you have overloaded the circuit.你的保险丝烧断了,因为你让线路超过了负荷。英汉大词典〔phone〕I couldn't get through because you'd left the phone off the hook.因为你没有把电话挂好,所以我打不进去。牛津搭配〔punish〕Don't punish your child for being honest.不要因为你的孩子说了实话而处罚他。柯林斯高阶〔run through sth〕I'd like to run through these points/questions with you, if that's okay, because you've made several mistakes.如果可以的话,我想和你一起看看这几个要点/问题,因为你出了几个错。剑桥高阶〔scare off〕I don't think that revealing your past to your boyfriend scared him off.我并不认为是因为你把自己的过去向男朋友坦白才把他吓跑的。柯林斯高阶〔second〕You really should make the most of the opportunity, because you won't get a second chance.你真的应该好好珍惜这个机会,因为你不会再有这样的机会了。剑桥高阶〔sentimental〕Why be sentimental about that old coat? There's no point in keeping it just because you were wearing it when you first met me.为什么对那件旧外套依依不舍?就因为你第一次遇到我时穿着这件衣服就留着它,这毫无意义。剑桥高阶〔sorehead〕Just because you lost, don't be a sorehead! 别因为你失败了就承受不起!韦氏高阶〔span〕It may be that you are unaware of where your hip joint is; it is not at the waist but a good hand span below it.这也许是因为你并不晓得髋关节的位置,它不在腰部,而是位于腰部以下一手拃宽处。柯林斯高阶〔starve〕There are people out there who are starving because of your actions.在外面有人正在因为你的行为而挨饿。麦克米伦高阶〔sweat〕You sweat blood because it's your mates out there, right?你之所以如此担忧是因为你的哥们儿在那儿, 对不对?外研社新世纪〔take〕Don't take it out on me just because you've had a bad day.不要因为你一天过得不顺心就拿我来撒气。朗文当代〔tarnished〕Wear cotton gloves when cleaning silver, because the acid in your skin can tarnish the metal.清洁银器时要戴上棉手套,因为你皮肤里的酸性物质会使它失去光泽。柯林斯高阶〔thanks〕It was no thanks to you that we managed to win the game.我们并不是因为你才打赢了那场比赛。朗文当代〔wart〕We love and respect you for what you are, warts and all.尽管你也有这样那样的缺点,我们仍然因为你的个性而爱你、尊敬你美国传统〔would〕Well, you would say that: you're a man.呵,你当然会这样说的,因为你是个男的。柯林斯高阶I assumed (that) you knew each other because you went to the same school. [+ (that) clause] 因为你们上的是同一所学校,所以我以为你们互相认识。剑桥国际I can see you're tired because your eyelids have started to droop.我能够看出你很疲倦,因为你的眼皮都开始打架了。剑桥国际I wouldn't use that bookcase if I were you because it wobbles whenever you put anything on it.如果我是你的话,我就不使用那个书架,因为你无论放什么东西上去,它都会摇晃。剑桥国际I'd like to run through these points/questions with you, if that's okay, because you've made several mistakes.如果可以的话,我想和你把这几点/个问题过过目,因为你犯了几个错误。剑桥国际I'm afraid your line's been disconnected because your last bill hasn't been paid.恐怕你的电话线被掐断了,因为你上一次电话费还没有付。剑桥国际It is difficult to get proper information about the project, because everyone clams up as soon as you start asking questions.得到关于这个项目的正确消息很难,因为你一问问题每个人都会守口如瓶。剑桥国际It's (only) to be expected that your health is suffering since you've been working such long hours.因为你连续工作了那么久,估计你现在的身体状况不大好。剑桥国际It's an awkward journey because you have to change several times.这是一次不便的旅行,因为你得换几次车。剑桥国际It's awful when you're waiting for an operation, because you feel like there's a cloud hanging over you.等待动手术的时候实在是可怕,因为你会觉得忧心忡忡。剑桥国际Just because you saw them having a drink together doesn't mean you can jump to the conclusion that they're having an affair.就因为你看见他们在一起喝了一杯,并不意味着你能断定他们有私情。剑桥国际Just because you've been promoted that doesn't give you a divine right (= one like that of a god) to tell us all what to do.决不会因为你提升,就有像上帝那样的权利告诉我们该干什么。剑桥国际Just because you've done a short course on cookery, that doesn't qualify you as an expert chef.因为你仅仅上过短期的烹调课程,没有资格当高级厨师。剑桥国际Silk clothes are so impractical because you can't put them in the washing machine.丝织衣服很不实际,因为你不能把它们放在洗衣机中洗。剑桥国际Stop worrying about what to wear to her party--it's all academic anyway, because you haven't even been invited yet.不要为穿什么去参加她的晚会而担心----这都是自想一套,因为你还没有被邀请。剑桥国际The agglutinate substance occurred because you left the two chemicals under the heat too long. 因为你使这两种化学品受热太久,所以产生了凝集物质。译典通The simple fact is that you're late and we've missed the start of the show.纯粹因为你迟到,我们才错过了演出的开头。剑桥国际We cannot allow you to pass, as the conclusions reached in your dissertation were too stereotyped. 我们无法让你通过,因为你在论文中所作的结论太过于了无新意。译典通You can go first as you're the oldest.你先去吧,因为你年龄最大。剑桥国际You know when you're gaining altitude because you begin to feel sleepy.你知道你是什么时候升高的,因为你这时开始觉得困乏了。剑桥国际You know why your tongue is furred (=has a greyish covering on it) --it's because you smoke too much! 你知道为什么你舌头上长了舌苔吗----那是因为你吸烟太多!剑桥国际You really need to smarten up your appearance, Chris, and I don't know what you lot are smiling about, because the same goes for the rest of you.克里斯,你真该打扮一下了,我不知道你们大家在笑什么,因为你们其余的人也一样。剑桥国际You really ought to make the most of the opportunity, because you won't get a second chance.你实在应该好好珍惜这个机会,因为你不会再有另一个机会了。剑桥国际You'll have to change (down) into second for this roundabout, because the car will stall if you stay in third.在这环形路口你必须换第二挡,因为你仍用第三挡车子会熄火的。剑桥国际You'll have to change your mode of life now that you have a baby.你将不得不改变一下你的生活方式,因为你有了个孩子。剑桥国际You'll need to take it easy for a few days after your operation because you'll tire very easily.手术后你需要放松休息几天,因为你会很容易疲倦。剑桥国际You'll weigh more now because you've just eaten a big meal.你现在要重一些,因为你刚刚大吃了一顿。剑桥国际You're not hitting the ball because your timing's completely out.你没有击到球是因为你击球的时机完全错了。剑桥国际You've got a head start over / on others trying to get the job because you've got relevant work experience.你比其他候选者有一定优势,因为你有相关工作经验。剑桥国际




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