

单词 叮咬
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔annoyance〕One of the greatest annoyances was being bitten by mosquitoes every night.最让人不堪其扰的是,每天晚上都要挨蚊子叮咬。剑桥高阶〔antihistamine〕Antihistamine is often used to treat hay fever and insect bites.抗组胺药常用于治疗枯草热以及昆虫叮咬。剑桥高阶〔bedevil〕The insects bedevilled the horses.小虫叮咬马群。21世纪英汉〔bite〕The infection is passed by the bite of a mosquito.这种疾病是通过蚊子叮咬传染的。朗文当代〔bite〕When an infected mosquito bites a human, spores are injected into the blood.感染病毒的蚊子叮咬人之后,孢子便被注入血液中。柯林斯高阶〔biting fly〕A dipteran fly, such as a mosquito, midge, or horsefly, with mouthparts that are adapted to biting and piercing humans and other invertebrates.双翅飞虫:双翅飞虫(如蚊子、蠓或马蝇),具有叮咬和刺入人类及其它无脊椎动物的口器美国传统〔bug〕Use plenty of bug spray/repellent to keep the mosquitoes from biting you.多喷一些驱虫剂,以防蚊虫叮咬。韦氏高阶〔contact〕The sting causes swelling at the point of contact.被叮咬之后接触点会肿胀。朗文当代〔covered〕My face was covered with mosquito bites.我脸上满是蚊子叮咬的包。外研社新世纪〔cover〕His legs were covered in mosquito bites.他腿上全是蚊子叮咬的痕迹。韦氏高阶〔easy〕Avoiding mosquito bites is easier said than done.防蚊叮咬好说难做。柯林斯高阶〔gallinipper〕A large mosquito or other insect capable of inflicting a painful bite.大蚊子:大蚊子或其能使人遭受疼痛叮咬的昆虫美国传统〔inflict〕These insects are capable of inflicting a painful sting.被这些昆虫叮咬了会疼。韦氏高阶〔insect〕Use plenty of insect spray/repellent to keep the mosquitoes from biting you.使用大量杀虫剂/驱虫剂以免被蚊子叮咬。韦氏高阶〔lump〕Rashes, boils and lumps caused by insect bites or parasites can be more than a passing problem.由昆虫叮咬或寄生虫导致的皮疹、疖子及肿块可能并不是能扛过去的小病。外研社新世纪〔miserable〕Mosquito bites can make life miserable .蚊子叮咬会让人很难受。朗文当代〔mosquito〕I was awake all night scratching my mosquito bites.我一晚上都没睡着,一个劲地挠蚊子叮咬的地方。牛津搭配〔pester〕The horses were continually pestered by flies.马不断地被苍蝇叮咬。牛津高阶〔produce〕The insect bite produced a rash.蚊虫叮咬后皮肤上起了一片疹子。韦氏高阶〔puff up〕My leg puffed up all around the insect bite.我腿上被昆虫叮咬的部位肿了起来。剑桥高阶〔puff〕My eye had puffed up because of a mosquito bite.我的一只眼睛被蚊子叮咬后肿了起来。朗文当代〔puncture〕Lice puncture the skin and suck blood.虱子通过叮咬皮肤吸血。外研社新世纪〔scratch〕He was scratching at the bites on his arm.他在挠手臂上被叮咬的地方。朗文当代〔so〕I always keep fruit in the fridge so as to keep flies off it.我总是把水果放在冰箱里,以防虫子叮咬。剑桥高阶〔swelling〕The spider's bite can cause pain and swelling.蜘蛛叮咬可能会引起肿痛。朗文当代〔ticking〕Tick bites can cause Lyme disease.被蜱叮咬会引发莱姆病。柯林斯高阶〔tick〕A bite from a tick can cause Lyme disease.被蜱叮咬可能引发莱姆病。外研社新世纪A vaccine has been created for people who are allergic to bee stings, which uses the venom extracted from bees.利用从蜜蜂身上提取的毒液,已经发明了一种供对蜜蜂叮咬敏感的人们使用的疫苗。剑桥国际Antihistamine is often used to treat hay fever and insect bites.抗组胺药常用于治疗花粉热和昆虫叮咬。剑桥国际I always keep fruit in the fridge so (that) the insects keep off it/so as to keep insects off it.我经常把水果放在冰箱里,为了不让虫来叮咬。剑桥国际Mosquitoes secrete an anticoagulant to keep blood from clotting as they suck it from their victims.蚊子会分泌出一种抗凝血物质,这样它们在吸吮被叮咬者的血时,血不会凝结。剑桥国际My foot swelled up to three times the normal size when it was stung by a wasp.被黄蜂叮咬以后我的脚肿胀到原来的三倍大。剑桥国际Use insect repellent(=a substance used to keep insects away)to avoid getting bitten.用驱虫剂以防被叮咬。剑桥国际We were bitten by mosquitoes almost every night.我们几乎每夜都被蚊子叮咬。剑桥国际




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