

单词 化成
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔LIQUID〕when something becomes a liquid 化成液体朗文写作活用〔attainment〕a society remarkable for its cultural attainments 文化成就斐然的社会朗文当代〔brawl〕an incident that turned into a vicious legal donnybrook; 演化成为恶意的法律大混战的事件;美国传统〔convert〕convert assets into cash. 把资产转化成现金美国传统〔convert〕naturally occurring substances which the body can convert into vitamins. 自然产生的能被身体转化成维生素的物质柯林斯高阶〔differentiate〕to differentiate into organs分化成器官21世纪英汉〔differentiation〕differentiation of Latin into vernaculars 拉丁语分化成许多国家的语言文馨英汉〔dignified〕to be dignified as被美化成21世纪英汉〔dissolvability〕to dissolve sugar into syrup把糖融化成糖浆21世纪英汉〔dissolve into〕to dissolve jelly into a pool of melted fruit juice使果子冻融化成一汪水果汁21世纪英汉〔evolve〕when amphibians evolved into reptiles. 当两栖动物进化成爬行动物柯林斯高阶〔freeze〕freeze into dogma 僵化成教条英汉大词典〔greatness〕the great cultural achievements of the past. 昔日辉煌的文化成就柯林斯高阶〔pass〕pass from a liquid to a gaseous state 从液态转化成气态 英汉大词典〔reduce〕reduce an equation to its simplest form 将方程式化成最简形式英汉大词典〔riddle〕a government riddled with graft 贪污腐化成风的政府 英汉大词典〔thence〕the conversion of sunlight into heat and thence into electricity. 将太阳能转化成热能,然后再转化成电能柯林斯高阶




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