

单词 半小时
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔AFTER〕After half an hour we got tired of waiting and went home. 半小时后,我们等得不耐烦,于是回家了。朗文写作活用〔ARRIVE〕Steve turned up half an hour late as usual. 史蒂夫照例又迟到了半小时。朗文写作活用〔COST〕My piano teacher charges £9 for a half hour class. 我的钢琴老师一堂半小时的课收费九英镑。朗文写作活用〔DEFEND〕I ought to say, in Jim's defence, that he only heard about the meeting half an hour ago. 我得为吉姆说一句,他半小时前才听说开会的事。朗文写作活用〔DISTANCE〕Toronto's only about an hour and a half away by car. 开车去多伦多的话约一个半小时的路程。朗文写作活用〔KEEP〕Someone came in half an hour ago and bought up our entire stock of Italian wine. 半小时以前,有人来买走了我们的意大利葡萄酒的全部存货。朗文写作活用〔LAST〕After three and a half hours, the stragglers were still coming through. 三个半小时以后,还有一些落在后面的人陆续到达。朗文写作活用〔LAST〕Each consultation can last between 10 minutes and half an hour. 每场咨询为十分钟到半小时不等。朗文写作活用〔LOOK FOR〕I spent half an hour trying to find a parking space. 我花了半小时找一个停车的地方。朗文写作活用〔MEET〕Meet me back here in half an hour - I just need to finish up a couple of things. 半小时之后回到这里和我碰头,我只需要把几件事处理完。朗文写作活用〔TEACH〕Half an hour's instruction from an experienced horse-rider is much better than anything you can learn from a book. 从一位经验丰富的骑师那里得到半小时的指导,比任何从书本学到的知识都要好得多。朗文写作活用〔TIME〕Joe, by the ten of eight you're going upstairs and that's only about a half hour from now. 乔,到7点50分你要上楼去了,从现在算起只有半小时左右。朗文写作活用〔VISIT〕I might be able to pop in for about half an hour. 我或许可以来坐半小时左右。朗文写作活用〔WET〕The two and a half hour walk in the wind and rain left us drenched. 我们在风雨中走了两个半小时,浑身湿透了。朗文写作活用〔adjudge〕Half an hour into the game Paterson was adjudged to have fouled Jackson and was sent off.比赛进行到半小时时,佩特森被判对杰克逊犯规而被罚下场。剑桥高阶〔allow for〕We must allow half an hour for lunch.我们必须给出半小时来吃午饭。21世纪英汉〔aside〕Try to set aside half an hour every day for something you really enjoy doing.每天争取留出半小时做自己真正喜欢做的事情。麦克米伦高阶〔away〕The office is a half-hour drive away.从这儿到办公室开车去要半小时。剑桥高阶〔bite〕After half an hour, the fish stopped biting and we moved on.半小时后, 鱼儿不再咬钩了, 我们只好换地方。外研社新世纪〔breathless〕They maintained a breathless(= very fast)pace for half an hour.他们用疾速的步伐走了半小时。牛津高阶〔breath〕He spoke for one and a half hours and barely paused for breath.他几乎一口气没停地说了一个半小时。柯林斯高阶〔chop at〕I've been chopping at this tree for half an hour with no results.这棵树我砍了半小时也没把它砍倒。21世纪英汉〔clear〕After half an hour the plane was cleared for take-off.半小时以后,飞机被准予起飞。麦克米伦高阶〔cool down〕The engine will take half an hour to cool down.引擎需要半小时才能冷却。外研社新世纪〔crow〕It takes an hour as the crow flies to get to the next village.到下一个村庄,如果直穿过去需半小时。英汉大词典〔dull〕Within half an hour the excruciating pain had dulled to a background throb.半小时不到, 剧烈的疼痛就减轻了, 只有阵阵隐痛。外研社新世纪〔effect〕The medication should take effect half an hour after you take the pills.这种药应该在服用半小时后见效。韦氏高阶〔effect〕The medicine takes effect after about half an hour.这个药大概半小时后起效。外研社新世纪〔enough〕Half an hour in his company is quite enough! 在他公司呆上半小时就能让人烦透了!剑桥高阶〔finally〕The performance finally started half an hour late.延迟了半小时以后演出终于开始了。牛津高阶〔flesh out〕He talked with him for an hour and a half, fleshing out the details of his original five-minute account.他和他谈了一个半小时, 将原计划5分钟的叙述完全展开了。外研社新世纪〔flesh〕He talked with him for an hour and a half, fleshing out the details of his original five-minute account.他和他谈了一个半小时,将自己原来5 分钟的陈述完全展开了。柯林斯高阶〔free〕We queued for half an hour waiting for a free space in the car park.我们为了等一个空车位在停车场排了半小时队。剑桥高阶〔glue〕It takes about an hour for the glue to set.这种胶大约半小时后会粘牢。牛津搭配〔go aboard〕They have to go aboard half an hour before the ship sails.他们必须在启航前半小时登船。21世纪英汉〔good〕It took us a good half hour to get there.我们花了至少半小时才到达那里。外研社新世纪〔half an hour〕I'll be back in half an hour.我半小时后回来。外研社新世纪〔half hour〕Half an hour later, she was smiling and chatting as if nothing had happened.半小时后,她又谈笑风生,仿佛什么事都没发生过。剑桥高阶〔half hour〕The dollar surged against the yen in the final half hour of trading.在交易的最后半小时里美元对日元的汇率猛涨。剑桥高阶〔half hour〕Trains depart every half hour.火车每半小时一班。韦氏高阶〔half-hourly〕The buses ran half-hourly.那些公车每隔半小时开出。文馨英汉〔half-hourly〕The buses run half-hourly.公共汽车每半小时一班。牛津高阶〔half-hourly〕There's a half-hourly train service to London from here.从这里到伦敦半小时就有一趟火车。剑桥高阶〔half-hourly〕Trains depart at half-hourly intervals.列车每半小时发出一班。朗文当代〔half〕An hour and a half is allowed for the exam.考试时间为一个半小时。牛津高阶〔half〕One and a half hours are allowed for the exam.考试时间为一个半小时。牛津高阶〔half〕We had to wait half an hour for a bus.我们只好等了半小时公共汽车。麦克米伦高阶〔half〕You can't just waltz in a half hour late.你不可以迟到半小时了还若无其事地走进来。朗文当代〔happen〕Anything could happen in the next half hour.接下来的半小时内什么事都可能会发生。剑桥高阶〔hour〕Half an hour along the beach road are some shops.沿着海滨路走半小时就是一些商店了。麦克米伦高阶〔hour〕There is half an hour to go.还有半小时。英汉大词典〔inflate〕It took us half an hour to inflate the dinghy.我们用了半小时给橡皮筏充好气。朗文当代〔inside〕All the remaining business could be completed inside half an hour.余下的所有业务能在半小时内完成。麦克米伦高阶〔interest〕The children's interest began to flag after half an hour of the lesson.课上了半小时以后,孩子们的兴趣开始减退。牛津搭配〔in〕I'm just setting off, so I should be with you in half an hour.我正要出发,所以我半小时后应该会到你那里。剑桥高阶〔kick in〕It takes half an hour for the medication to kick in.药片半小时后药力开始显现。剑桥高阶〔lateness〕He's a half hour late.他迟到了半小时。柯林斯高阶〔like〕That's just like Maisie to turn up half an hour late to her own party! 梅茜就是这样的人,为她办聚会时她都要拖后半小时才露面!剑桥高阶〔little〕The weather can change completely in as little as half an hour.天气在短短半小时之内就会完全变了。朗文当代〔meditate〕I try to meditate for half an hour every evening.我每天晚上尽量默想半小时。朗文当代〔miss〕I'd better give the coffee a miss. I'm due at a meeting in half an hour.我还是不喝咖啡吧,我半小时后要开会。朗文当代〔pick〕It took her half an hour to pick a dress that suited her.她用了半小时挑选适合她穿的衣服。21世纪英汉〔pop along〕There is a meeting tonight and I was thinking of popping along for half an hour or so.今晚有个会,我打算参加半小时左右。21世纪英汉〔put〕If you're planning a trip to the museum, be sure to put aside at least an hour and a half.如果你计划参观博物馆,一定要留出至少一个半小时。朗文当代〔remaining〕What shall we do for the remaining half hour? 剩下的半小时我们该做些什么?麦克米伦高阶〔rest〕Rest your eyes every half an hour.每过半小时让眼睛休息一下。牛津高阶〔set〕If we all set to, we'll finish the job in half an hour.如果我们都努力干,就可以在半小时内完成这项工作。朗文当代〔set〕She had set a half-hour composition for her pupils.她已给学生布置了一篇半小时内完成的作文。英汉大词典〔shake〕What these recruits need is half an hour's drill on the square — that'll shake them up.这些新兵需要在广场上操练半小时,那样会使他们振作起来。英汉大词典〔slot〕The programme will occupy that half-hour slot before the six o'clock news.那个节目将在六点新闻前的半小时这一时段播出。剑桥高阶〔stuffed〕I could stuff myself with ten chocolate bars and half an hour later eat a big meal.我可以一口气吃10块巧克力,半小时后再吃一顿大餐。柯林斯高阶〔surprise〕Bob turned up half an hour late, surprise surprise.鲍勃晚到了半小时,不足为怪。牛津搭配〔take〕The journey to the airport takes about half an hour.到机场大约需要半小时。牛津高阶〔theatre-goer〕Some theatre-goers complained Joan was on stage for just half an hour.有些观众抱怨琼的出场时间只有半小时。外研社新世纪〔thumb〕For the next half hour I was twiddling my thumbs,waiting for my friends to arrive.接下去的那半小时里,我闲着无事,等候朋友们到来。英汉大词典〔tidy〕Tidy away your books if you are leaving the library for longer than half an hour.若离开本图书馆超过半小时,就将书收拾好。英汉大词典〔toss ... off〕He tossed off several papers in half an hour.他在半小时之内就看完了几份报纸。21世纪英汉〔track〕It took me a long half hour to track him down.我足足花了半小时才把他找到。英汉大词典〔turn〕Fender's batting could turn matches around in half an hour.芬德的击球能让比赛在半小时内扭转局势。朗文当代〔way〕The bus stopped for us to eat lunch but within half an hour we were on our way/under way (= travelling) again.长途汽车停下来让我们吃午饭,不过不到半小时,我们又上路了。剑桥高阶〔what the hell〕I was supposed to be working this evening but what the hell - I'll see you at the bar in half an hour.今晚我本来应该工作的,但这也没关系——半小时后我们酒吧见。剑桥高阶〔whip through〕She can whip through the programme in half an hour.她能在半小时内迅速完成计划。外研社新世纪〔write ... off〕He wrote off a paper in half an hour.他用半小时写了一篇文章。21世纪英汉An order came down from on high that lunch breaks were to be half an hour and no longer.高层人士指示午餐休息时间不得超过半小时。牛津商务Anything could happen in the next half hour.半小时内,任何事都可能发生。剑桥国际Boil for 5 minutes, then lower the heat and simmer for half an hour.煮沸5分钟,再开慢火炖半小时。剑桥国际He left in a hurry half an hour ago and I've no idea where he is.他半小时前急匆匆地离开,我不知道他在哪里。剑桥国际He lit his fifth cigarette in half an hour.他半小时之内点着了第5根烟。剑桥国际Here we are (=We have arrived)--I said it wouldn't take more than half an hour by car.我们到了----我说过开车用不了半小时就能到。剑桥国际I had to suffer her father moaning for half an hour on the phone last night! 昨晚我不得不忍受她父亲在电话中长达半小时的唉声叹气。剑桥国际I'll meet you at reception in half an hour.半小时后我在服务台见你。剑桥国际I'll see you downstairs in the foyer in half an hour.半小时后我们在楼下门厅见。剑桥国际I'm just going round to (= making a visit to) Mario's for half an hour.我顺便看望了马里奥一家,坐了半小时。剑桥国际I'm just going to sleep for half an hour.我只想睡个半小时。剑桥国际It's a good half hour's walk to the station from here.从这儿到车站需要步行半小时多。剑桥国际Mrs Kramer rang half an hour ago to ask if her cake was ready.克雷默夫人半小时前来电话问她的蛋糕是否准备好了。剑桥国际She is to host a new half-hour show which will be broadcast every weekday evening.她将主持一档在平日晚上播出的半小时节目。剑桥国际The doctor is overrunning (= her arranged meetings are continuing beyond their planned finishing times) by about half an hour, but she'll see you as soon as she can.医生给前几位病人多看了大约半小时,不过她会尽快给你看的。剑桥国际The office is a half-hour drive away.办公室离这儿有半小时车程。剑桥国际The programme will occupy that half-hour slot before the nine o'clock news.该节目将在九点新闻前安排好的半小时内播出。剑桥国际




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