

单词 加深
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔advance〕a question on which knowledge is advancing 人们对其了解正在逐步加深的一个问题英汉大词典〔aggravate〕aggravate differences 加深分歧英汉大词典〔channel〕plans to deepen the shipping channel in Port Philip Bay加深菲利普港湾航道的计划外研社新世纪〔crack〕events which deepened the cracks in the monarchy 加深君主制裂痕的事件麦克米伦高阶〔crisis〕the growing crisis in education 日渐加深的教育危机牛津搭配〔darken〕to darken the colour使颜色加深21世纪英汉〔darken〕to darken the green paint使绿油漆的颜色加深21世纪英汉〔deepen〕an opportunity for students to deepen their understanding of different cultures 学生加深理解不同文化的机会牛津高阶〔deepen〕an opportunity to deepen their understanding of themselves一个使他们加深对自身了解的机会外研社新世纪〔deepen〕deepen one's interest in mathematics 加深对数学的兴趣英汉大词典〔deepen〕plans to deepen channels in the Port of Southampton 加深南安普敦港航道的计划麦克米伦高阶〔deepen〕to deepen one's interest in加深对…的兴趣21世纪英汉〔deepen〕to deepen the blue in a picture加深画中的蓝色21世纪英汉〔developing〕a developing crisis in Washington 华盛顿日益加深的危机朗文当代〔diplomatically〕a growing sense of doubt that the conflict can be resolved diplomatically. 对这一冲突可以通过外交途径得以解决日益加深的疑虑柯林斯高阶〔exacerbate〕exacerbate one's misery 加深自己的不幸英汉大词典〔exacerbate〕to exacerbate ill feeling使恶感加深21世纪英汉〔exacerbation〕the exacerbation of ill feeling 恶感的加深文馨英汉〔exacerbation〕the exacerbation of the crisis 危机的加深英汉大词典〔feed〕feed suspicions (resentment, anxiety) 加深怀疑(怨恨,忧虑)英汉大词典〔feeling〕compound the hard feelings 使恶感加深英汉大词典〔fester〕bitterness that festered and grew. 不断产生并加深的怨恨美国传统〔fester〕fester a grudge against sb. 加深对某人的怨恨英汉大词典〔gloom〕the deepening gloom over the economy对于经济日益加深的悲观情绪外研社新世纪〔memory〕look at a map to refresh one's memory of the road 查阅地图加深对公路位置的记忆英汉大词典〔plight〕the worsening plight of Third World countries plagued by debts. 受债务困扰的第三世界国家日益加深的苦境柯林斯高阶〔plight〕the worsening plight of countries who are plagued by foreign debt为外债所累的国家日益加深的苦境外研社新世纪〔reinforcement〕the reinforcement of stereotypes 加深成见韦氏高阶〔reinforce〕reinforce a prejudice 加深偏见英汉大词典〔reinforce〕reinforce sb.'s feeling of worthlessness 加深某人了无价值的感觉英汉大词典〔sharpen〕sharpen the differences 加深分歧英汉大词典〔understanding〕a book that will deepen your understanding of global warming 会加深对全球变暖理解的一本书牛津搭配〔widen〕have widened the gulf between the two sides 加深了双方的隔阂英汉大词典




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