

单词 canon
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Apocrypha〕Abbr. Apoc.Various early Christian writings proposed as additions to the New Testament but rejected by the major canons.缩写 Apoc.新约外传:作为《新约》补充的早期基督教著作但未被主要经典接受美国传统〔BCL.〕Bachelor of Canon Law.教会法规学士美国传统〔Bard〕In the canon of Shakespeare, Pericles is considered one of the Bard of Avon's lesser works.在莎士比亚作品名录中, 《泰尔亲王佩力克里斯》被认为是这位埃文河畔诗圣的次要作品之一。外研社新世纪〔DCL.〕Doctor of Canon Law.教会法规博士美国传统〔JCD.〕Juris Canonici Doctor (Doctor of Canon Law).教会法学博士美国传统〔canon law〕The Church's canon law forbids remarriage of divorced persons.该教会的法规禁止离婚者再婚。外研社新世纪〔canon law〕The Church's canon law forbids remarriage of divorced persons.该教派教规禁止离婚者再婚。柯林斯高阶〔canonical hours〕The times of day at which canon law prescribes certain prayers to be said. These times are matins with lauds, prime, tierce, sext, nones, vespers, and complin.祈祷时间:按教规规定在一天要诵一定祷文的某些时间。这些祷告时刻所念的祷文分别有申正经、赞美经、晨经、辰时经、午时经、申初经、晚课和晚祷美国传统〔canonicals〕The dress prescribed by canon for officiating clergy.法衣:按教规规定主持宗教仪式的教士所应穿的衣服美国传统〔canonical〕Music Having the form of a canon.【音乐】 具有卡农曲的形式的美国传统〔canonical〕Of or appearing in the biblical canon.真经的:属于或出现于圣经的真经篇目的美国传统〔canonical〕Of, relating to, or required by canon law.依教规的:属于、关于教规或教规规定的美国传统〔canonist〕A person specializing in canon law.宗教法规学者:对教规有专门研究的人美国传统〔canonize〕To approve as being within canon law.使成典范:同意…属于教规所规定的范围以内美国传统〔canonize〕To include in the biblical canon.包括在真经中美国传统〔canonry〕Canons considered as a group.教士总称:被看作一个群体的教士们美国传统〔canonry〕The office or dignity of a canon.教士的职位或尊严美国传统〔canon〕Canon The part of the Mass beginning after the Preface and Sanctus and ending just before the Lord's Prayer. Canon 弥撒中的祭献经文:弥撒中始于序言和《圣哉经》之后,结束于主祷经之前的一个部分美国传统〔canon〕Anyone who violates every canon of decency as she has done should be dismissed immediately.像她这样违反了所有道德准则的人应该立即被开除。韦氏高阶〔canon〕By the canons of science, the experiment was not valid.根据科学标准,这个实验是无效的。韦氏高阶〔canon〕He had to read a canon of accepted literary texts.他不得不阅读一系列公认的经典文学作品。柯林斯高阶〔canon〕He violated another canon, the bishop said, by not notifying the diocese.主教说他没有通知教区, 违反了另一条教规。外研社新世纪〔canon〕Her name was added to the canon of saints in 1677.她的名字在1677年被加入圣徒名单。外研社新世纪〔canon〕Mapplethorpe's pictures offended the canons of American good taste.梅普尔索普的摄影作品有悖于美国人的鉴赏标准。朗文当代〔canon〕She argues that the canon excludes too many women and minority writers.她指出这部经典作品集将许多女性作家和少数民族作家排除在外。韦氏高阶〔canon〕The canons of ethics say you have to respect and comply with the law.道德准则指出, 你必须尊重并且遵守法律。外研社新世纪〔canon〕The economy's extraordinary growth defies the canons of economics.经济的超常增长与经济学原则背道而驰。麦克米伦高阶〔canon〕The very first canon of nursing is to keep the air inside as fresh as the air outside.护理工作的首要原则是要保持室内空气像室外一样清新。柯林斯高阶〔canon〕There are 16 women priests serving in the diocese, one of whom is a canon at the cathedral.有16位女教士在主教辖区任职, 其中一位是主教座堂的法政牧师。外研社新世纪〔canon〕Within the Canon, the wafer and wine becomes the body and blood of Jesus Christ.在祭献经文里, 薄饼和红葡萄酒变成耶稣基督的身体和血液。外研社新世纪〔chapter〕An assembly of the canons of a church or of the members of a religious residence.教会全体教士大会:大教堂的全体教士大会或一宗教社区的成员大会美国传统〔chapter〕The canons of a church or the members of a religious residence considered as a group.教会全体成员:教堂的全体教士或宗教社区的全体成员美国传统〔civil law〕A system of law having its origin in Roman law, as opposed to common law or canon law.罗马法系,大陆法系:起源于罗马法的法律体系,相对于习惯法或教规而言美国传统〔collegiate church〕A Roman Catholic or Anglican church other than a cathedral, having a chapter of canons and presided over by a dean or provost.联合教会:罗马天主教堂或英国圣公会教堂,有别于设主教职位的总教堂,由教士会成员组成,由地方主教或教堂总监主持美国传统〔dean〕Ecclesiastical The head of the chapter of canons governing a cathedral or collegiate church.【基督教会】 主任教师:官方名册上全体教士的头领,管辖一个大教堂或一个联合教会的教堂美国传统〔decree〕An administrative act applying or interpreting articles of canon law.教令:实施或解释教会法律条文的管理法案美国传统〔decretal〕A decree, especially a papal letter giving a decision on a point or question of canon law.法令集:法令,尤指就教会法规的某一点或某一问题作出决定的罗马教皇的信件美国传统〔invert〕Inflation inverts all the old canons of economics.通货膨胀把原有的经济学准则统统颠倒过来了。英汉大词典〔trade in〕Richard refused to trade in his old Canon cameras.理查德拒绝拿他的旧佳能相机折价换新。外研社新世纪〔trade in〕Richard refused to trade in his old Canon cameras.理查德拒绝用他的旧佳能相机以旧换新。柯林斯高阶His behavior offends the canons of good manners. 他的行为冒犯了公认的礼貌规范。译典通Some scholars would not strictly include these plays in the Shakespearean canon.有些学者不会将这些剧作严格地归入莎士比亚全集。剑桥国际




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