

单词 受损失
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔badly〕The enterprise turned out badly for the investors.企业经营的结果使投资人遭受损失。英汉大词典〔benefit〕The bank suffers while its officers benefit.银行遭受损失,而它的高级职员们却得到好处。英汉大词典〔colossal〕There's a colossal amount of money at stake.有一大笔款项可能遭受损失。外研社新世纪〔detach〕The convoy left Casablanca on 1 June and, after detaching units to various North African ports, arrived in Tripoli on 8 June without loss.护航舰队6月1日驶离卡萨布兰卡, 将分队派遣至北非各港口, 6月8日到达黎波里, 未受损失。外研社新世纪〔equanimity〕They were content to accept their loss with equanimity.他们甘愿泰然接受损失。外研社新世纪〔flight of capital〕TI has seen its shares suffer because of a flight of capital from telecom and Internet-related businesses.德州仪器的股票因为资金从电信和因特网相关企业外逃而遭受损失。柯林斯高阶〔flirt〕When he made the investments, people said he was flirting with financial ruin.他投资时, 人们都说他没有充分估计到经济可能遭受损失。外研社新世纪〔hedge〕Many traders sold to hedge against wheat they expect to have on hand.很多商人抛出期货以免即将到手的小麦因行市下跌而遭受损失。英汉大词典〔injure〕The tax injured all business.这项税使整个商界都蒙受损失。英汉大词典〔insure〕This policy insures you against theft and fire damage.这张保单确保你避免因失窃和火灾而遭受损失。麦克米伦高阶〔investor〕Many ordinary investors stand to lose money in this affair.很多普通投资者可能会在这上面遭受损失。牛津搭配〔leave〕She worries that if she takes time off for maternity leave her career will suffer.她担心若请产假自己的事业会遭受损失。麦克米伦高阶〔let ... in〕This would let them in badly.这会使他们大受损失。21世纪英汉〔let〕I was badly let in over that business.我在那桩生意上大受损失。英汉大词典〔lose out〕The new tax means that the vast majority of working people will lose out.征收新税意味着大多数正在工作的人将会受损失。剑桥高阶〔lose〕To suffer loss.经受损失美国传统〔moral hazard〕A risk to an insurance company resulting from uncertainty about the honesty of the insured.道德风险:保险公司因投保人诚实的不确定性存在的可能遭受损失的风险美国传统〔out of pocket〕In a state of having experienced a loss, especially a financial one.经受损失,尤指财政损失美国传统〔pocket〕If he loses the deal, he'll be badly out of pocket.如果他丢掉这笔生意,就会大受损失。朗文当代〔pocket〕Statements with errors could still be going out, but customers who notify us will not be left out of pocket.存在错误的结算单仍有可能发送出去,但告知我们的客户将不会遭受损失。柯林斯高阶〔reconcile to〕I reconciled myself to the loss.我甘心接受损失。韦氏高阶〔reverse〕Property values have suffered another reverse.房地产价值再次遭受损失。牛津高阶〔risk〕The danger or probability of loss to an insurer.风险率:保险公司遭受损失的危险或可能性美国传统〔suffer〕Major banks are suffering losses as a result of having lent too much money to companies who cannot repay their debts.由于将太多资金借给了那些无力偿还债务的公司, 各大银行正在蒙受损失。外研社新世纪〔suffer〕To feel pain or distress; sustain loss, injury, harm, or punishment.受苦,受损失,受害:感到痛苦或压抑;遭受损失、伤害、损害或惩罚美国传统Many big clothing brands suffer from diversion of their products.许多大型服装品牌因产品转移市场而遭受损失。牛津商务She shed tears over her loss. 她因遭受损失而流泪。译典通The agency paid a lot to sign the celebrity to a contract, and now that he's dead they'll just have to eat it.代理处花了一大笔钱请一名人在合同上签字,现在他死了,他们只得承受损失。剑桥国际The big hotels are suffering from cutbacks in corporate travel.大型酒店因外地公干开支被企业削减而受损失。牛津商务The coffee market is suffering from oversupply.咖啡市场因供应过多而遭受损失。剑桥国际The scheme should ensure that borrowers are not penalized by sudden rises in mortgage rates.该计划必须确保借贷者不会因为抵押率的突然升高而遭受损失。剑桥国际




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