单词 | nancy |
释义 | DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ALWAYS〕He calls Nancy whenever he's in town. 他每次进城都去看望南希。朗文写作活用〔BEGINNING〕At first I didn't think Nancy and I would get along. 一开始我不觉得南希和我能相处得来。朗文写作活用〔CERTAINLY/DEFINITELY〕Roger and Andy are definitely coming, but I'm not sure about Nancy. 罗杰和安迪一定会来,但我对南茜不十分肯定。朗文写作活用〔DISLIKE〕Nancy doesn't take kindly to being corrected. 南希不愿接受批评。朗文写作活用〔FASTEN/UNFASTEN〕Nancy got behind the wheel and buckled up. 南希坐到驾驶座上,系上了安全带。朗文写作活用〔FAST〕Nancy, if you don't speed up we'll be here until midnight. 南希,如果你再不加快速度,我们都得留在这儿直到半夜才能回家了。朗文写作活用〔HOPE〕He was rejecting Nancy in hopes that something better might develop with Lydia. 他在拒绝南希,希望能和莉迪娅进一步发展关系。朗文写作活用〔NEAR〕Nancy came over and sat close beside me on the bed. 南希走过来,紧挨着我坐在床上。朗文写作活用〔OBVIOUS〕It was obvious from the start that my parents disliked Nancy. 从一开始就很明显,我父母不喜欢南希。朗文写作活用〔ON/ON TOP OF〕Nancy walked onto the stage and took the microphone in her hand. 南希走上舞台接过麦克风。朗文写作活用〔TAKE PART/BE INVOLVED〕Put Nancy and her husband down for the banquet - I know they're planning to come. 把南希和她丈夫的名字写在宴会客人名单上,我知道他们打算来。朗文写作活用〔acidity〕Nancy replied with more acidity than usual.南希的回答的尖刻程度比平常尤甚。外研社新世纪〔be〕Nancy is tall and very thin.南希个子很高又特别瘦。麦克米伦高阶〔blow〕Nancy blew away the rest of the skaters.南希击败了其他的滑冰运动员。朗文当代〔brace〕Nancy braced herself for the inevitable arguments.南希为无法避免的争论作好了准备。朗文当代〔breathlessly〕Nancy waited breathlessly for him to go on.南希屏息静气等着他说下去。柯林斯高阶〔business〕Nancy had left the business of looking after the dog to her brother.南希把照看狗的任务交给了她的兄弟。麦克米伦高阶〔call〕Nancy had called up to invite him.南希打电话过来邀请他。麦克米伦高阶〔chat〕Mary and Nancy chatted away across the room.玛丽和南希一个在房间这一端一个在房间那一端闲聊着。英汉大词典〔concede〕Bess finally conceded that Nancy was right.贝丝最终承认了南希是对的。柯林斯高阶〔concede〕Bess finally conceded that Nancy was right.贝丝最终承认南希是正确的。外研社新世纪〔crumple up〕Nancy looked at the note angrily, then crumpled it up and threw it in a nearby wastepaper basket.南希愤怒地看了看那张便条, 把它狠狠地揉成一团扔进了旁边的废纸篓里。外研社新世纪〔crumpled〕Nancy looked at the note angrily, then crumpled it up and threw it in a nearby wastepaper basket.南希愤怒地看完那张便条,把它狠狠地揉成一团扔进了旁边的废纸篓里。柯林斯高阶〔dawning〕Nancy woke at dawn.拂晓时分南希醒了。柯林斯高阶〔dawn〕Nancy woke at dawn.南希在黎明时分醒来。外研社新世纪〔destiny〕Nancy wondered whether it was her destiny to live in England and marry Melvyn.南希想知道在英格兰生活并与梅尔文结婚是不是她的命。朗文当代〔double-date〕John and Nancy and Mary and Bill double-date.约翰和南希同玛丽和比尔经常双双赴约(或相偕出游)。英汉大词典〔double〕Mary and Nancy and John and Bill doubled.玛丽和南希同约翰和比尔双双赴约(或相偕出游)。21世纪英汉〔dropping〕Nancy dropped into a nearby chair.南希疲惫地瘫坐到近处的椅子上。柯林斯高阶〔drop〕Nancy dropped into a chair.南希倒在椅子里。外研社新世纪〔fall〕Nancy, out of the corner of her eye, saw the shadow that suddenly fell across the doorway.南希从眼角的余光里看见突然有个影子落在门道上。柯林斯高阶〔fast〕Nancy leapt out and made the boat fast to a post.南希跳了出来, 然后把小艇牢牢系在桩上。外研社新世纪〔force back〕Nancy forced back tears. She wasn't going to cry in front of all those people.南希强忍着眼泪。她不想在那么多人面前哭。外研社新世纪〔force〕Nancy forced back tears. She wasn't going to cry in front of all those people.南希强忍泪水。她不会在那些人面前哭的。柯林斯高阶〔fractious〕Nancy was in a fractious mood.南希当时情绪暴躁。外研社新世纪〔fractious〕Nancy was in a fractious mood.南希情绪烦躁。柯林斯高阶〔frown〕Nancy shook her head, frowning.南希摇了摇头,皱着眉头。柯林斯高阶〔frown〕Nancy shook her head, frowning.南希皱着眉摇了摇头。外研社新世纪〔garage〕Nancy took her car to a local garage for a check-up.南希把车开到当地的汽车修理厂检修。外研社新世纪〔garage〕Nancy took her car to a local garage for a check-up.南希把车开到当地的汽车修理厂检修。柯林斯高阶〔good〕Nancy chose the product because it is better for the environment.南希选择这种产品是因为它更环保。柯林斯高阶〔go〕Nancy must be going on for 60.南希肯定快 60 岁了。朗文当代〔graduation〕On graduation (=after completing a first degree), Nancy became an art teacher.南希毕业以后当了一名美术老师。朗文当代〔grin〕Nancy grinned at him.南希朝他咧着嘴笑。外研社新世纪〔hold on〕Despite her aching shoulders, Nancy held on.南希紧抓不放,不顾双肩疼痛。柯林斯高阶〔hold on〕The rope was wet, but Nancy held on.虽然绳子是湿的, 但南希还是抓得很牢。外研社新世纪〔know〕She had known Nancy for years.她已经认识南希很多年了。麦克米伦高阶〔lace up〕Nancy was lacing her shoe up when the doorbell rang.门铃响时, 南希正在系鞋带。外研社新世纪〔lace〕Nancy was lacing her shoe up when the doorbell rang.门铃响时南希正在系鞋带。柯林斯高阶〔lead-up〕Nancy had experienced no nervousness in the lead-up.南希前期一点都不紧张。外研社新世纪〔lighten〕His whole face would lighten when anyone mentioned Nancy.一有人提起南希,他就满脸喜悦。朗文当代〔lightning〕With lightning speed Nancy dashed forward.南希以闪电般的速度向前冲去。外研社新世纪〔lope〕He was loping across the sand toward Nancy.他迈着大步穿过沙滩缓缓向南希跑去。柯林斯高阶〔lope〕He was loping across the sand toward Nancy.他迈着大步越过沙滩, 向南希走去。外研社新世纪〔make of〕Nancy wasn't sure what to make of Mick's apology.南希不知应该如何理解米克的道歉。柯林斯高阶〔mannish〕Nancy liked the distinguished, mannish but sensitive look of the bloke.南希喜欢那家伙出众的、有男子气概却又敏感的外表。外研社新世纪〔muster〕Mustering all her strength, Nancy pulled hard on both oars.南希使出所有力气,用力划动双桨。柯林斯高阶〔muster〕Mustering all her strength, Nancy pulled hard on both oars.南希攒足了全部力气, 奋力划动双桨。外研社新世纪〔now〕Nancy will be working full-time from now on.从今以后;从现在起麦克米伦高阶〔on-screen〕She plays his on-screen wife, Nancy.她在银幕上扮演他的妻子南希。麦克米伦高阶〔pairing〕In first place we now find the Belgian pairing of Nancy Feber and Laurence Courtois.我们现在首先看到的是由比利时人南希•费博和劳伦斯•库尔图瓦组成的搭档。外研社新世纪〔pairing〕In first place we now find the Belgian pairing of Nancy Feber and Laurence Courtois.现在处于第一位的是比利时组合南希·费博和劳伦斯·库尔图瓦。柯林斯高阶〔part〕He had met Nancy in Paris before their ways again parted.他之前在巴黎遇到了南希, 后来二人再次分开。外研社新世纪〔pass〕Nancy wasn't sure if Dirk was making a pass at her.南希不确定德克是不是在勾引她。柯林斯高阶〔pelt〕Nancy ran at full pelt to the school.南希飞快地向学校跑去。朗文当代〔peter out〕Nancy managed to secure some clerical work, but that job petered out after just three months.南希设法找了一份文书工作, 但只干了三个月就不干了。外研社新世纪〔rattle〕Nancy would rattle on for hours about her grandchildren.南希会几个小时喋喋不休地讲她的孙子孙女。朗文当代〔restrain〕Nancy restrained herself from bringing up the subject.南希忍住不提那个话题。外研社新世纪〔room〕She and Nancy roomed together at college.她和南希在大学里合住一处。牛津高阶〔shade〕Nancy left the shades down and the lights off.南希拉着百叶窗, 关着灯。外研社新世纪〔shade〕Nancy left the shades down and the lights off.南希放下窗帘,关了灯。柯林斯高阶〔shin up〕Nancy shinned up the tree.南希爬上了树。外研社新世纪〔shin up〕Nancy shinned up the tree.南希爬上了树。柯林斯高阶〔sigh〕Nancy heaved an inward sigh but did as her son suggested.南希心里叹了口气,但还是照她儿子说的做了。牛津搭配〔sitting duck〕Nancy knew she'd be a sitting duck when she raised the trap door.南希明白,只要一打开天窗,她马上就会成为受攻击的目标。柯林斯高阶〔spot〕I always had a soft spot for Nancy.南希一直是我的软肋。外研社新世纪〔squeeze shut〕Nancy squeezed her eyes shut and prayed.南希紧闭双眼祈祷。外研社新世纪〔squeeze〕Nancy squeezed her eyes shut and prayed.南希紧闭双眼祈祷着。柯林斯高阶〔swallow〕Nancy swallowed hard and shook her head.南希使劲咽了口口水, 摇了摇头。外研社新世纪〔swallow〕Nancy swallowed hard and shook her head.南希用力咽了口口水,摇了摇头。柯林斯高阶〔swig〕Nancy grabbed the brandy from his hand, and downed it with a single swig.南希从他手中夺过白兰地酒, 一饮而尽。外研社新世纪〔tearful〕Henri and Nancy finally said their tearful goodbyes.亨利和南希终于挥泪告别。外研社新世纪〔thoughtfully〕Nancy, who had been thoughtful for some time, suddenly spoke.南希沉思了一会儿,突然开口说话了。柯林斯高阶〔through〕Nancy kept running, plunging through the sand.南希一直跑啊跑,穿过沙地。柯林斯高阶〔turn over〕The buggy turned over and Nancy was thrown out.童车翻倒了,南茜被甩了出来。柯林斯高阶〔wake〕Nancy woke to the sound of birds outside her window (=she heard birds singing when she woke).南希醒来时听到窗外鸟儿的鸣叫声。朗文当代〔well〕Nancy liked it well enough, but complained about the color.南希还蛮喜欢的, 只是对颜色有点儿不满意。外研社新世纪〔wink〕Nancy gave me a big wink as I came in.我进来时,南希使劲向我使了个眼色。麦克米伦高阶〔wipe〕Nancy wiped the sweat from her face.南希擦去了脸上的汗水。外研社新世纪Nancy flipped the egg over in the pan. 南茜把平底锅里的蛋翻过来。译典通Nancy has found us a small flat / found a small flat for us.南希给我们找到了一套小公寓。剑桥国际Nancy is the great upholder of tradition within our family.在我们家南希是传统的坚决维护者。剑桥国际Nancy knotted the shoelaces for her little sister. 南茜替她年幼的妹妹系上鞋带。译典通Nancy wandered for hours aimlessly along the intertwining roads and footpaths. 南茜毫无目的地在纵横交错大路与小径之间徘徊了几个小时。译典通When she lived alone in the big house Nancy was high-strung and often had nightmares. 南茜独自一人住在那所大房子里时,神经非常紧张,常做恶梦。译典通 |
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