

单词 午后
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BOOKS〕This is the study where Hemingway wrote the legendary novels ‘Death in the Afternoon’ and ‘For Whom the Bell Tolls’. 海明威就在这间书房里写出了著名小说《午后之死》与《战地钟声》。朗文写作活用〔HOT〕Everyone headed for the beach on that sweltering summer afternoon. 在那个酷热的夏日午后,人人都奔向沙滩。朗文写作活用〔LONG〕As afternoon drew on and the shadows lengthened, her fears increased. 午后的时间逐渐流逝,影子越拉越长,她的恐惧也随着增加了。朗文写作活用〔afternoon〕As the afternoon wore on he began to look unhappy.随着午后的时光一点点地流逝,他开始显得忧郁。牛津搭配〔afternoon〕I remember the many rainy afternoons I spent reading at the library.我还记得我在图书馆看书的许多个下雨的午后。韦氏高阶〔afternoon〕I took a siesta in the afternoon sun.我在午后的阳光下睡了一觉。外研社新世纪〔afternoon〕The afternoon sun shone full on her.她沐浴在午后的阳光中。牛津搭配〔afternoon〕The baby always has an afternoon nap.婴儿午后总要睡一会儿。牛津高阶〔after〕Afternoon.下午,午后美国传统〔bake〕The streets were baking in the afternoon heat.街道在午后的高温下变得炙热。韦氏高阶〔bask〕Tenerife was basking in afternoon sunshine as they arrived.他们到达的时候,特内里费正沐浴在午后的阳光中。朗文当代〔bathe〕In the afternoon the sun bathes the city in shades of pink and gold.午后,城市沐浴在粉红色和金黄色的阳光里。剑桥高阶〔beat〕The heat of mid-afternoon was beating on the roof.午后的热浪直扑屋顶。英汉大词典〔break〕An impromptu visit broke up the long afternoon.突然的造访打破了漫长的午后时光美国传统〔brutal〕The afternoon sun had been brutal.午后的太阳非常热。外研社新世纪〔dampen〕Rain had dampened the tent so we left it to dry in the afternoon sun.雨水打湿了帐篷,午后我们把它放到太阳底下晒。剑桥高阶〔draw on〕As the afternoon drew on we were joined by more of the regulars.随着午后时光的渐渐消逝,又有些老主顾加入到我们当中来了。柯林斯高阶〔early〕The service takes place in the early afternoon.礼拜仪式在午后举行。外研社新世纪〔explosion〕The explosion occurred just after noon.爆炸就发生在午后。牛津搭配〔flooded〕The afternoon light flooded the little rooms.午后的阳光洒满一间间小屋。柯林斯高阶〔get back〕We got back to the office in the early afternoon.我们在午后不久就回到办公室了。韦氏高阶〔go in〕The afternoon got cooler after the sun went in.午后太阳进入云层,天气变凉了些。韦氏高阶〔gone〕It's gone tea-time.现在已过了进午后茶的时间。英汉大词典〔grain〕Fields of grain were rippling in the afternoon sun.一片片谷地在午后的阳光下像波涛一样起伏。外研社新世纪〔heat〕They found a place to rest during the midday/afternoon heat.他们在正午/午后高温时找了个地方休息。韦氏高阶〔languor〕She missed Spain and the languor of a siesta on a hot summer afternoon.她怀念西班牙以及炎热夏季里午后小睡的惬意感觉。剑桥高阶〔languor〕They enjoyed the languor brought on by a hot summer afternoon.他们享受炎热夏日午后所带来的懒洋洋的感觉。韦氏高阶〔laze away〕People laze away sunny afternoons in the summer.夏天人们懒散地打发阳光充裕的午后。外研社新世纪〔lazily〕Her latest novel is perfect for a lazy summer's afternoon reading.在慵懒的夏日午后阅读她的最新小说最合适不过了。柯林斯高阶〔lazy〕Her latest novel is perfect for a lazy summer's afternoon reading.在慵懒的夏日午后阅读她最新的小说最合适不过了。外研社新世纪〔liberty〕I shall be at liberty after mid-day.我午后有空。英汉大词典〔loll about〕Her husband dreams about lolling about on the deck and taking long snoozes in the afternoon sun.她丈夫梦想着自己懒洋洋地躺在甲板上, 在午后的阳光下打长盹。外研社新世纪〔loll around〕Her husband dreams about lolling about on the deck and taking long snoozes in the afternoon sun.她丈夫梦想着自己懒洋洋地躺在甲板上,在午后的阳光下打长盹。柯林斯高阶〔loll〕They would spend afternoons lolling around the swimming pool.他们会慵懒地坐在游泳池边打发午后时光。外研社新世纪〔matinee〕An entertainment, such as a dramatic or musical performance, given in the daytime, usually in the afternoon.日场,日戏:一种娱乐节目,白天演出,通常指午后的戏剧或音乐表演美国传统〔maximum〕Temperatures usually reach their maximum after noon.气温通常在正午后增加到最高点。牛津同义词〔monotony〕The brief storm was a relief from the monotony of the hot summer afternoon.这场短暂的暴风雨缓解了夏日午后一成不变的炎热。韦氏高阶〔otherwise〕Their arrival livened up an otherwise dull afternoon.他们的到来使得原本沉闷的午后变得愉快起来。朗文当代〔overcast〕It was a cold, windy, overcast afternoon in Washington.那是华盛顿一个寒风凛冽、乌云密布的午后。外研社新世纪〔peace〕The cawing of a crow broke the afternoon's peace.乌鸦的啼声打破了午后的沉寂。英汉大词典〔postmeridian〕Of, relating to, or taking place in the afternoon.午后的:下午的,与下午有关的,或发生于下午的美国传统〔potter about〕He used to be pottering about in a canoe on summer afternoons.他过去常常在夏日午后驾轻舟荡漾。21世纪英汉〔push〕The start of the game was pushed back from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m.比赛从午后两点延迟到 4 点才开始。牛津高阶〔recreation〕Saturday afternoon is for recreation and outings.周六午后是休闲和外出游玩的时间。柯林斯高阶〔reflect〕The windows reflected the bright afternoon sunlight.窗户反射着午后明媚的阳光。牛津高阶〔scorch〕The brutal afternoon sun scorched my face.午后酷热的太阳烤得我脸孔绯红。英汉大词典〔shimmer〕The trees shimmered in the afternoon heat.午后的热浪中,树木闪着微光。柯林斯高阶〔shimmer〕The trees shimmered in the afternoon heat.树木在午后的高温下闪着微光。外研社新世纪〔sky〕The afternoon sky turned orange.午后天空变成了橘黄色。牛津搭配〔slap〕The boss slapped down their idea of taking a nap on the job every afternoon.老板断然拒绝他们提出的每天午后在工作场所小睡片刻的意见。英汉大词典〔spread〕The hostess spread afternoon tea for us.女主人给我们端上午后茶点。英汉大词典〔sunshine〕Couples strolled in the afternoon sunshine.一对对男女在午后的阳光下漫步。朗文当代〔sun〕We were lying by the pool, soaking up the afternoon sun.我们躺在池子边,沐浴着午后的阳光。牛津搭配〔tea〕An afternoon reception or social gathering at which tea is served.午后茶会:供应茶的午后招待会或社交聚会美国传统〔viewership〕Viewership is at its peak between 8 and 11 P.M.电视观众在午后八点到十一点之间达到颠峰。文馨英汉〔walk〕He met her on one of his Sunday afternoon walks.他在星期天的一次午后散步中遇到了她。牛津搭配〔write〕A dreary afternoon in Walthamstow is nothing to write home about.沃尔瑟姆斯托的沉闷午后乏善可陈。外研社新世纪A brisk afternoon walk will put some colour in your cheeks.一次轻松愉快的午后散步会使你的气色更好。剑桥国际After an afternoon of unutterable boredom I was finally allowed to leave.在过了一个难以描述的乏味的下午后, 我最后被允许离开。剑桥国际Afternoon tea is served in the dining room from 3 to 5 p.m. every day.餐厅每天下午3点至5点供应午后茶点。剑桥国际I have an engagement with him this afternoon. 今天午后我和他有个约会。译典通I was relaxing in the bath, having toiled away in the garden all afternoon.在花园里劳累了整整一下午后,我一边洗澡一边休息。剑桥国际Rain had dampened the tent so we left it to dry in the afternoon sun.雨水打湿了帐篷,所以午后我们把它晒在太阳下。剑桥国际The boys argued all afternoon, then suddenly they set to with fists, feet and elbows.男孩子们在争吵了整整一个下午后,突然开始互相用拳头、脚和胳膊肘打了起来。剑桥国际The early morning/afternoon/evening sunlight shone through the curtains.清晨/午后/傍晚的阳光透过窗帘照了进来。剑桥国际The share price fell 30% in early afternoon trade.股价午后下跌了 30%。牛津商务The story took place on a drowsy summer afternoon. 这个故事发生在一个令人昏昏欲睡的夏日午后。译典通The sun went in (= became hidden by clouds) just as I'd settled down for an afternoon on the beach and it never came out again.一天午后,当我刚在海边安顿下来,太阳就躲进云里去了,再也没有出来。剑桥国际We had a faculty meeting at 2 p.m. and a lecture later, with a 15-minute coffee break between. 午后二时我们开教师会议,而后有一个讲座,在此之间我们有十五分钟喝咖啡休息。译典通




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