

单词 千万
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔among〕one among thousands 千千万万中挑出的一个英汉大词典〔among〕one among thousands千里挑一的人,千千万万中挑出的一个,出类拔萃的人21世纪英汉〔audacious〕an audacious attempt to steal £220 million一个窃取两亿两千万美元的胆大妄为的企图外研社新世纪〔blood〕a dictator with the blood of thousands on his hands 手上沾满千万人鲜血的独裁者牛津高阶〔cheapshit〕ten million pair of cheapshit jeans without any labels on them 一千万条没有商标的劣质牛仔裤英汉大词典〔crore〕a crore of rupees 一千万卢比英汉大词典〔gain〕a pre-tax gain of $20 million 两千万美元的税前收益朗文当代〔killer〕a disease that was a killer of thousands; a killer of new ideas. 杀死了千万人的疾病;杀死新思想的杀手美国传统〔land〕for land's sake 求求你,看在上帝面上,千万,务请文馨英汉〔millionth〕one ten millionth of an inch 1英寸的千万分之一英汉大词典〔million〕tens of millions of dollars 数千万元牛津高阶〔new-look〕their £20 million new-look stadium 他们斥资两千万英镑新改建的体育场麦克米伦高阶〔nudge〕to nudge millions of people pouring into the square大约有上千万的人涌进了广场21世纪英汉〔quadrillion〕a quadrillion dollars一千万亿美元外研社新世纪〔worth〕stocks having a worth of ten million dollars. 价值一千万美元的股票美国传统a multimillionaire 千万富翁;大富翁牛津商务tens of millions of euros 数千万欧元牛津商务




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