

单词 单身母亲
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔Dickensian〕a single mother living in a Dickensian block of flats 住在像狄更斯小说中那种肮脏公寓里的单身母亲朗文当代〔LOVE〕a romantic comedy in which Meg Ryan plays a single mother looking for love 由梅格·瑞恩扮演一名追求爱情的单身母亲的一部爱情喜剧朗文写作活用〔RECOGNIZE〕proposals to identify the fathers of children born to single mothers 关于确认单身母亲子女的父亲的提案朗文写作活用〔circumstance〕help and support for the single mother, whatever her circumstances. 不论单身母亲的经济状况如何均为其提供的帮助与扶持柯林斯高阶〔isolation〕the social isolation of single mothers at home with their babies 在家带孩子的单身母亲与社会的隔绝牛津搭配〔lone〕a poor lone mother 一个可怜的单身母亲英汉大词典〔representation〕the negative representation of single mothers in the media 媒体对单身母亲的负面描述牛津高阶




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