

单词 印版
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔block〕Printing A large amount of text.【印刷术】 印版,字模:大量不同的版本美国传统〔cut〕A print made from such a block.印版印刷品:用印版印出的印刷品美国传统〔cut〕An engraved block or plate.刻版:雕刻有文字或图案的图版或印版美国传统〔graphic arts〕The fine or applied visual arts and associated techniques in which images are produced from blocks, plates, or type, as in engraving and lithography.版画:精美的或应用的视觉艺术及与其相联系的技术,其中图象由印版、铅版或印模制得,如在雕刻和石版印刷术中那样美国传统〔ink〕The printing plates have to be inked before they will print on the paper.在印刷之前必须给印版上油墨。剑桥高阶〔logography〕The use of logotypes in design and printing.连合活字法:用面上有一个名词的单个铅字或印版来设计或印刷美国传统〔logo〕A name, symbol, or trademark designed for easy and definite recognition, especially one borne on a single printing plate or piece of type.标识,商标,标识语:易于辨认且清晰明了的名字、标志或商标,尤指标于单片印版或样版美国传统〔original〕This isn't a reprint, it's an original.这不是再印版,是原版。韦氏高阶〔photoengraving〕A plate prepared by this process.照相凸版:通过这个过程而准备的印版美国传统〔photolithography〕A planographic printing process using plates made according to a photographic image.照相(影印)平版印刷(法):根据摄影图像制作的,使用印版的平面印刷过程美国传统〔photomechanical〕Of, relating to, or involving any of various methods by which plates are prepared for printing by means of photography.照相制版(工艺)的:通过拍照的途径来准备印刷用的印版方法的;与之有关的;涉及此制版的美国传统〔plate〕A print of a woodcut, lithograph, or other engraved material, especially when reproduced in a book.铅版:木刻,平版或其它雕刻材料的印模,尤指在书中复制时的印版美国传统〔print〕The metal plate is too worn to print.这金属印版太旧,不能印了。英汉大词典〔process〕His dad had a job as a process artist colour-inking the printing plates.他父亲是为印版上色的照相制版师。外研社新世纪〔prove〕Printing To make a sample impression of (type).【印刷术】 试印:制作(印版)的样品版美国传统〔remarque〕A print or proof from a plate carrying such a mark.有着这样的记号的印版印出来的印刷品或校样美国传统〔remarque〕A small mark or sketch engraved in the margin of a plate to indicate its stage of development prior to completion.轮廓略图:印版上在边上标志着还处在未完成阶段的小记号或细线美国传统〔rotary press〕A printing press consisting of curved plates attached to a revolving cylinder that prints onto a continuous roll of paper.轮转印刷机:一种由与旋转的圆筒相连的变曲印版构成的印刷机,圆筒在一卷连续不断的纸张上印刷美国传统〔run〕The plates are a limited edition run of 250.这些印版限量印刷250本。麦克米伦高阶〔serigraph〕A print made by the silk-screen process.绢印版画花:用绢印方法制成的印刷品美国传统〔wood engraving〕A print made from a wood engraving.木刻印版:用木刻制做的印记器具美国传统〔woodblock〕She designs her own fabrics using woodblocks and stencils to create patterns on the material.她用木刻印版和模版在材料上印上图案来设计自己的织物。剑桥高阶〔woodblock〕She made a woodblock print.她做了一张木刻印版。韦氏高阶In the forger's workshop they found the plates he'd used to print the £10 notes.在锻工的作坊里,他们发现了他曾经用来制造10 英镑纸币的印版。剑桥国际Printing plates are made by photographing the paste-ups.印版是通过拍摄拼版做成的。剑桥国际




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