

单词 参观展览
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔UPSET〕The organizers were upset that so few people visited the exhibition. 参观展览的人太少了,组织者感到苦恼。朗文写作活用〔lead off〕The teacher led the pupils off after visiting the exhibition.参观展览后,老师带着学生们离去了。21世纪英汉〔mean〕I meant to go to the exhibition but forgot.我本打算去参观展览会,但却忘了。英汉大词典〔other〕When the other pupils were taken to an exhibition, he was left behind.当其余学生被带去参观展览时,他被留了下来。柯林斯高阶〔show place〕A place, such as a house or an estate, that is viewed and frequented for its beauty or historical noteworthiness.供参观展览的地方:因其美丽或历史名望而被参观并经常惠顾的一个地方,如房屋或庄园等美国传统〔total〕The visitors to the exhibition total(l)ed 15,000.参观展览的人数达到1.5万。英汉大词典〔wet〕I went through the wet to the exhibition.我冒雨前去参观展览会。英汉大词典




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