

单词 剪报
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔KEEP〕When mom died we found a box full of old newspaper clippings she had saved. 妈妈去世后,我们发现她保存了一箱子旧剪报。朗文写作活用〔batch〕She brought a large batch of newspaper cuttings.她带来一大摞剪报。外研社新世纪〔batch〕She brought a large batch of newspaper cuttings.她带来了一大堆剪报。柯林斯高阶〔clipping〕A friend sent me a newspaper clipping about someone we were at school with.一位朋友寄给我一份关于我们以前某个同学的剪报。剑桥高阶〔clipping〕She had kept all the press clippings about the murder.她保留着关于那起谋杀案的所有剪报。牛津搭配〔clipping〕Something cut off or out, especially an item clipped from a newspaper or magazine.剪贴物,剪报:剪除或剪去之物,尤指报纸或杂志的剪辑美国传统〔clutter〕Tools and boxes cluttered the garage. I cluttered up my files with clippings.工具和箱子杂乱地堆满车库。我的档案中堆满了剪报美国传统〔coupon〕I'm always clipping coupons from the newspaper to use at the grocery store.我总是剪报纸上的优惠券到杂货店用。韦氏高阶〔cutting〕Margot sent him some press cuttings about the wedding.玛戈给他寄了一些有关婚礼的剪报。朗文当代〔cutting〕She had kept all the press cuttings about the murder.她保存了所有关于那宗谋杀案的剪报。牛津搭配〔festoon〕His office is festooned with newspaper clippings.他的办公室是用剪报装饰的。韦氏高阶〔newspaper〕He was looking through a pile of old newspaper clippings .他在浏览一堆旧剪报。朗文当代〔press〕He kept a scrapbook containing press cuttings of his concerts.他保存着一本自己音乐会的剪报簿。牛津搭配〔scrapbook〕A book with blank pages used for the mounting and preserving of pictures, clippings, or other mementos.剪贴簿:有空白页的书薄,用于粘贴和保存图片、剪报或其它纪念物美国传统〔stick〕He stuck the clippings in a scrapbook.他把那些剪报贴在剪贴簿里。文馨英汉〔turn〕In turning over my papers, I came across this cutting from a newspaper.我在翻查书信文件时,看到了这份剪报。英汉大词典I send all the cuttings about the theater. 我寄上有关戏剧的全部剪报。译典通Joan rummaged in her desk drawer and came up with a fistful of newspaper clippings.琼在她的书桌抽屉里翻寻,拿出了一大把剪报。剑桥国际She kept a scrapbook of press cuttings about the anti-airport campaign.她有一本关于反机场运动的剪报资料剪贴簿。剑桥国际




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