

单词 发性
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Bence-Jones protein〕A protein occurring in the serum and urine of patients with certain diseases, especially multiple myeloma.本斯·琼斯蛋白:一种存在于患某些疾病的病人的血清和尿液中的蛋白质,尤指多发性骨髓美国传统〔HTLV-I〕A retrovirus that causes diseases similar to multiple sclerosis.HTLV-Ⅰ 病毒:一种反录病毒,会引起类似多发性硬化的疾病美国传统〔INFORMATION〕She has given us some truly enlightening insights into the subject of personality disorders. 她对个性障碍这一问题向我们提供了一些十分具有启发性的深刻见解。朗文写作活用〔INFORMATION〕The President described his conversation with the Russian leader as enlightening. 总统把他和俄罗斯领导人的对话称作富有启发性。朗文写作活用〔INTERESTING〕The Faculty is a large but welcoming and intellectually stimulating community. 该系规模庞大,但系里气氛亲切友好,富于智力上的启发性。朗文写作活用〔ITP〕ITP can be more serious in adults than children.特发性血小板减少性紫癜在成人中比在儿童中可以更严重。剑桥高阶〔MS〕I was recently diagnosed as suffering from MS.我最近被确诊患上了多发性硬化症。外研社新世纪〔NOW〕As of now, there is no cure for multiple sclerosis. 目前多发性硬化症尚无治疗方法。朗文写作活用〔TEACH〕Lectures must be interesting as well as instructive. 讲课一定要既有趣又具启发性。朗文写作活用〔aphrodisiac〕Are oysters really an aphrodisiac? 牡蛎真的能够激发性欲吗?剑桥高阶〔atrial〕Premature beats that occur in the atria are called premature atrial contractions.出现在前房的期外搏动被称为早发性心房收缩。剑桥高阶〔beta-interferon〕A family of glycoproteins that are produced by fibroblasts, have antiviral properties, and are used in the treatment of multiple sclerosis.β干扰素:由成纤维细胞产生、具有抗病毒性的糖蛋白族,用于治疗多发性硬化美国传统〔bout〕He suffered from periodic bouts of insanity.他得过阵发性精神错乱。剑桥高阶〔bursty〕There is a new international standard for handling high-speed, bursty data over wide area networks.已有一项新的国际标准用于规范宽域网间的高速突发性数据传送。剑桥高阶〔buy〕To die, especially suddenly or violently.死亡:死亡,常指突发性地死亡或暴死美国传统〔causation〕Causality.诱发性美国传统〔convulsion〕An intense, paroxysmal, involuntary muscular contraction.抽搐:一种强烈的、阵发性的、不自觉的肌肉收缩美国传统〔cramp〕A sudden, involuntary, spasmodic muscular contraction causing severe pain, often occurring in the leg or shoulder as the result of strain or chill.痉挛:一种由于紧张或寒冷而导致的肌肉突发性、无意识的、间歇性的紧缩,能导致剧烈的疼痛,通常发生在腿部或肩部美国传统〔death sentence〕Multiple myeloma is not an inevitable death sentence.多发性骨髓瘤不一定是绝症。外研社新世纪〔demyelinating disease〕Multiple sclerosis is the most common demyelinating disease.多发性硬化症是最常见的髓鞘脱失病。剑桥高阶〔dipsomania〕An insatiable, often periodic craving for alcoholic beverages.间发性酒狂,酗酒狂:难以控制、往往周期性的对酒精饮料的渴望美国传统〔dizzy spell〕I'm feeling a bit weak and dizzy. I think I'm having a dizzy spell.我觉得有些无力、头晕。我想我的阵发性头晕又犯了。韦氏高阶〔dizzy〕I suffer from dizzy spells(= short periods when I am dizzy).我患有阵发性头晕。牛津高阶〔enlightening〕His campaign had been an enlightening experience, he claimed.他声称自己发起的运动是一次富有启发性的经历。外研社新世纪〔enlightening〕That was a very enlightening programme.那个节目很有启发性。剑桥高阶〔enlighten〕He had found the conversation very enlightening.他觉得这次谈话很有启发性。麦克米伦高阶〔erogenous〕Your body contains many erogenous zones, areas that lead to a feeling of sexual excitement when they are caressed.人的身体有很多性敏感带,对这些敏感带进行抚摸会引发性欲。柯林斯高阶〔exhalant〕Functioning in exhalation.散发性的:具有蒸发或发散功能的美国传统〔fixity〕The quality or condition of being fixed.稳固性,耐挥发性:成为稳固、耐挥发的质量或状态美国传统〔footnote〕That biography is an illuminating footnote to our times.那篇传记对我们这个时代是个很有启发性的补充说明。英汉大词典〔fulminant〕Pathology Occurring suddenly, rapidly, and with great severity or intensity.【病理学】 暴发性的:忽然、快速和具极大危害或剧烈地发生的美国传统〔henceforth〕Multiple Sclerosis (henceforth referred to as MS) 多发性硬化(以下称为 MS)朗文当代〔herpes simplex〕A recurrent viral disease caused by the herpes simplex virus, type one, and marked by the eruption of fluid-containing vesicles on the mouth, lips, or face.单纯性疱疹一型:由单纯性疱疹病毒引起的一种复发性的病毒性疾病,一型的特征为嘴、嘴唇或脸上有含有水泡美国传统〔herpes simplex〕A recurrent viral disease caused by the herpes simplex virus, type two, and marked by the eruption of fluid-containing vesicles on the genitals.单纯性疱疹二型:由单纯性疱疹病毒引起的一种复发性的病毒性疾病,二型的特征为生殖器上有水泡美国传统〔heuristic〕A good hunch is heuristic.好的直觉是具启发性的。外研社新世纪〔heuristic〕Talking in small groups is heuristic for children.分成小组讨论对孩子来说具有启发性。外研社新世纪〔high-test〕Of or relating to highly volatile high-octane gasoline.高挥发性的,高挥发性汽油的美国传统〔idiopathic〕Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis is a lung condition which causes scarring of the lungs.特发性肺纤维化是一种造成肺部形成瘢疤的疾病。剑桥高阶〔idiopathic〕Of, relating to, or designating a disease having no known cause.突发性的,与突发性疾病有关的,代表突发疾病的美国传统〔idiopathy〕A primary disease arising spontaneously with no apparent external cause.突发性疾病:急速发生的没有明显外在症状的第一期疾病美国传统〔illuminate〕The lecture was very illuminating.这次讲座非常有启发性。韦氏高阶〔illuminating〕How often it is that the lives of the less celebrated prove more illuminating.无名之辈的人生经历更有启发性, 这是屡见不鲜的。外研社新世纪〔illuminating〕I found his talk most illuminating.我发现他的话特别有启发性。牛津搭配〔illuminating〕The book is full of illuminating detail on the causes of the war.这本书中有关战争起因的细节很丰富,对读者很有启发性。剑桥高阶〔illuminating〕The information he'd gathered wasn't particularly illuminating.他搜集到的信息不太有启发性。牛津搭配〔illuminating〕We didn't find the examples he used particularly illuminating.我们觉得他采用的那些例证启发性不是特别大。牛津高阶〔inspiring〕Every line on his face tells a story. It's so inspiring for an artist.他脸上的每道皱纹都包含着一个故事,对画家来说,那是多么有启发性。英汉大词典〔instance〕There are many documented instances of mass hysteria.许多群发性癔症的实例有案可查。牛津搭配〔instructive〕It is instructive to see how other countries are tackling the problem.了解别的国家如何处理这个问题是具有启发性的。牛津高阶〔instructive〕Thank you, that was very instructive.谢谢,这很有启发性。朗文当代〔it〕She wasn't one of those girls who are all SA and IT.她不是那种浑身散发性感的野姑娘。英汉大词典〔long QT syndrome〕Long QT syndrome can cause sudden loss of consciousness.长QT综合症可导致突发性失去知觉。剑桥高阶〔low-test〕Having low volatility and a high boiling point. Used of gasoline.低挥发性的:有低挥发性和高沸点的用于汽油美国传统〔mechanize〕To make automatic or unspontaneous; render routine or monotonous.以机能化:使自动化,使失去自发性;使常规化,使单调化美国传统〔metastasis〕A secondary cancerous growth formed by transmission of cancerous cells from a primary growth located elsewhere in the body.转移瘤:继发性癌肿,由从生长在身体别处的初期癌肿转移来的癌细胞形成美国传统〔multiple myeloma〕A malignant proliferation of plasma cells in bone marrow causing numerous tumors and characterized by the presence of abnormal proteins in the blood.多发性骨髓瘤:一种骨髓中由于血细胞恶性增生导致的大量肿瘤,并以血液中出现不正常蛋白质为特征美国传统〔multiple sclerosis〕She died recently after a long battle with multiple sclerosis.她与多发性硬化进行了长期斗争, 最近才去世。外研社新世纪〔myeloma〕She was diagnosed with multiple myeloma when fractures in her vertebrae were found.当她的脊椎被发现有裂缝时,她被诊断出患有多发性骨髓瘤。剑桥高阶〔neuralgia〕Sharp, severe paroxysmal pain extending along a nerve or group of nerves.神经痛:尖锐的、激烈的爆发性疼痛、沿着神经或一组神经扩散美国传统〔organization〕In the demonstration against wage freeze, spontaneity soon gave way to organization.在反对冻结工资的游行示威中,组织性很快取代了自发性。英汉大词典〔part〕She plays the part of the sexy blonde waitress.她扮演那位金发性感女侍者。剑桥高阶〔phlogiston〕A hypothetical substance formerly thought to be a volatile constituent of all combustible substances released as flame in combustion.燃素,热素:原来假设的在所有燃烧物质中挥发性的一种物质成分,在燃烧中作为火焰而被释放出来美国传统〔pipe〕One of the vertical veins of eruptive origin in which diamonds are found in South Africa.喷出筒状脉:一种爆发性生成的筒状矿脉,在南非的该种矿脉中发现了钻石美国传统〔pit〕A small indented scar left in the skin by smallpox or other eruptive disease; a pockmark.(天花等留下的)痘凹:小坑似的疤,因得天花或其他暴发性疾病而留在皮肤上的;痘凹美国传统〔pleurodynia〕An epidemic disease caused by a coxsackievirus, characterized by paroxysmal pain in the lower chest and accompanied by fever, headache, and malaise.流行性胸膜痛:由柯萨奇病毒引起的一种流行病,症状为胸下部的爆发性疼痛,并伴随有发热、头痛和不适美国传统〔pleurodynia〕Paroxysmal pain and soreness of the muscles between the ribs.肋肌痛:肋间肌肉的爆发性的剧烈疼痛和酸痛美国传统〔primary〕Biochemistry Of, relating to, or being the sequence of amino acids in a protein.【生物化学】 原发性的:蛋白质中胺酸排列的或与蛋白质中胺酸排列有关的美国传统〔primary〕It is not the primary tumour that kills, but secondary growths elsewhere in the body.原发性肿瘤并不会置人于死地,致命的是身体其他部位的继发肿瘤。柯林斯高阶〔profit〕All the profits from the sales of the CD will go to the Multiple Sclerosis Society.销售这张CD所得的全部利润将捐给多发性硬化症协会。麦克米伦高阶〔promise〕The seminar also promises to be most instructive.这次研讨会可能会颇具启发性。外研社新世纪〔provocative〕The programme will take a detailed and provocative look at the problem of homelessness.这个节目将以启发性的眼光详细审视无家可归这个问题。剑桥高阶〔relapse〕The therapy can reduce the relapse rate for multiple sclerosis.这种疗法可以减少多发性硬化的复发率。牛津搭配〔salacious〕Appealing to or stimulating sexual desire; lascivious.淫荡的,好色的:激发性欲的或好色的;猥亵的美国传统〔secondary〕He had kidney cancer, with secondary tumours in the brain and lungs.他患了肾癌, 大脑和肺部也出现了继发性肿瘤。外研社新世纪〔secondary〕He had kidney cancer, with secondary tumours in the brain and lungs.他患有肾癌,还有脑部和肺部的继发性肿瘤。柯林斯高阶〔secondary〕The drug is not very effective against AIDS, though it may be used to treat secondary viral infections.这药虽然可以用来治疗继发性病毒感染,但对治疗艾滋病本身不是很有效。剑桥高阶〔spasm〕He was racked with coughing spasms.阵发性咳嗽折磨着他。韦氏高阶〔spontaneity〕The quality or condition of being spontaneous.自发性:自发的状态或属性美国传统〔sporadic〕Appearing singly or at widely scattered localities, as a plant or disease.散发性的:呈现单个或更广泛地分散,如植物或疾病美国传统〔stimulating〕It is a complex yet stimulating book.这是一本复杂但具有启发性的书。外研社新世纪〔stimulating〕The classes look attractive and stimulating.这些课程看起来既有吸引力又有启发性。剑桥高阶〔tardive〕Having symptoms that develop slowly or appear long after inception. Used of a disease.迟发性的:具有在开始发展缓慢或过很长时间才出现的症状的。用于指疾病美国传统〔turn〕To excite or become excited sexually.(使)激发性欲美国传统〔unexceptionable〕His explanation, although unexceptionable, is scarcely illuminating.他的解释虽无懈可击,但几乎没有启发性。英汉大词典〔unorganized〕The Industrial Revolution happened in a rather unorganized way.工业革命是自发性地发生的。麦克米伦高阶〔volatile〕Petrol is a volatile substance.汽油是挥发性物质。牛津高阶〔volatile〕The blast occurred when volatile chemicals exploded.挥发性化学物质爆炸时产生了冲击波。外研社新世纪〔vomit〕To eject part or all of the contents of the stomach through the mouth, usually in a series of involuntary spasmic movements.呕吐:通过嘴喷出胃里部分或全部东西,常常是一系列不自觉的阵发性运动美国传统〔whoop〕The paroxysmal gasp characteristic of whooping cough.哮咳:百日咳的突发性喘息美国传统〔whoop〕To make the paroxysmal gasp characteristic of whooping cough.哮咳:使发出百日咳般的突发性喘息美国传统〔wildcat〕Frustration, anger and desperation have led to a series of wildcat strikes.挫败感、愤怒和绝望引起了一系列自发性的罢工。柯林斯高阶As a diabetic she was accustomed to the occasional hypoglycaemic attack.作为一个糖尿病患者,她已经习惯了间发性的低血糖。剑桥国际Multiple sclerosis can result in a man being half-paralyzed. 多发性硬化症可以造成一个人半身不遂。译典通Multiple sclerosis is a disease which affects the function of the nervous system (=the way in which it works or operates).多发性硬化是一种影响神经系统工作的病症。剑桥国际That biography is an illuminating footnote to the history of our times. 那篇传记对我们这个时代是一个很有启发性的说明。译典通The book is full of illuminating (=helping to explain) detail on the causes of the war.这部书充满了关于战争起因的富于启发性的细节。剑桥国际Towards the end of his life he suffered from periodic bouts of insanity.在他生命末期他患了阵发性精神错乱病。剑桥国际Universities have been asked to make their courses more attractive and stimulating.大学被要求使它们的课程更有吸引力和更具有启发性。剑桥国际Van Gogh suffered from acute persecution mania.凡高患有突发性受迫害妄想症。剑桥国际We had a stimulating discussion about using sources of natural power, such as the sun and wind.我们就使用诸如太阳能和风能之类的自然能源的问题进行了有启发性的讨论。剑桥国际




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