

单词 发怒的
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔abristle〕I saw an angry dog with its hairs abristle.我看到一只发怒的狗,牠的毛发耸立著。文馨英汉〔bee〕He was stung by thousands of angry bees.他被数千只发怒的蜜蜂蜇了。牛津搭配〔bridier〕Anyone would bridle at such insults.任何人对这般侮辱都会发怒的。21世纪英汉〔butt〕She got butted by an angry goat.她被一只发怒的山羊给顶了。韦氏高阶〔calm〕They tried to calm down the angry man.他们试图使那个发怒的男子平静下来。英汉大词典〔choleric〕Easily angered; bad-tempered.易于发怒的;脾气暴躁的美国传统〔cross〕Showing ill humor; annoyed.脾气坏的;发怒的美国传统〔cut〕The angry parent cut off his son with a shilling.发怒的父亲立遗嘱剥夺了儿子的继承权。英汉大词典〔etiquette〕Even when she was angry, she observed the proprieties.甚至当她发怒的时候,都要遵从礼节。美国传统〔eyesore〕Something, such as a distressed building, that is unpleasant or offensive to view.刺眼的东西:视野中令人不愉快或发怒的东西,如废墟美国传统〔humor〕In a bad mood; irritable.情绪不好的;易发怒的美国传统〔intimidating〕She can be very intimidating when she's angry.她发怒的样子可能会很吓人。剑桥高阶〔irascible〕Characterized by or resulting from anger.发怒的:性情暴躁的;因愤怒而引起的美国传统〔language〕The movement of the cat's tail is part of his language of anger.甩动尾巴是猫发怒的一种表现。英汉大词典〔literally〕He was quite literally jumping up and down in his rage.他发怒的时候真的是上蹿下跳。韦氏高阶〔propitiate〕In those days people might sacrifice a goat or sheep to propitiate an angry god.在那个时候,人们可能会祭献一只山羊或绵羊以祈求发怒的神灵息怒。剑桥高阶〔red flag〕Something that demands attention or provokes an irritated reaction.激人发怒的东西:请求注意或引起激怒反应的事物美国传统〔spit〕The angry cat arched its back and spat at the dog.发怒的猫弓起背,朝那只狗发出呼噜呼噜的叫声。英汉大词典〔still〕He tried to still the angry people.他尽力让那些发怒的人群平静下来。21世纪英汉〔touchy〕Tending to take offense with slight cause; oversensitive.易怒的;敏感的:因轻微的原因而易于发怒的;过于敏感的美国传统〔wrath〕They saw the floods as a sign of divine wrath.他们把洪水视为神灵发怒的征兆。牛津搭配Anger can function as a shield against (= a way of avoiding suffering) even more painful emotions of loss and hurt.发怒的作用是能避免更痛苦的失落和伤害的情绪。剑桥国际His angry tone denoted extreme displeasure.他发怒的口气体现出极度的不快。剑桥国际I like her except when she is angry. 除了她发怒的时候,我挺喜欢她。译典通




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