

单词 保镖
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔DANGEROUS〕Being the President's bodyguard is obviously a hazardous occupation. 当总统的保镖显然是个危险的职业。朗文写作活用〔PROTECT〕Kylie will often shop in Kensington without her minders, dressed in dark glasses for anonymity. 凯莉常会不带保镖去肯辛顿购物,戴着墨镜不让人认出来。朗文写作活用〔PROTECT〕The President arrived, surrounded by bodyguards. 总统在保镖的簇拥下到达。朗文写作活用〔SS〕An elite quasi-military unit of the Nazi party that served as Hitler's personal guard and as a special security force in Germany and the occupied countries.党卫军:作为希特勒的保镖及在德国及其所占国家中充当特种部队的纳粹党精华部队美国传统〔TAKE〕Most diplomats now travel with bodyguards, following a series of kidnappings. 自从发生了一连串绑架事件后,大部分外交官外出旅行时都带上了保镖。朗文写作活用〔WITH/TOGETHER〕Wherever she goes she has to be accompanied by a bodyguard. 她去哪里都必须有一名保镖陪同。朗文写作活用〔WRITE〕Who wrote the film soundtrack for ‘The Bodyguard’? 《保镖》的电影原声音乐是谁写的?朗文写作活用〔accompany〕The candidate was accompanied by six burly bodyguards.六个魁梧的保镖护随着候选人。美国传统〔assign〕A personal bodyguard had been assigned to her.已给她派了一个私人保镖。朗文当代〔attendance〕He always h as at least two bodyguards in attendance.他总有至少两名保镖护衞。牛津高阶〔attendance〕He never goes out without his security men in attendance.他出门必有保镖跟随左右。剑桥高阶〔backup〕The two bodyguards were frantically calling for backup.两名保镖正在紧张忙乱地要求增援。外研社新世纪〔beefy〕He was told by the beefy bouncers that he couldn't go in.那些强壮的保镖告诉他不能进去。外研社新世纪〔bodyguard〕A person or group of persons, usually armed, responsible for the physical safety of one or more other persons.保镖:负责一个或多个其他人的身体安全的一个或一组人,通常携有武器美国传统〔bodyguard〕He never goes anywhere without his personal bodyguards.他去任何地方都有私人保镖陪同。牛津搭配〔bodyguard〕She has to have an armed bodyguard wherever she goes.她不管到哪儿都得有带武器的保镖跟从。牛津搭配〔bodyguard〕The Senator arrived, surrounded by personal bodyguards.这位参议员在私人保镖的簇拥下抵达。朗文当代〔bodyguard〕The prince is always accompanied by his bodyguards.王子始终有保镖陪伴左右。剑桥高阶〔bodyguard〕They entered the building surrounded by bodyguards.他们进入了被保镖包围的大楼。韦氏高阶〔bodyguard〕Three of his bodyguards were injured in the attack.他的三名保镖在袭击中受伤。外研社新世纪〔bodyguard〕Three of his bodyguards were injured in the attack.在这次袭击事件中,他有3名保镖受了伤。柯林斯高阶〔booby trap〕The bodyguard was killed while checking the president's car for booby traps.保镖在检查总统专车有无饵雷时被炸身亡。剑桥高阶〔bouncer〕Slang A person employed to expel disorderly persons from a public place, especially a bar.【俚语】 保镖:被雇于在公共场所里驱逐扰事者的人,尤指在酒吧中美国传统〔cocoon〕The movie star was surrounded by a protective cocoon of bodyguards.保镖们在那个影星周围,形成一个保护层。韦氏高阶〔cold-cock〕The barkeeper cold-cocked the drunk from behind and the bouncer carried him out.酒吧店主从背后将醉汉打昏后,酒店保镖把他抬了出去。21世纪英汉〔compromising〕Photographs were published of her in a compromising position/situation with her bodyguard.她与保镖的不光彩照片被登了出来。剑桥高阶〔elbow〕He carried a gunman at his elbow.他随身带了个持枪保镖。英汉大词典〔elbow〕The actor's bodyguards rudely elbowed everyone out of the way.演员的保镖粗鲁地用肘把大家推到一旁。韦氏高阶〔escort〕Her bodyguards escorted her through the airport.她的保镖护送她穿过机场。麦克米伦高阶〔fight〕Bodyguards had to fight off the crowds.保镖不得不挡住人群。朗文当代〔flank〕Lewis entered flanked by two bodyguards.刘易斯在左右两名保镖的陪同下走了进来。朗文当代〔flying wedge〕A compact, wedge-shaped formation, as of police or guards, moving as a body and used especially for penetrating crowds.楔形推进队:一种尤用于穿过人群中的作为一个整体向前移动的紧密的楔形队列,例如警察或保镖美国传统〔gorilla〕She hired some gorilla as her bodyguard.她雇了个彪形大汉当她的保镖。韦氏高阶〔have〕He has a bodyguard with/near him whenever he goes out in public.他在公共场合出现时总有保镖跟随。韦氏高阶〔heavy〕Mr Brown had brought a couple of heavies with him in case anyone tried anything.布朗先生带了几个保镖跟着他, 以防任何人有什么企图。外研社新世纪〔hire out〕His agency hires out security guards and bodyguards.他这家中介公司有保安和保镖可供雇用。柯林斯高阶〔hired gun〕One hired to fight for or protect another.保镖:受雇为某人作战或保护某人美国传统〔hustle〕After giving his speech, Johnson was hustled out of the hall by bodyguards.演讲结束后,约翰逊被保镖们簇拥着出了大厅。剑桥高阶〔hysterically〕Police and bodyguards had to protect him as the almost hysterical crowds struggled to approach him.当情绪几近失控的人群拼命想接近他时,警察和保镖不得不保护他。柯林斯高阶〔lay into〕Smith claims the bodyguards laid into him.史密斯声称保镖打了他。外研社新世纪〔minder〕The president arrived surrounded by his minders.总统在保镖的簇拥下到达了。剑桥高阶〔minder〕The reporters were kept away by the celebrity's minders.记者们被这位名人的保镖挡开了。韦氏高阶〔muscleman〕A strong man hired as a bodyguard or thug.雇来作为保镖或者打手的强壮的人美国传统〔oafish〕The bodyguards, as usual, were brave but oafish.这些保镖照旧勇气可嘉但鲁钝无礼。柯林斯高阶〔pace〕Two bodyguards remained a couple of paces behind the president.两个保镖一直跟在总统身后两三步处。牛津搭配〔personal〕She has her own personal secretary/bodyguard/fitness instructor.她有自己的私人秘书/保镖/健身教练。剑桥高阶〔personal〕The President arrived, followed by his personal bodyguard.总统来了,随行的是他的私人保镖。柯林斯高阶〔phalanx〕Bodyguards formed a solid phalanx around the singer so that photographers couldn't get close.保镖在歌手周围形成密集的人墙,摄影师们无法靠近。剑桥高阶〔pose as sb〕He's posing as her date, but he's really her bodyguard.他扮作她的约会对象,但实际上是她的保镖。剑桥高阶〔retinue〕The president travels with a large retinue of aides and bodyguards.总统外出有一大群助手和保镖等随从。剑桥高阶〔rough-and-ready〕Rocky is a rough-and-ready bodyguard committed to protecting his master.罗基是个强悍的保镖, 一心要保护好他的主人。外研社新世纪〔screen〕Police are very careful when screening politicians' bodyguards.警方在挑选政要保镖时非常谨慎。朗文当代〔stalwart〕I knew I was never in any danger with my stalwart bodyguard around me.我知道有强壮的保镖在我的周围,我永远不会有什么危险。柯林斯高阶〔take〕The president arrived, escorted by twelve bodyguards.总统在十二名保镖的护送下到达。牛津高阶〔thrust〕The bodyguards thrust past the crowd to get at the cameraman.保镖挤过人群直扑摄影师。剑桥高阶〔tote〕The building was surrounded with bodyguards toting sub-machine guns.大楼周围有很多手持冲锋枪的保镖。剑桥高阶〔trappings〕He enjoyed the trappings of power, such as a chauffeur-driven car and bodyguards.他喜欢权力带来的一切,比如有专职司机和保镖。剑桥高阶〔watch over sb〕The prince has two bodyguards watching over him every hour of the day.王子有两名24小时贴身保护的保镖。剑桥高阶Bodyguards had formed a solid phalanx around the singer so that photographers couldn't get to her.保镖在歌手的周围排成密集的人群,摄影师们无法靠近。剑桥国际Fenwick, accompanied by two bodyguards, refused to comment as he left the court.由两名保镖伴随的芬威克在离开法庭时拒绝发表意见。剑桥国际Frank always took a couple of heavies along with him when he went collecting his debts.弗兰克出去收债时总带上几个强壮的保镖同行。剑桥国际He enjoyed the trappings of power, such as a chauffeur-driven car and bodyguards.他喜欢讲究权势的排场,例如雇有司机的汽车和保镖。剑桥国际He was a nightclub bouncer before he became a boxer.在成为一名拳击手之前他是一个夜总会的保镖。剑桥国际Her bodyguard was / were unable to protect her.她的保镖保护不了她。剑桥国际Her bodyguards shouldered her fans out of the way as she walked up the steps.当她走上台阶时,她的保镖用肩膀将崇拜者推开。剑桥国际His bodyguard leapt into action. 他的保镖立即采取行动。译典通She has her own personal secretary/bodyguard/fitness instructor.她有自己的秘书/保镖/保健医生。剑桥国际The President arrived surrounded by his minders.总统在保镖们的严密防护下到达了。剑桥国际The actress employed a minder after receiving a number of death threats.在收到许多死亡威胁之后,那个女演员雇了个保镖。剑桥国际The big guy standing at his side may be his bodyguard. 站在他身旁的那个大个子可能是他的保镖。译典通The disco bouncer threw out four drunk teenagers. 迪斯可舞厅的保镖把四个酒醉的青少年赶出去。译典通The princes'bodyguard was by the pool, watching over them as they played.王子们的保镖在池边,看着他们玩耍。剑桥国际The singer never goes out without his security men in attendance (=with him and taking care of him).这位歌唱家凡是出门,总有他的保镖紧随前后。剑桥国际We tried to crash the party, but the bouncers wouldn't let us in.我们想闯进去参加晚会,但几个保镖拦住了我们。剑桥国际When she travels, the President has a large retinue of aides and bodyguards.当她旅行时,这位总统有一大群助手和保镖的随从。剑桥国际When the president goes (out) jogging, he is surrounded by bodyguards.总统外出慢跑时,保镖团团围着他。剑桥国际




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