

单词 发布
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔TELL〕to give orders in a rude, unpleasant way 以粗鲁、令人不快的态度发布命令朗文写作活用〔above〕an order from above 上级发布的命令英汉大词典〔afternoon〕an afternoon news conference. 午后的新闻发布会柯林斯高阶〔afternoon〕an afternoon news conference下午的新闻发布会外研社新世纪〔among〕a news conference attended among others by our foreign affairs correspondent. 由我们的外事记者及其他许多人共同出席的一次新闻发布会柯林斯高阶〔announce〕publishing the marriage banns. 发布结婚公告 美国传统〔bawl〕listen to the sergeant bawling commands 听军曹大叫着发布命令英汉大词典〔bellow〕bellow a command at sb. 叫嚷着向某人发布命令英汉大词典〔briefing〕a (news) briefing officer 新闻发布官英汉大词典〔briefing〕a news/press briefing 新闻发布会麦克米伦高阶〔brief〕brief a bombing pilot and his men 向轰炸机驾驶员及机组发布简要指令英汉大词典〔collection〕the first designer to unveil his collection for the spring season 第一位发布春季时装系列的设计师牛津搭配〔declaration〕to issue/sign a declaration 发布╱签署公告牛津高阶〔document〕a consultative document issued by the Department 该部发布的咨询文件牛津搭配〔issue〕a document issued jointly by the two departments 两个部门联合发布的一份文件牛津搭配〔issue〕to issue an order发布命令21世纪英汉〔junket〕a film's press junket 去影片发布会的免费旅行韦氏高阶〔launch〕the launch of yet another programme to promote efficiency in government 提高政府办事效率的另一方案的发布麦克米伦高阶〔lengthy〕a lengthy report from the Council of Ministers. 部长会议发布的冗长报告柯林斯高阶〔make〕make an announcement 发布通告英汉大词典〔message〕if you want to post a message in an online guest book 如果你想在在线访客留言板上发布消息牛津搭配〔nationally〕a nationally televised news conference 全国电视转播的新闻发布会麦克米伦高阶〔openness〕a communique issued at the opening of the talks. 会谈之初发布的公报柯林斯高阶〔photograph〕a couple of photographs released by news agencies 通讯社发布的几张照片牛津搭配〔post〕post banns 发布结婚公告英汉大词典〔press officer〕the Press Officer of the Bavarian Government巴伐利亚政府的新闻发布官外研社新世纪〔pronouncement〕the President's pronouncements about the protection of minorities总统发布的关于保护少数民族的声明外研社新世纪〔publish〕publish the banns of marriage 发布结婚预告英汉大词典〔release〕the band's latest release 乐队的最新唱片发布韦氏高阶〔release〕the year's top CD releases 年度最佳CD的发布韦氏高阶〔roar〕roar out the word of command 大声发布号令 英汉大词典〔sound〕sound the “all clear” after an air attack 空袭以后发布解除警报英汉大词典〔statement〕put out a statement 发布声明英汉大词典〔tannoy〕to make an announcement over the Tannoy 通过塔诺伊扩音系统发布通知牛津高阶a media/press briefing 媒体/新闻发布会牛津商务a report published by the Foundation for International Business and Economic Research 由国际商业经济研究基金会发布的报告牛津商务flames about inexperienced users posting stupid messages 对发布愚蠢信息的初级用户发出的火药味电邮牛津商务new-product launches/sales/teams 新产品的发布/销售/团队牛津商务posting notices on the firm's internal website 在公司内部网站上发布通知牛津商务the preparation and issuance of audit reports 审计报告的编制和发布牛津商务




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