

单词 医疗队
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔PRISON〕The medical team were captured and taken hostage. 医疗队被俘虏作了人质。朗文写作活用〔READY/NOT READY〕RAF medical crews are on standby to fly out to the war zone. 英国皇家空军的医疗队在待命飞往战区。朗文写作活用〔at full stretch〕The medical team worked at full stretch.医疗队全力以赴地工作。韦氏高阶〔catch〕Medical teams were caught in the crossfire of the opposing armies.医疗队陷入了敌军的交叉火力中。剑桥高阶〔clearance〕The UN was awaiting clearance from local authorities before sending a medical team.联合国正等待当地政府的许可以便派出医疗队。麦克米伦高阶〔deploy〕Hospitals in the South West are already planning to deploy specialist medical teams.西南地区的医院已在计划调动专科医疗队。外研社新世纪〔medic〕A member of a military medical corps.军队医疗队成员美国传统〔prepare〕Medical teams are preparing to leave for Mombasa to treat survivors.医疗队伍正打算动身去蒙巴萨救治幸存者。麦克米伦高阶〔serve〕She served in the medical corps.她在医疗队工作。牛津搭配Medical teams have been flown into the war/combat zone to care for the wounded.医疗队已经飞到战争区域来照料伤员。剑桥国际Medical teams were caught in the crossfire of the opposing armies.医疗队无意中陷入了敌对两军的交叉火力中。剑桥国际That he survived the accident is a compliment to the skill of the medical team that cared for him.他能在事故之后幸存下来是对照料他的医疗队的技艺的赞美。剑桥国际The medical team comprises five doctors and two nurses. 医疗队由五名医生和两名护士组成。译典通The medical team was made up of twelve doctors. 医疗队由十二名医生组成。译典通Witchdoctors have been integrated into health teams in many African countries, so that their skills in traditional medicine can be studied.在许多非洲国家,巫医已被吸收到医疗队,这样就可以对他们的传统医疗技巧进行研究了。剑桥国际




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