

单词 sheep
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔AMOUNT〕a truckload of sheep 一卡车绵羊朗文写作活用〔DECAY〕the decaying remains of a dead sheep 死羊的腐尸朗文写作活用〔bell〕bell the sheep 给羊系铃铛英汉大词典〔bleat〕the distant bleating of sheep 远处的羊叫声牛津高阶〔cattle〕cattle and sheep 牛羊文馨英汉〔crop〕crop a hedge; sheep cropping grass.修剪树篱;啃吃青草的羊群美国传统〔cross-breed〕cross-bred sheep 杂交羊牛津高阶〔dip〕sheep dip 羊洗浴液朗文当代〔dip〕sheep dip 羊用浴液剑桥高阶〔dip〕sheep dip.羊群用的药浴液柯林斯高阶〔domesticated〕domesticated animals such as sheep and horses 羊、马一类的家养动物麦克米伦高阶〔droppings〕sheep droppings羊粪外研社新世纪〔entrails〕sheep entrails 羊内脏韦氏高阶〔flock〕a small flock of sheep 一小群绵羊文馨英汉〔graze〕graze sheep 牧羊文馨英汉〔handsomely〕a tall, dark, handsome sheep farmer.高个子、黑皮肤的英俊养羊人柯林斯高阶〔handsome〕a tall, dark, handsome sheep farmer高个子、黑皮肤的英俊养羊人外研社新世纪〔herd〕herds of cattle and flocks of sheep and goats 成群的牛、绵羊和山羊英汉大词典〔instance〕instance in sheep which flock together 以羊性喜合群为例英汉大词典〔know〕know a goat from a sheep 辨别山羊与绵羊文馨英汉〔large〕cattle and sheep grazing at large 自由自在吃草的牛羊英汉大词典〔live〕the export of live sheep 活绵羊的输出文馨英汉〔mind〕mind a flock of sheep 照看羊群 英汉大词典〔of〕a flock of sheep 一群羊韦氏高阶〔outnumber〕an area where sheep outnumber humans by twenty to one 人的数量只及羊的数量二十分之一的地区麦克米伦高阶〔overwinter〕sheep that overwintered on the steppe.度过整天而活下来的绵羊美国传统〔pasture〕pasture for sheep or cattle.牧放羊或牛的牧场。牛津同义词〔pelt〕pelt sheep and goats 赶羊群英汉大词典〔pen〕a sheep pen 羊圈朗文当代〔pen〕a sheep pen 羊圈牛津高阶〔pen〕a pen of sheep 一栏羊英汉大词典〔phalanx〕a phalanx of sheep (of umbrellas) 一大群羊(一大堆伞)英汉大词典〔range〕a range for the cattle and sheep 牛羊放牧地英汉大词典〔ruddle〕ruddle sheep 用代赭石给羊涂标记英汉大词典〔scour〕scour about for stray sheep 四处奔走寻找迷失的绵羊文馨英汉〔shearer〕sheep that are good shearers 很适于剪毛的羊英汉大词典〔shearing〕a display of sheep shearing.剪羊毛表演柯林斯高阶〔shear〕sheep shearing 剪羊毛牛津高阶〔shear〕a sheep of one shear [two shears] 一岁[二岁]羊文馨英汉〔shear〕a sheep of three shears 剪过3次毛的羊(即3岁的羊)英汉大词典〔shear〕a sheep of two shears剪过两次毛的羊外研社新世纪〔shear〕shear sheep 剪羊毛文馨英汉〔shear〕shear a sheep 剪羊毛英汉大词典〔sheep〕a sheep farmer 养羊者朗文当代〔sheep〕a flock of sheep 一群羊牛津高阶〔sheep〕a flock of sheep 一群羊英汉大词典〔sheep〕five sheep 5只羊英汉大词典〔sheep〕follow like sheep 盲从英汉大词典〔sheep〕grassland on which a flock of sheep were grazing.有一群羊正在吃草的草场柯林斯高阶〔sheep〕the doleful cries of lost sheep 迷途羔羊的哀鸣声牛津搭配〔side〕sheep grazing on the steep hillside 在陡峭的山坡上吃草的羊朗文当代〔spread〕a spread of sheep 一群绵羊英汉大词典〔station〕a sheep station 大牧羊场剑桥高阶〔station〕a sheep station 羊场韦氏高阶〔suckle〕a sheep suckling her lamb 一只给羊羔喂奶的绵羊朗文当代〔transgenic〕transgenic sheep that secrete a human protein into their milk.在奶里分泌一种人类蛋白质的转基因绵羊柯林斯高阶〔truck〕hundreds of sheep packed into cattle trucks 塞在运牛卡车中的几百只羊麦克米伦高阶〔watch〕watch sheep 看羊 英汉大词典〔winter〕winter the sheep in the stable 让羊在羊圈里过冬英汉大词典〔wooled〕a long-wooled sheep 长毛羊英汉大词典




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