

单词 前胸
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔-breasted〕He moved out from beneath an awning, reaching for something inside the breast of his overcoat.他离开遮阳篷,手伸进大衣前胸部找东西。柯林斯高阶〔DIRTY〕His shirtfront was soiled with blood and his hair was wild. 他的衬衫前胸沾着血迹,而且头发蓬乱。朗文写作活用〔SIGN〕His costume had the Superman logo across the chest. 他的衣服前胸有个超人标记。朗文写作活用〔bolero〕A very short jacket worn open in the front.无钮短上衣:前胸敞开的短上衣美国传统〔chemisette〕A blouse front formerly worn by women; a dickey.假衬衣:原为女性穿着的,只有前胸的衬衣;女式衬领美国传统〔chesty〕Having a large or well-developed chest or bust.前胸宽阔的,胸部丰满的:胸部或前胸宽阔或者发育良好的美国传统〔dickey〕A man's detachable shirt front.衬衫假前胸:可拆的男式衬衣前胸美国传统〔dig〕He dug paper and tobacco from his breast pocket and rolled a cigarette.他从前胸口袋中掏出烟纸和烟叶,卷了一支烟。英汉大词典〔film〕His chest and back were filmed with perspiration.他的前胸和后背都是汗津津的。英汉大词典〔fly at〕Then the first dog, recovering, flew at the horse's breast.然后第一只狗恢复了些体力, 扑向那匹马的前胸。外研社新世纪〔front〕A detachable part of a man's dress shirt covering the chest; a dickey.衣服前胸:男人衬衫遮胸的相对独立部分;衬领美国传统〔front〕Her cotton dress had ripped down the front.她的棉布连衣裙前胸都扯裂了。外研社新世纪〔grope〕Bunbury groped in his breast pocket for his wallet.邦伯里手伸进前胸口袋里摸索钱包。柯林斯高阶〔nosebleed〕Harold's shirtfront was covered in blood as a result of a heavy nosebleed.哈罗德鼻血流得厉害, 结果衬衣前胸处沾满了血。外研社新世纪〔prothoracic gland〕Either of a pair of endocrine glands located in the prothorax of certain insects and regulating molting.前胸腺:位于某些昆虫前胸的控制蜕皮的一对内分泌腺中的任一个美国传统〔prothorax〕The anterior division of the thorax of an insect, bearing the first pair of legs.前胸:昆虫胸部前面的一节,第一对足就长在该处美国传统〔rabat〕A piece of cloth fitted to the collar and covering the shirt front, worn chiefly by Roman Catholic and Anglican clergy.黑色胸带:连接在领子上的一条布带,遮住衬衣前胸,主要戴在罗马天主教和英国圣公会教士身上美国传统〔rock〕Hold your knees close to your chest and rock from side to side.双膝紧贴前胸,然后左右摇摆。麦克米伦高阶〔souse〕He soused his chest with cologne.他用古龙水喷湿了前胸。外研社新世纪〔tight〕Before she went on stage her chest felt tight and her throat hurt.她上台前胸口发闷,喉咙疼痛。朗文当代Some birds, especially thrushes, have speckled breasts (= their fronts are pale with many small darker-coloured marks).一些鸟,特别是歌鸫,它们的前胸布满了斑点。剑桥国际




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