

单词 利沙
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Elisha〕In the Old Testament, a Hebrew prophet who was chosen by Elijah to be his successor.以利沙:旧约全书中记载的一个希伯来预言家,被以利亚选为继承人美国传统〔Elizabeth〕In the New Testament, the mother of John the Baptist and a kinswoman of Mary.以利沙伯:新约全书记载的施洗约翰的母亲,是圣母玛丽亚的亲戚美国传统〔Larissa〕The satellite of Neptune that is fifth in distance from the planet.拉利沙卫星:海王星的卫星,是距海王星第五远的卫星美国传统〔Zacharias〕In the New Testament, the husband of Elizabeth and the father of John the Baptist.撒迦利亚:新约圣经中以利沙伯的丈夫及施洗约翰的父亲美国传统The Gobi, Kalahari and Sahara Deserts are all deserts, but they don't all have the same features.戈壁沙漠,卡拉哈利沙漠和撒哈拉沙漠皆为沙漠,但它们不都具有相同的特征。剑桥国际




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