

单词 时间间隔
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔chronograph〕An instrument that registers or graphically records time intervals such as the duration of an event.记时仪:登记或以图记录时间间隔(如事件期间)的仪器美国传统〔chronoscope〕An optical instrument for the precise measurement of very small time intervals.瞬时计:精确测量很小时间间隔的光学仪器美国传统〔distance〕The extent of time between two events; an intervening period.时间间隔:两件事发生时间的间隔;一段间隔美国传统〔fifth〕An interval encompassing five diatonic tones, such as C, D, E, F, and G.五度音程:包含五个全音阶音调如C、D、E、F和G的时间间隔美国传统〔flashlight〕A bright light, as of a beacon or signal lamp, that flashes at regular intervals.闪光信号灯:在规则的时间间隔内闪烁的明亮的灯,象灯塔或信号灯等美国传统〔gap〕The gaps between his visits got longer and longer.他来探访的时间间隔越来越长了。朗文当代〔gate〕Electronics To select part of (a wave) for transmission, reception, or processing by magnitude or time interval.【电子学】 电波传送:选择波的一部分,用来传导、接收或通过电流量或时间间隔来操作美国传统〔kite〕A bank check drawn on insufficient funds to take advantage of the time interval required for collection.通融票据:利用筹款需要的时间间隔开出不足的资金的银行支票美国传统〔lag〕There is a slight lag between the time when the camera's shutter is pressed and the actual taking of the picture.在按下照相机的快门和照片的实际拍摄之间有一点时间间隔。韦氏高阶〔lag〕You have to allow for a time lag between order and delivery.订货和送货之间要有一段时间间隔。剑桥高阶〔moment〕A brief, indefinite interval of time.瞬间:一个短暂的、不确定的时间间隔美国传统〔period〕Physics Astronomy The time interval between two successive occurrences of a recurrent event or phases of an event; a cycle.【物理学】 【天文学】 周期:两个连续出现或反复出现的现象或事件间的时间间隔;周期循环美国传统〔space〕A period or interval of time.时间间隔或间隙美国传统〔time-lag〕There is always a time-lag between the exam and the results.考试和出成绩之间总有一段时间间隔。外研社新世纪〔timer〕A timepiece, especially one used for measuring and signaling the end of time intervals, as on a stove.定时器:一种计时器,尤指控制时间间隔并指示间隔结束的那种计时器,如炉子上的计时器美国传统〔undo〕If a medicine is taken again too soon, it may undo all the good that has been done.如果服用一种药物时间间隔过短,可能会抵消所有已产生的药效。朗文当代There'll be a time lag of about a week between the blood test being done and the results being known.在验血和知道验血结果之间会有大约一星期的时间间隔。剑桥国际




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