

单词 卡罗尔
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ASK〕We inquired at all the hotels in town, but we couldn't find Carol anywhere. 我们问了镇上所有的旅馆,还是没有找到卡罗尔。朗文写作活用〔CONFUSED〕Carol wrote poems about her feelings to try and figure out why she felt so mixed-up. 卡罗尔创作有关自己感情的诗,试图找出自己为何如此迷惘。朗文写作活用〔CONTAIN〕Carol can't eat anything that has nuts in it. 卡罗尔不吃含有坚果的东西。朗文写作活用〔CUT〕Betty Carroll was stabbed 61 times and left to die on the floor of her Escondido home. 贝蒂·卡罗尔在自己位于埃斯孔迪多的家中被刺61刀,躺在地板上死去。朗文写作活用〔DISLIKE〕You don't think much of Carol, do you? 你觉得卡罗尔不太行,是吗?朗文写作活用〔DON'T CARE〕I was surprised by Carol's blasé attitude. 我对卡罗尔漠不关心的态度感到惊讶。朗文写作活用〔DURING〕In the last six years, Carol has moved three times. 过去六年时间里,卡罗尔搬了三次家。朗文写作活用〔IMAGINE〕Carol sat at her desk, daydreaming about meeting Mel Gibson. 卡罗尔坐在桌旁,想象着自己遇见梅尔·吉布森的情景。朗文写作活用〔INVITE〕Do you think we should ask Carol and Helen to the party? 你觉得我们是否应该请卡罗尔和海伦来参加聚会?朗文写作活用〔KNOW/NOT KNOW〕Carol and I first met at university. 我和卡罗尔是在大学里初次相见的。朗文写作活用〔REACT〕Carol yelled back, ‘If it's so easy, you come and have a go!’ 卡罗尔回喊了一声:“如果那么容易,你来试试看!”朗文写作活用〔START〕We can't start until Carol gets here. 等卡罗尔到了我们才可以开始。朗文写作活用〔TAKE PART/BE INVOLVED〕Can we put you down to help with refreshments, Carol? 我们能不能给你报名帮忙端茶点,卡罗尔?朗文写作活用〔WALK〕After dinner Carol left the hotel to wander the crowded streets. 晚饭后,卡罗尔离开旅馆去拥挤的街上逛逛。朗文写作活用〔WASH〕Carol washed the van down and checked the oil and tyres. 卡罗尔把小型货车冲洗了一遍,然后检查了机油和轮胎。朗文写作活用〔a heavy date〕I think Carol has a heavy date - she's been in the bathroom for over an hour.我想卡罗尔有个浪漫约会——她在洗漱间待了一个多小时。剑桥高阶〔action〕It's the first time I've seen Carol in action and she's very impressive.这是我第一次看到卡罗尔的表现, 令人印象深刻。外研社新世纪〔active〕Carol was actively involved in the local sports club.卡罗尔积极参加当地体育俱乐部的活动。朗文当代〔against〕Billy Hardy has pulled out of his second fight against Noel Carroll after a training accident.一次训练事故之后,比利·哈迪退出了和诺埃尔·卡罗尔的第二次比赛。柯林斯高阶〔alone〕Carol felt all alone in the world.卡罗尔感到自己在世界上无依无靠。牛津高阶〔audition〕We auditioned more than 200 dancers before deciding on Carole Ann.在决定录用卡罗尔‧安之前我们面试了 200 多个舞蹈演员。朗文当代〔back〕She passed the plate back to Carol.她将盘子递还给卡罗尔。外研社新世纪〔bad hair day〕All this fuss is because Carol is having a bad hair day.所有这些忙乱都是因为卡罗尔一天不顺心。外研社新世纪〔bluff〕He bluffed Carol into believing that he was genial.他装模作样骗得卡罗尔相信他生性随和。英汉大词典〔boast〕Carol boasted about her costume.卡罗尔炫耀自己的套装。外研社新世纪〔bolshy〕Carol is bolshy at not getting promotion.卡罗尔对没有升职很有情绪。柯林斯高阶〔chair〕Anne took the chair (= was chairperson) in Carol's absence.因卡罗尔没有出席,安妮主持了会议。牛津搭配〔colleague〕We're entertaining some colleagues of Carol's tonight.今晚我们要招待卡罗尔的几位同事。剑桥高阶〔control〕Carol struggled to control her anger.卡罗尔竭力地克制住愤怒。麦克米伦高阶〔coy〕I was sickened by the way Carol charmed all the men by turning coy.卡罗尔忸怩作态勾引男人的样子让我恶心。外研社新世纪〔defer〕He would usually defer to Carol in matters financial.在金钱问题上,他一般是听从卡罗尔的。英汉大词典〔door〕Carol answered the door as soon as I knocked.我一敲门, 卡罗尔就来开了。外研社新世纪〔eccentricity〕Oh that's just one of Carol's little eccentricities.哦,那只是卡罗尔小小的怪癖之一。麦克米伦高阶〔exasperation〕Carol sighed in exasperation.卡罗尔恼怒地叹了口气。朗文当代〔fleeting〕Carol was paying a fleeting visit to Paris.卡罗尔正在巴黎作短暂停留。朗文当代〔infuse〕Carol's voice was infused with cold rage.卡罗尔的声音冷冷的, 充满愤怒。外研社新世纪〔knuckle down〕Carol knuckled down to her task.卡罗尔开始认真完成她的任务。外研社新世纪〔lapse〕Carol's lapses into strong language only made her sound immature.卡罗尔讲起了粗话,这只会让人觉得她还不成熟。麦克米伦高阶〔marked〕Judge Michael Carroll told him that he would spend the rest of his life as a marked man.迈克尔•卡罗尔法官告诉他, 他的余生都将处于危险之中。外研社新世纪〔mate〕Carroll Shelby had the original idea of mating Ford mechanics to an AC Ace to create the Cobra.卡罗尔•谢尔比最初想到在AC公司的Ace跑车上采用福特的机械部件, 从而组装出了眼镜蛇汽车。外研社新世纪〔minus〕Lear was then 13 years old, and Carroll was minus seven.利尔那时13岁,卡罗尔则还要小7岁。英汉大词典〔minute〕Carole spends every spare minute practising.卡罗尔把所有的余暇时间都用来练习。麦克米伦高阶〔musical〕Carroll appeared in a number of Broadway musicals.卡罗尔出演过许多百老汇音乐剧。朗文当代〔on〕You mean, the kind of thing Carol is always on about.你指的是卡罗尔常常谈到的那种事。 英汉大词典〔outward〕Carol hid her disappointment under an outward cheerfulness.卡罗尔表面上装出很高兴的样子来掩饰自己的失望。麦克米伦高阶〔personality〕She is pictured with TV personality Carol Vorderman.她和电视名人卡罗尔·沃德曼一起拍照。麦克米伦高阶〔pissed off〕Judy's pissed at Carol.朱迪烦透了卡罗尔。朗文当代〔pleasure〕Carol was a pleasure to work with.和卡罗尔共事是件乐事。朗文当代〔prime mover〕He has been named as the prime mover in the conspiracy to murder Carroll.他已被公布是阴谋杀害卡罗尔的主谋。柯林斯高阶〔prime mover〕He has been named as the prime mover in the conspiracy to murder Carroll.他被认定为卡罗尔谋杀案阴谋的主要推动者。外研社新世纪〔put〕A: Our reporter Carol has been dealing with that story, I'll put her on. B: That's not necessary. I'd rather not talk on the phone.甲:我们的记者卡罗尔一直在采访那件事,我叫她来听电话。乙:那不必了。我不想在电话上谈。英汉大词典〔rage〕Sobbing with rage, Carol was taken to the hospital.卡罗尔气得呜呜地哭,被送往医院。朗文当代〔rap〕Carol rapped sharply on the window.卡罗尔急促地敲着窗户。麦克米伦高阶〔ravages〕Carol Drinkwater is blessed with a fine bone structure that stands up better to the ravages of time.卡罗尔·德林克沃特生就一副好身板,经过岁月历练还那么硬朗。柯林斯高阶〔same〕Was this the same Timothy Evans that Carol had been at school with? 这是与卡罗尔同校上过学的那个蒂莫西·埃文斯吗?麦克米伦高阶〔sec〕Hang on a sec, I just want to ask Carol something.你稍等一下,我想问卡罗尔一件事情。麦克米伦高阶〔sideshow〕Carol won a large soft toy at a sideshow at the fair.卡罗尔在集市的助兴活动中赢得了一个大毛绒玩具。剑桥高阶〔snivel〕Carol managed a few proper snivels for the sake of appearance.为了装装样子, 卡罗尔像模像样地抽噎了几声。外研社新世纪〔straight-faced〕I had to remain straight-faced and not look at Carol.我只好继续绷着脸不看卡罗尔。外研社新世纪〔take〕I take it you've heard about Ben and Carol splitting up.我以为你已经听说本和卡罗尔分手的事了。麦克米伦高阶〔tribe〕We invited Carol's sisters and brothers and their families - the whole Cassidy tribe.我们邀请了卡罗尔的兄弟姐妹及其配偶、子女——整个卡西迪家族。剑桥高阶〔uncle〕How long have you known Uncle Phil and Auntie Carol? 你认识菲尔叔叔和卡罗尔阿姨多长时间了?麦克米伦高阶〔unpaid〕Carol was Pat's unpaid teacher.卡罗尔是帕特的义务教师。外研社新世纪〔whack〕You can use Carol's old bike - the gears are out of whack, but it still goes.你可以骑卡罗尔的旧自行车——齿轮可能有点问题,但还能骑。剑桥高阶〔woebegone〕He looked at Carol's woebegone face.他看着卡罗尔忧伤的脸。麦克米伦高阶〔work〕Carol and her subcommittee did some nice work on the document.卡罗尔和她的分支委员会出色地完成了这份文件。麦克米伦高阶As we sat waiting for Carol, he made a jocular comment about her always arriving half an hour late.我们坐着等卡罗尔时,他打趣地说她总是晚到半小时。剑桥国际Carol designed the loft we built in our apartment in New York.我们在纽约公寓里建的顶楼是卡罗尔设计的。剑桥国际Carol dived under the boat and reappeared a few moments later on the other side.卡罗尔潜到船下,过了一会儿又出现在另一边。剑桥国际Carol fell down and got a boo-boo on her hand.卡罗尔摔倒了,擦伤了手。剑桥国际Carol had a kink in her neck when she woke up this morning.卡罗尔早晨醒来时脖子抽筋了。剑桥国际Carol is in a stew (= is angry) because I forgot to do the shopping she asked me to do.卡罗尔正在生气,因为我忘了买她要我买的东西。剑桥国际Carol likes to look in on Tyler at night to make sure she hasn't thrown her covers off.卡罗尔喜欢晚上顺便来看一下泰勒,防止她把被子踢掉。剑桥国际Carol recently gave birth to a daughter, but she has no plans to marry at present.卡罗尔最近生了个女儿,但她目前还不打算结婚。剑桥国际Carol won a large soft toy at a sideshow at the fair.卡罗尔在游艺会的助兴活动中赢得了一个大的毛绒玩具。剑桥国际I suppose the reason we haven't heard from Carol lately is because she's been busy.我想我们最近没收到卡罗尔的信是因为她太忙了。剑桥国际It's impossible to arrange anything with Carol --she never knows what she's doing from one day to the next (= in advance).没法与卡罗尔商量事情----她从不知道自己事先该做些什么。剑桥国际Just stop dithering (about), Carol, and get on with your essay! 就别再犹豫不决了,卡罗尔,继续写你的作文!剑桥国际That Carol Ann sure is some piece of ass! 那个卡罗尔·安绝对是个性感的女人。剑桥国际We've invited Carol's sisters and brothers and their spouses and children -- the whole Cassidy tribe.我们已邀请了卡罗尔的姐妹兄弟和他们的配偶及孩子----整个卡西迪家庭。剑桥国际




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