

单词 前妻
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ANGRY〕Whatever you do, don't mention his ex-wife. It's like a red rag to a bull. 你干什么都可以,就是不要提他前妻,那会使他怒不可遏的。朗文写作活用〔CAREFUL〕They went through the documents systematically, removing every reference to his former wife. 他们仔细翻阅了文件,删去所有提及他前妻的内容。朗文写作活用〔DISLIKE〕My ex-wife is trying to turn the children against me. 我前妻想挑唆孩子们跟我作对。朗文写作活用〔DISOBEY〕Black had disobeyed the judge's ruling, and continued to harass his ex-wife. 布莱克不服从法官的裁决,继续骚扰前妻。朗文写作活用〔DIVORCE〕I had a letter from my ex-wife yesterday. 我昨天收到前妻的一封来信。朗文写作活用〔DIVORCE〕I've only seen my ex-wife once since the divorce. 离婚后我只见过前妻一次。朗文写作活用〔I'm damned if〕I'm polite to his ex-wife when I meet her, but I'm damned if I'm going to invite her over for dinner.我遇到他前妻时对她很客气,但决不会请她来吃晚饭。剑桥高阶〔MARRY〕His ex-wife never lets him see the children. 他的前妻从不让他看孩子。朗文写作活用〔PAY〕He makes monthly payments into his ex-wife's bank account. 他每月将款项打进前妻的银行账户。朗文写作活用〔REMIND/MAKE SB REMEMBER〕I'd prefer not to see my ex-wife - it will just open old wounds. 我还是不见前妻为好,那样只会揭开旧疮疤。朗文写作活用〔access〕His ex-wife denies him access to his children.他前妻拒绝让他见他的孩子。外研社新世纪〔access〕My ex-wife deliberately sabotages my access to the children.我的前妻蓄意阻挠我见孩子。柯林斯高阶〔alimony〕He still has to pay alimony to his ex-wife.他仍得付扶养费给前妻。外研社新世纪〔batter about〕The man battered his former wife about.那男人虐待他的前妻。21世纪英汉〔batter〕He was accused of battering his former wife and child.他被指控殴打他前妻和孩子。21世纪英汉〔bleed〕He complained that his ex-wife was bleeding him of all his money.他抱怨前妻榨干了自己所有的钱财。韦氏高阶〔bleed〕His ex-wife clearly intends to bleed him for every last penny.他的前妻显然是想榨干他的钱财。朗文当代〔bleed〕My ex-wife is bleeding me for every penny I have.我的前妻不断地榨取我的每一分钱。牛津高阶〔blood〕His ex-wife is out for his blood.他的前妻决不让他有好日子过。韦氏高阶〔by〕He had two sons by his first wife.他有两个前妻生的儿子。英汉大词典〔civilized〕I wrote to my ex-wife. She was very civilised about it.我给前妻写了封信。她对此很通情达理。柯林斯高阶〔claim〕My ex-wife has no claims on me (= has no right to any of my money).我前妻没有权利向我索要钱财。剑桥高阶〔cohabit〕If you cohabit with a divorcee, his ex may contest his will when he dies.如果你和一个离过婚的男人同居, 他去世以后, 他的前妻可能会对他遗嘱的有效性提出异议。外研社新世纪〔condition〕It is a condition of his release that he stays away from his ex-wife.不纠缠他的前妻是他获释的一个先决条件。麦克米伦高阶〔conflict〕He and his ex-wife frequently came into conflict.他和前妻经常发生争执。麦克米伦高阶〔deny〕His ex-partner denied him access to his children.他的前妻不让他探视孩子。外研社新世纪〔deny〕If he is unlucky, he may find that his ex-partner denies him access to his children.如果不走运的话,他可能会发现前妻拒绝让他接近自己的孩子。柯林斯高阶〔distance〕He distanced himself from his former wife.他疏远了他的前妻。21世纪英汉〔ex〕You're not inviting my ex, are you? 你不会邀请我的前妻,是吧?麦克米伦高阶〔feud〕He feuded with his ex-wife.他和前妻积怨已久。外研社新世纪〔feud〕He feuded with his ex-wife.他和前妻积怨已久。柯林斯高阶〔former〕He pleaded not guilty to murdering his former wife.他不承认谋杀了自己的前妻。外研社新世纪〔former〕He pleaded not guilty to murdering his former wife.他对谋杀前妻的指控作了无罪抗辩。柯林斯高阶〔gaffe〕I made a real gaffe - I called his new wife "Judy", which is the name of his ex-wife.我一时口误出了大丑——把他的新任妻子叫成了“朱迪”,那可是他前妻的名字啊。剑桥高阶〔gall〕He had the gall to ask his ex-wife for money.他竟有脸向他的前妻要钱。文馨英汉〔get〕He's convinced that his ex-wife is out to get him.他确信他的前妻在想方设法找他的茬。韦氏高阶〔himself〕Julian showed us a picture of himself with his former wife.朱利安给我们看了一张他自己与前妻的照片。麦克米伦高阶〔horror〕Imagine my horror when I discovered I'd be working for my ex-wife.我发现自己将要为前妻工作,想象一下多么吓人。牛津搭配〔hung up〕He's still hung up on his ex-wife.他仍对前妻念念不忘。韦氏高阶〔jarring〕The only jarring note was the presence of his ex-wife.唯一让人略感吃惊的是他前妻在场。麦克米伦高阶〔keep〕His ex-wife had kept him from seeing his children.他的前妻不让他看孩子。朗文当代〔less〕I never talked about the marriage, still less about my ex-wife.我从未谈论过婚姻, 更别提谈论我的前妻了。外研社新世纪〔light〕Your ex-wife will portray you in a bad light.你的前妻会把你说得很坏。英汉大词典〔maintenance〕He has to pay maintenance to his ex-wife.他必须付给前妻生活费。牛津高阶〔maintenance〕He pays maintenance to his ex-wife.他付赡养费给他的前妻。牛津同义词〔maintenance〕How much maintenance does he pay his ex-wife? 他付给前妻多少生活费?英汉大词典〔mend〕Is it too late to mend fences with your ex-wife? 现在和你的前妻重修旧好太晚了吗?朗文当代〔mention〕I've never heard him mention his ex-wife.我从没有听他谈过他的前妻。外研社新世纪〔obligate〕Under a separation agreement, he was obligated to pay his ex-wife £20,000 a year for life.根据分居协议, 他有责任每年向前妻支付2万英镑生活费。外研社新世纪〔obligate〕Under a separation agreement, he was obligated to pay his ex-wife £50,000 a year for life.根据分居协议,他必须每年向前妻支付5万英镑。柯林斯高阶〔open〕It's important to keep the channels of communication open with your ex-wife.与你的前妻保持交流渠道的畅通是很重要的。麦克米伦高阶〔pain〕Ellen saw the pain etched on his face when he mentioned his ex-wife's name.埃伦提到他前妻的名字时,能看见刻在他脸上的痛苦。牛津搭配〔payoff〕His ex-wife pocketed a £20 million payoff after 26 years of marriage.他的前妻把2000万英镑揣进自己的腰包,作为26年婚姻的补偿。麦克米伦高阶〔previous〕He had children from a previous marriage.他和前妻有孩子。外研社新世纪〔previous〕She is his daughter from a previous marriage.她是他与前妻生的女儿。牛津高阶〔private〕He returned to his ex-wife's house to pick up a few private belongings.他回到前妻家里拿一些私人物品。外研社新世纪〔rather〕I was rather surprised to see him with his ex-wife.我看到他和前妻在一起感到相当惊讶。朗文当代〔red〕Just mentioning his ex-wife's name was like a red rag to a bull.只要提到他前妻的名字,他就会怒不可遏。朗文当代〔remarry〕Is he going to remarry his ex-wife? 他还打算和前妻复婚吗?韦氏高阶〔report〕His ex-wife reported him to police a few days later.他的前妻几天后向警方告发了他。柯林斯高阶〔resentful〕He felt deeply resentful towards / toward his ex-wife.他对前妻怨恨极深。牛津搭配〔return〕His jealousy returned when he saw his ex-wife with her new husband.看到前妻和她新任丈夫在一起时,他又嫉妒起来。韦氏高阶〔sabotage〕My ex-wife deliberately sabotages my access to the children.我的前妻故意不让我与孩子们接触。柯林斯高阶〔sabotage〕My ex-wife deliberately sabotages my access to the children.我的前妻故意不让我接近孩子。外研社新世纪〔shop〕He was shopped by his ex-wife.他被前妻告发。朗文当代〔shop〕His ex-wife shopped him to the police.他的前妻向警方告发了他。剑桥高阶〔speak〕He is not speaking to his mother because of her friendship with his ex-wife.他不和母亲说话, 因为她和自己前妻关系友好。外研社新世纪〔speak〕He is not speaking to his mother because of her friendship with his ex-wife.因为母亲和前妻仍旧保持着友好的关系,他便不再和母亲说话。柯林斯高阶〔speak〕He still speaks of his ex-wife with affection.谈到前妻时他仍然充满感情。韦氏高阶〔stick〕My ex is sticking on a divorce, but she'll agree once I offer her enough money.我前妻不愿意离婚, 不过我要给她足够的钱, 她马上就会同意。外研社新世纪〔talk〕He tried to stop his ex-wife from talking on live TV.他试图阻止他的前妻上电视直播节目去吐露实情。朗文当代〔terms〕He is still on excellent terms with his ex-wife.他仍然和前妻保持着极好的关系。牛津高阶〔term〕I'm on friendly terms with my ex-wife.我和前妻关系还不错。麦克米伦高阶〔time〕If I'd known at the time (= then) that she was his former wife, I'd never have said what I did.我当时要是知道她是他前妻的话,我就不会那样说了。剑桥高阶〔underfed〕She underfed his former wife's children.她对他前妻的孩子不管饱。21世纪英汉〔upkeep〕He makes payments to his ex-wife for the upkeep of their children.他向前妻支付子女的抚养费。牛津高阶〔wife〕He threatened to kill his ex-wife's boyfriend.他威胁要杀死前妻的男朋友。朗文当代〔with〕With the stepchildren, the family numbers ten.包括前妻(或前夫)的孩子,全家共十口人。21世纪英汉For some reason she's still haunted by the spectre of of his ex-wife.出于某种原因,她仍然被他前妻的阴影所困扰。剑桥国际His evening was rather spoiled by the unannounced arrival of his ex-wife.他晚上的活动被前妻突然来到给破坏了。剑桥国际His ex-wife shopped him to the police.他的前妻向警察告发了他。剑桥国际His ex-wife was a very bourgeois person. 他的前妻是个很贪图享受的人。译典通His former wife accused him of beatings, verbal abuse and other cruelties.他的前妻控告他对她的殴打,辱骂以及其他种种虐待。剑桥国际I committed a bit of a blunder by calling his new wife by his ex-wife's name.我因用他前妻的名字称呼他的新妻子而犯了一个大错。剑桥国际I made a real gaffe--I called his new wife ‘Judy’which is the name of his ex-wife.我真的失言了----我叫他新娶的妻子“朱迪”,而那是他前妻的名字。剑桥国际I'm polite to his ex-wife when I meet her but I'm damned if I'm going to (= I certainly will not) invite her round for dinner.我见到他前妻时表现得彬彬有礼,但绝不会邀请她到我家来吃晚饭。剑桥国际If I'd known at the time (= then) that she was his former wife, I'd never have said what I did.要是那时我知道她是他的前妻,我就不会说那些话了。剑桥国际My ex-wife has no claims on me (=has no right to any of my money).我的前妻没有权利索取我的钱。剑桥国际The respondent was ordered to pay $1 500 dollars to his former wife. 被告被勒令向其前妻支付 1 500 元。牛津商务




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