

单词 半身
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔A-line〕An A-line skirt disguises fuller hips.A字半身裙可以掩饰丰满的臀部。剑桥高阶〔FEEL〕After the stroke, he had no feeling in his left side. 中风之后他左半身失去了知觉。朗文写作活用〔SERIOUS〕There was a grave risk that the operation would leave him partly paralysed. 手术风险很大,可能会使他落得半身瘫痪。朗文写作活用〔add in〕Add in a variety of kicks to work your lower body, too.再加上各种踢腿动作让下半身也得到锻炼。外研社新世纪〔bottom〕I've found my bikini bottoms but not my top.我找到了我的比基尼泳裤,但找不到上半身。剑桥高阶〔brain〕The left brain controls the right-hand side of the body.左脑控制人的右半身。牛津搭配〔bust〕A sculpture representing a person's head, shoulders, and upper chest.半身像:刻画一个人的头部、肩膀和胸部的雕像美国传统〔bust〕At the top of the steps was a bust of Shakespeare.在台阶的顶端有一尊莎士比亚的半身像。文馨英汉〔bust〕There was a bust of Mahler on his desk.他书桌上有一尊马勒的半身像。剑桥高阶〔chisel〕It is a bust chiseled from a rock.那是一座石雕半身像。21世纪英汉〔cuirassier〕A horse soldier in European armies whose equipment included the cuirass.胸甲骑兵:欧洲军队中其装备包括有上半身铠甲的骑兵美国传统〔cuirass〕A piece of armor for protecting the breast and back.上半身铠甲:用来保护胸部和背部的那块铠甲美国传统〔excitedly〕Larry rose excitedly to the edge of his seat, shook a fist at us and spat.拉里气愤地挺直了后背,上半身前倾至座位边缘,边朝我们挥舞拳头边吐口水。柯林斯高阶〔half-length〕A portrait that shows only the upper half and hands of a person.半身肖像:只显示出一个人的上半身和双手的肖像美国传统〔half-length〕Of or relating to a half-length portrait.(有关)半身肖像的美国传统〔hemiplegia〕Paralysis affecting only one side of the body.偏瘫,半身不遂:只对身体某一侧有影响作用的瘫痪美国传统〔herma〕A bust, usually one of Hermes mounted on a square stone post.头像方碑:半身塑像,通常为方形石柱上的赫耳墨斯像美国传统〔hindquarter〕The posterior portion of a side of beef, lamb, veal, or mutton, including a hind leg and one or two ribs.后腿肉:供食用的牛、小牛、羊或羔羊的一侧后半身,包括一条腿和一些排骨美国传统〔horse〕He got a part as the rear end of a pantomime horse.他的角色是扮演童话剧中的马的后半身。牛津搭配〔horse〕The cart overturned, the horse plunging and rearing in its traces.马车翻倒,马往前一冲,套着挽绳的上半身直立起来。牛津搭配〔iconic〕Having a conventional formulaic style. Used of certain memorial statues and busts.具有标准传统风格的。用于某些纪念雕塑和半身像美国传统〔issuant〕Heraldry Designating an animal with only the upper part depicted.【纹章学】 半身的:仅显露上方部位来代表动物的美国传统〔loin〕There was a towel wrapped around his loins.他的下半身围了一条毛巾。韦氏高阶〔mannequin〕A life-size full or partial representation of the human body, used for the fitting or displaying of clothes; a dummy.人体模型:如真人大小的、全身或半身的人体模型,用于量试衣服是否合适或展示服装;人体模型美国传统〔numbness〕A stroke can cause numbness in one side of your body.中风会导致人体半身不遂。韦氏高阶〔numb〕A stroke can cause one side of your body to go numb.中风会导致人体半身不遂。韦氏高阶〔paralyse〕Hannah was temporarily paralysed on the right side.汉娜右半身暂时瘫痪。牛津搭配〔paralyzation〕He is paralyzed from the waist down.他下半身瘫痪了。21世纪英汉〔paraplegic〕Is he paraplegic? 他半身不遂了吗?剑桥高阶〔permanent〕The stroke left his right side permanently damaged.中风使他的右半身永久受损。牛津高阶〔portrait〕The queen posed for her portrait.女王摆好了姿势让人拍半身照。韦氏高阶〔postcava〕A large vein that returns blood to the heart from the lower half of the body; the inferior vena cava.(畜类的)后腔静脉:将血液从下半身送回心脏的大静脉;低级腔静脉美国传统〔slenderize〕Wearing dark clothes from the waist down will help to slenderize your figure.下半身穿深色服装可以使你显得瘦一些。剑桥高阶〔splash〕Pedestrians were splashed to the hip in muddy slush.行人走在泥浆中,下半身全溅上了污泥。英汉大词典〔stripped〕She was stripped to the waist.她裸露上半身。文馨英汉〔stroke〕He had a minor stroke in 1987, which left him partly paralysed.他 1987 年曾患轻度中风,之后就半身不遂了。柯林斯高阶〔stroke〕He had a minor stroke in 1987, which left him partly paralysed.他1987年曾患轻度中风, 之后就半身不遂了。外研社新世纪〔take ... off〕He took off her head and shoulders in charcoal.他用炭笔画她的半身像。21世纪英汉〔waist〕The accident left Margaret paralysed from the waist down.那场事故导致玛格丽特下半身瘫痪。麦克米伦高阶〔workout〕Give your upper body a workout by using handweights.用哑铃进行上半身锻炼。外研社新世纪〔wound〕He died from multiple stab wounds to the neck and upper body.他死于颈部和上半身的多处刺伤。剑桥高阶A pair of seemingly disembodied legs stood on a chair, the upper half of the soldier sticking up through the hole in the roof.一双好像是脱离了躯体的腿站在椅子上,士兵上半身从屋顶的洞口伸出去。剑桥国际Multiple sclerosis can result in a man being half-paralyzed. 多发性硬化症可以造成一个人半身不遂。译典通On his desk there stood a bust of his favorite poet. 他的写字台上放著他最喜爱的诗人的半身像。译典通There was a bust of Mahler on his desk.他书桌上有一尊马勒的半身像。剑桥国际




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