

单词 动作
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔DANCE〕She has been asked to choreograph a modern ballet for the National Dance Theatre. 她受托为国立舞蹈剧院的现代芭蕾舞剧设计舞蹈动作。朗文写作活用〔SPORT/GAME〕The way he got to that ball shows what a superb athlete he is. 他接那个球的动作显出了他的球技之高超。朗文写作活用〔STUPID/SILLY〕Wyatt was nearly killed as a result of that idiotic stunt. 怀亚特因为那个愚蠢的特技动作差点儿送了命。朗文写作活用〔TURN〕She flipped the pancakes over with one smooth movement. 她以一个流畅的动作把薄煎饼翻过来。朗文写作活用〔X-rated challenge〕The Chelsea boss is furious with the Stoke defender for his X-rated challenge on Oscar.切尔西队的老板因为斯托克队防守队员阻截奥斯卡时粗野的铲球动作而怒不可遏。剑桥高阶〔action〕Stallone wants to break away from his action-hero image.史泰龙想要摆脱动作明星的形象。柯林斯高阶〔adhesion〕The act or state of adhering.粘附:粘附的动作或状态美国传统〔aerial〕She tried a new aerial in her last competition.在最后一次试跳中,她尝试了新的空中腾越动作。韦氏高阶〔aorist〕A form of a verb in some languages, such as Classical Greek, that expresses action without indicating its completion or continuation.不定过去时:某些语言中动词的一种形式,如古希腊语中,其不表明动作是否已完成或正在继续美国传统〔attack〕An offensive action in a sport or game.进攻动作:体育运动或游戏中采取的进攻美国传统〔back dive〕A dive performed from a board or platform with the diver's back to the water.向后跳水:跳水者背向水面从跳板或跳台上往下跳的动作美国传统〔balk〕He committed a balk.他做了一个违例佯投动作。韦氏高阶〔been〕I have been living in Tainan since 1940.我从1940年起就一直住在台南(现在完成进行式;强调动作的连续性)。文馨英汉〔book〕Adams was booked for dangerous play.亚当斯因危险动作被记名警告。麦克米伦高阶〔carriage〕The act or process of transporting or carrying.运送:运输或传送的动作或过程美国传统〔censorship〕The act, process, or practice of censoring.审查:审查的动作、程序或其实施美国传统〔chew〕The act of chewing.咀嚼:咀嚼的动作美国传统〔conduct〕The act of directing or controlling; management.指导,管理:指挥或控制的动作;管理美国传统〔curtsy〕A gesture of respect or reverence made chiefly by women by bending the knees with one foot forward and lowering the body.屈膝礼:一种主要由妇女做的表示尊重或恭敬的动作,弯曲双膝,一脚向前迈并使身体下坐美国传统〔disengage〕The two dancers moved together in a series of quick movements before disengaging and leaping apart.两位舞者先一起做了一组轻快的动作,然后跳跃分开。韦氏高阶〔dramatize with〕The speechmaker dramatized his story with many gestures and actions.演讲人用很多手势和动作绘声绘色地描述他的故事。21世纪英汉〔drive〕Sports The act of hitting, knocking, or thrusting a ball very swiftly.【体育运动】 快速击球:迅速地击、敲或抽球的动作美国传统〔dummy〕He dummied past five defenders, then shot at the near post.他以假动作晃过五个防守队员,接着把球射向近门柱。牛津高阶〔ejection〕The act of ejecting or the condition of being ejected.喷出:喷出的动作或被喷出的状态美国传统〔embarrassment〕The act or an instance of embarrassing.困窘的事:困窘的动作或事件美国传统〔feather〕The act of feathering the blade of an oar in rowing.横桨:桨面在划水时的羽状动作美国传统〔fixture〕The act or process of fixing.固定:固定的动作或程序美国传统〔flourish〕He waved his sword with a flourish.他动作娴熟地挥了一下手中的剑。韦氏高阶〔fluidity〕Durante dances with fluidity and grace.杜兰特跳起舞来动作优雅流畅。剑桥高阶〔flutter kick〕A swimming kick in which the legs are held horizontally and alternately moved up and down in rapid strokes without bending the knees.上下打水:腿被水平抬起且两腿不弯膝地快速交替拍水的游泳动作美国传统〔flyaway〕An aerial gymnastic move performed on the parallel bars, rings, or other apparatus, especially a flying dismount with a somersault.空翻下杠:在双杠、吊环或其他器械上进行的空中体育运动,尤指一百八十度腾空下杠的动作美国传统〔forgettable〕He has acted in three forgettable action films.他曾经在3部不起眼的动作片中出演角色。柯林斯高阶〔gastrocnemius〕The largest, most prominent muscle of the calf of the leg, the action of which extends the foot and bends the knee.腓肠肌:小腿部最大最重要的一块肌肉,伸腿弯膝的动作美国传统〔gesticulate〕We communicated mainly by signs, gesticulation and mime.我们主要通过动作、手势和哑语进行交流。柯林斯高阶〔gesture〕A motion of the limbs or body made to express or help express thought or to emphasize speech.手势,姿势:身体或四肢的动作,以表达或帮助表达想法或强调所说的话美国传统〔goose〕Slang A poke, prod, or pinch between or on the buttocks.【俚语】 刺戳:用手刺、戳、捅或插入屁股之间或在屁股上的动作美国传统〔habitation〕The act of inhabiting or the state of being inhabited.居住:居住的动作或居住的状态美国传统〔ham〕The umpire was hamming up his signals for the benefit of the TV audience.裁判为了在电视观众前露一手,把动作的幅度做得很大。英汉大词典〔haste〕Rapidity of action or motion.急速:行动或动作的快速性美国传统〔he-man〕He plays another he-man in his latest action movie.他在自己最新的动作片中饰演另一硬汉角色。韦氏高阶〔heavy on〕His movies are light/low on talk and heavy on action.他的影片轻对白,重动作。韦氏高阶〔held〕She sang and held herself as a singing star.她一边唱着一边模仿着歌星的动作。21世纪英汉〔high-sticking〕The act of carrying the blade of an ice hockey stick at a height ruled illegal.举杆过肩:在冰球比赛中把球棍弯头举过了规定高度的动作美国传统〔hum〕The act of humming.哼唱的动作美国传统〔imbibition〕The act of imbibing.吸收,吸取:吸收的动作美国传统〔infusion〕The act or process of infusing.注入的动作或过程美国传统〔investigation〕The act or process of investigating.调查:调查的动作或过程美国传统〔involution〕The act of involving.卷入:卷入的动作美国传统〔iteration〕The act or an instance of iterating; repetition.重复:重复的动作或情况;重复美国传统〔jibe〕The act of jibing.使帆改变方向的动作美国传统〔kick〕The dancers kicked their legs in the air.舞蹈员做了空中踢腿的动作。牛津高阶〔lift〕The act or process of rising or raising to a higher position.上升:上升到或上升到较高位置的动作或过程美国传统〔lockup〕The act or an instance of locking.上锁:上锁的动作或上锁的一瞬时美国传统〔low comedy〕Comedy characterized by slapstick, burlesque, and horseplay.低级喜剧:以动作打闹,杂耍,胡闹为特色的喜剧美国传统〔manoeuvre〕Everyone had to concentrate for the complicated manoeuvre to work.每个人都必须集中精力才能完成这个复杂的动作。麦克米伦高阶〔nosedive〕Onlookers saw the plane go into a nosedive.旁观者看见飞机做了个俯冲动作。麦克米伦高阶〔pee〕An act of urination.撒尿的动作美国传统〔perfect〕Grammar Of, relating to, or constituting a verb form expressing action completed prior to a fixed point of reference in time.【语法】 完成的:属于、关于或构成表示在某一特定时间点已完成动作的动词时态的美国传统〔pesade〕The act or position of a horse when rearing on its hind legs with its forelegs in the air.腾空:当马的前蹄跃起在空中而后腿直立的动作或姿势美国传统〔play〕That was good play by Henman.亨曼的动作漂亮极了。麦克米伦高阶〔pretense〕The act of pretending; a false appearance or action intended to deceive.虚假,伪装:伪装的动作;欲想欺骗的虚假的外表或动作美国传统〔prime mover〕He was a prime mover in developing a new style of customer-friendly bookshops in the UK. 他对英国新式顾客友好型书店的发展起了很大的推动作用。剑桥高阶〔protection〕The act of protecting.保护的动作美国传统〔puddle〕There they sat, organized and efficient, while we puddled around our mismatched collection of mostly improvised camping gear.他们井然有序、动作高效地坐在那儿, 而我们则还在瞎摆弄那堆不成套的、多数是临时拼凑起来的露营工具。外研社新世纪〔punt〕A kick in which the ball is dropped from the hands and kicked before it touches the ground.踢:球从手中落下并在其触地之前的踢球动作美国传统〔puppetry〕The actions of puppets.木偶的动作美国传统〔put〕Sports An act of putting the shot.【体育运动】 推铅球:推铅球的动作美国传统〔regress〕The act of reasoning backward from an effect to a cause.逆向思维:从结果到原因的推理的动作美国传统〔reply〕A response by action or gesture.答复:作动作或手势的回复美国传统〔rhythm〕She never found her rhythm against the younger player.她一直觉得自己的动作节奏跟不上更年轻的选手。麦克米伦高阶〔ride〕The act or an instance of riding, as in a vehicle or on an animal.骑,乘:骑的动作或事例,例如乘车辆或动物美国传统〔riffle〕Games The act or an instance of shuffling cards.【游戏】 洗牌:洗牌的动作或例子美国传统〔roll〕A maneuver in which an airplane makes a single complete rotation about its longitudinal axis without changing direction or losing altitude.横滚,侧滚:飞机绕纵轴作的一个完全旋转且不改变飞行方向或高度的动作美国传统〔rough〕The centre forward of our school team was sent off the field by the referee for roughing.我们校队的中锋因动作粗野被裁判判罚出场。21世纪英汉〔scud〕The act of scudding.飞奔的动作美国传统〔service〕The food was good but the service was very slow.饭菜不错,但动作太慢。牛津高阶〔set〕Do two sets of ten repetitions.做两组十个重复动作。外研社新世纪〔skate〕He skated an exciting programme at the American Championships.他在美国锦标赛上滑出一组扣人心弦的动作。牛津高阶〔skip〕An act of passing over something; an omission.跳过,省略:越过某物的动作;省略美国传统〔slow motion〕Let's see the incident again in slow motion.让我们再看一遍这起事件的慢动作。麦克米伦高阶〔slowpoke〕One that moves, works, or acts slowly.行动迟缓的人:移动、工作或动作缓慢的人美国传统〔smooth〕She has a nice, smooth golf swing.她打高尔夫球的挥杆动作优美流畅。韦氏高阶〔snowplow〕Sports A maneuver in snow skiing in which the tips of the skis are brought together in order to slow or stop progress.【体育运动】 犁式制动:滑雪运动中的一种动作,滑雪板顶端并在一起来放慢速度或停止前进美国传统〔sounding〕The act of one that sounds.发声:发出声音的人或物的动作美国传统〔strain〕All that lifting is putting his back under severe strain.搬抬重物的动作使他的背部承受着极大的压力。麦克米伦高阶〔switch〕The act or process of operating a switching device.转换:操作开关或转换设施的动作或过程美国传统〔triple jump〕A distance jump in track and field consisting of a hop landing on the take-off foot, a stride landing on the other foot, and a jump landing on both feet.三级跳:田径远距离跳远,动作分解为一脚起跳、另一脚跨步、然后双脚同时跃起美国传统〔variety show〕A theatrical entertainment consisting of successive unrelated acts, such as songs, dances, and comedy skits.杂耍表演:一种戏剧上的娱乐,由连续的无关联的动作组成,如歌曲、舞蹈和喜剧讽刺短剧美国传统〔waff〕A waving or fluttering motion.摇动:摇动或挥动的动作美国传统〔waft〕The act of fluttering or waving.飘荡:飘动或舞动的动作美国传统〔wavelike〕She made a wavelike motion with her arms.她用手臂做了一个波浪形动作。韦氏高阶〔wind〕The act of winding.缠绕:缠绕的动作美国传统〔write〕Weariness is written in the slowness of his movements.慢吞吞的动作表明他已十分困乏。英汉大词典A good aerobics instructor will teach you the basic sequence of moves which you then simply repeat.好的有氧操指导会教你基本的动作顺序,接着你只要重复就行了。剑桥国际At one point the dancers flipped onto their backs and splayed their legs.舞蹈演员们的一个动作是从他们的背上翻跳过去,并展开双腿。剑桥国际Bedridden patients are often given exercises to help prevent their muscles from becoming stiff.卧床不起的病人需常做锻炼动作以防肌肉僵硬。剑桥国际Blinking is a mechanical action of the eyelids. 眨眼是眼睑的无意识动作。译典通Bring your leg slowly up to meet your head, controlling it all the time.慢慢抬腿到头部,始终控制住其动作。剑桥国际I'd like to thank the director, the choreographer and the other members of the company for being so supportive.我想对导演、舞蹈动作设计师和其他剧团成员的大力支持表示感谢。剑桥国际We've spent so much time together that we've picked up each other's mannerisms.我们相处的时间太长,以致养成了对方的习惯动作。剑桥国际




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