

单词 内服
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔apothecary〕One that prepares and sells drugs and other medicines; a pharmacist.药剂师:制药并销售药材及其它内服药剂的人;药剂师美国传统〔hydropathy〕Internal and external use of water as a therapeutic treatment for all forms of disease.水疗法:水的外用和内服,作为各种病症的治疗方法美国传统〔i.e.〕The medicine needs be taken for a short period of time; i.e., three to five days.这种药需要在短期内服用,即三到五天。韦氏高阶〔internally〕Evening primrose oil is used on the skin as well as taken internally.夜来香油既可外敷于皮肤也可以内服。柯林斯高阶〔internally〕This medicine is not to be taken internally.此药不可内服。文馨英汉〔internal〕The medicine is not for internal use.这种药不可内服。牛津高阶〔internal〕This medicine must not be taken internally.此药不得内服。朗文当代〔mezereon〕The dried bark of this plant, formerly used externally as a vesicant and internally for arthritis.瑞香皮:这种植物晒干的树皮,从前曾外用作发疱剂,内服治疗关节炎美国传统〔paregoric〕A camphorated tincture of opium, taken internally for the relief of diarrhea and intestinal pain.复方樟脑酊,止痛剂:一种用于缓解腹泻和肠痛的含樟脑的内服鸦片酊剂美国传统〔period〕The medication is prescribed for a fixed period of time.开的药只适合在固定的一段时间内服用。牛津搭配〔stomachic〕An agent, such as a medicine, that strengthens or stimulates the stomach.健胃剂,开胃剂:一种化学药剂,如内服药,能够加强胃功能或促进胃消化美国传统〔take〕Not to be taken internally.(药瓶等标签用语)非内服药。英汉大词典〔water cure〕Hydropathy or hydrotherapy.水疗法:内服或外用水治疗疾病的方法美国传统This medicine is for external use only and should not be taken internally.这药只供外用,不能内服。剑桥国际




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