

单词 划定
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔A〕The film was originally classified as an A.这部影片起初被划定为A级。外研社新世纪〔allocate〕We're not saying that these sites should be allocated for development.我们并不是说这些地点应该划定为开发区。麦克米伦高阶〔artificial〕The country's borders are artificial, and were set with no consideration for the various ethnic groups in the region.那个国家的边界是人为划定的,当时没有考虑到那个地区的各个族群。韦氏高阶〔bay〕Visitors must park their cars in the marked bays.来访者必须把车停在划定的区域内。剑桥高阶〔beauty〕The woods were designated an area of outstanding natural beauty.这片森林被划定为超级自然美景区。牛津高阶〔border〕After the war the national boundaries were redrawn.战后重新划定了国界。牛津高阶〔categorize〕Three quarters of the factory buildings are categorized as obsolete.四分之三的厂房被划定为陈旧建筑物。英汉大词典〔circuit〕The area or district thus covered, especially a territory under the jurisdiction of a judge in which periodic court sessions are held.法庭巡回区:划定的地区或区域,特指在由法官裁决的周期性开庭的地区美国传统〔delimit〕Police powers are delimited by law.警察的权限是由法律来划定的。剑桥高阶〔delineate〕The boundaries in the area remained to be delineated.这一地区的界线尚待划定。英汉大词典〔demarcate〕A special UN commission was formed to demarcate the border.联合国成立了一个特别委员会来划定边界。外研社新世纪〔demarcate〕A special UN commission was formed to demarcate the border.联合国成立了一个特别委员会来划定边界。柯林斯高阶〔demarcation〕Talks were continuing about the demarcation of the border between the two countries.关于两国之间边界划定问题的谈判仍在继续。柯林斯高阶〔demarcation〕Talks were continuing about the demarcation of the border between the two countries.有关两国之间边界划定问题的谈判仍在继续。外研社新世纪〔designate〕They officially designated the area (as) unsuitable for human habitation.他们把这个地区正式划定为不适合人类居住的区域。剑桥高阶〔designate〕This area of the park has been specially designated for children.公园的这个区域被划定为儿童活动区。剑桥高阶〔determination〕The determination of the property lines was required before the sale.房地产在出售前需要划定界线。英汉大词典〔determine〕The river determined the edge of the property.那条河划定了这块地产的界线。外研社新世纪〔directive〕The directive requires member states to designate sites of special scientific interest.指令要求成员国划定特别科学兴趣保护区。牛津搭配〔impose〕People did not accept these national borders which had been arbitrarily imposed.民众不接受这些以蛮横方式强行划定的国界。牛津搭配〔isogloss〕A geographic boundary line delimiting the area in which a given linguistic feature occurs.等语线,同言线:划定具有特定的一个语言特征的区域界限的地理边界线美国传统〔line〕Where do you draw the line between perfectionism and obsessiveness?你如何划定完美主义和强迫症之间的界线?外研社新世纪〔nudism〕There are no nudist areas and topless sunbathing is only allowed on a few beaches.并未为裸体主义者划定专用区域,并且仅有几个海滩允许无上装日光浴。柯林斯高阶〔nudist〕There are no nudist areas and topless sunbathing is only allowed on a few beaches.并未为裸体主义者划定专用区域, 并且仅有几个海滩允许无上装日光浴。外研社新世纪〔park〕The mountain has been designated as a national park.这座山已被划定为国家公园。牛津搭配〔plot〕New factory's district is all plotted out.新厂区的范围都已划定。21世纪英汉〔plot〕New residential districts are all plotted out.新居住区的范围都已划定。英汉大词典〔poverty line〕The most common way of measuring poverty today is to use an income-based poverty line and ascertain the numbers below it.如今衡量贫困最常用的方法是划定一条基于收入的贫困线, 并确定有多少人收入在此之下。外研社新世纪〔proceed〕Now that our plans are settled, let us proceed.既然我们的计划定了,我们就着手做起来吧。英汉大词典〔redraw〕After the war the map of Europe was redrawn.战后,欧洲版图被重新划定。牛津高阶〔redraw〕The map of post-war Europe was redrawn.战后欧洲的版图被重新划定。柯林斯高阶〔redraw〕They have redrawn the country's boundaries along ethnic lines.他们已经按照民族界线重新划定了国家的边界。柯林斯高阶〔route〕My son has a newspaper route. He delivers the morning paper.我儿子有划定的送报地区。 他送晨报。英汉大词典〔triangulation〕The network of triangles so laid out.三角系(或网):做三角测量时划定的三角形构成的网络美国传统〔wilderness〕The trail passes through a federally designated wilderness.这条小路途经联邦政府划定的荒野区。牛津搭配〔zone〕The town centre was zoned for office development.镇中心被划定为写字楼开发区。牛津高阶〔zone〕This stretch of coast has been designated a danger zone.这段海岸已被划定为危险地带。剑桥高阶New residential districts are all plotted out. 新居住区的地块都已划定。译典通Police powers are delimited by law.警察的权限由法律划定。剑桥国际The boundary is not clearly defined. 这疆界没有明确划定。译典通




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