

单词 八百
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔EARN〕Walmax, a California superstore, grosses more than eight million dollars annually. 沃玛克斯是加州的一家超级市场,每年总利润有八百多万美元。朗文写作活用〔ORGANIZE〕The city is a sprawling chaotic metropolis of some eight million residents. 这是一个杂乱无章地扩展的大都市,有八百万左右的人口。朗文写作活用〔between〕She earned between 500 and 800 dollars a week.她一星期赚的钱在五百美元到八百美元之间。文馨英汉〔bid〕She bid a good price [eight hundred dollars] for the portrait.她出高价[八百美元]买那幅画像。文馨英汉〔calculation〕By some calculations, the population will reach 8 million soon.据一些人估算,人口很快将达到八百万。朗文当代〔dense〕Water is eight hundred times denser than air.水的密度是空气的八百倍。朗文当代〔earnest〕You may laugh but I'm in deadly earnest.你可以笑,不过我可是正经八百的。牛津高阶〔population〕The population of New York City is over eight million.纽约市人口已超过八百万。韦氏高阶〔relationship〕Have you had any serious relationships in the past year? 过去一年中你有没有正经八百地同谁谈过恋爱?剑桥高阶〔rent〕He rented the house to us at $800 a month.他以每月八百美元把那栋房子租给我们。文馨英汉She got eight million dollars for appearing in that film.在那部影片中出演角色,她得了八百万美元。剑桥国际The school has an enrolment of 800 students. 该学校有八百名学生注册。译典通The theater has a seating capacity of 800. 这个剧场可容纳八百名观众。译典通




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