

单词 凿出
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔chip〕chip out massive temples with stone tools 用石器凿出巨大的庙宇英汉大词典〔gouge〕a muddy gouge in the ground. 地上凿出的泥坑柯林斯高阶〔groove〕a shallow groove cut into the cliff 悬崖上凿出的一道浅槽朗文当代〔hew〕ancient caves hewn from the rock从岩石中凿出的古代洞穴外研社新世纪〔hew〕medieval monasteries hewn out of the rock face在岩面上凿出的中世纪修道院外研社新世纪〔hew〕medieval monasteries hewn out of the rockface. 在岩壁上凿出的中世纪修道院柯林斯高阶〔hew〕the rock from which the lower chambers and subterranean passageways have been hewn. 开凿出下闸室和地下通道的岩石柯林斯高阶〔peck〕figures pecked into the rock 在岩石上凿出的图形英汉大词典〔rough-hew〕rough-hew a statue out of a block of marble 从一块大理石凿出塑像的毛坯英汉大词典




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