

单词 冠以
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Ra〕The ancient Egyptian sun god, the supreme deity represented as a man with the head of a hawk crowned with a solar disk and uraeus.太阳神:古埃及的太阳神,是最高神祗,被描绘为一鹰头男子,冠以一太阳圆盘和蛇盔美国传统〔brand〕The men were branded liars by the judge.这些人被法官冠以说谎者的污名。麦克米伦高阶〔butcher〕The surgeon was branded a 'butcher' after a series of botched operations.那个医生在一系列拙劣的手术后被冠以“屠夫”的名号。外研社新世纪〔cornice〕To supply, decorate, or finish with or as if with a cornice.给…装上檐口:用或好象是用檐口来支撑、装饰或冠以檐口或类似檐口的东西美国传统〔epithet〕The singer's 104-kilo frame earned him the epithet of "Man Mountain" in the press.这位歌剧演员身躯魁梧,体重104公斤,新闻报道中他的名前因此而被冠以“巨人”的称号。剑桥高阶〔headline〕The story was headlined ‘The Penalties of Leadership'.这篇报道被冠以“领导权的处罚”的标题。麦克米伦高阶〔label〕One sometimes feels that the label 'classic' is applied to any book that is dull.人们有时候感觉任何沉闷的书都可以被冠以“古典”二字。牛津搭配〔leper〕The newspaper article had branded her a social leper not fit to be seen in company.报上的文章给她冠以“社交弃儿”之名, 说谁都无法与她为伍。外研社新世纪〔leper〕The newspaper article had branded her a social leper not fit to be seen in company.报纸上的这篇文章给她冠以“社交毒药”之名,称人皆不宜与其为伍。柯林斯高阶〔nickname〕Which newspaper was once nicknamed The Thunderer?哪家报纸曾经被冠以“怒吼者”的诨名?外研社新世纪Each product line is sold under a different family brand.每个产品系列都是冠以不同的家族品牌出售的。牛津商务




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